Chapter 318 Punishment
"Actually, I'm more anxious than you guys, but I absolutely can't be so eager for quick success. If it wasn't for Xu Huang and Xiahou Cheng who didn't listen to my orders, how could they have caused such a catastrophe!"

"From today onwards, the military order is like a mountain. If anyone does not obey the military order, no matter what happens, they will be killed and the nine clans will be punished!"

Cao Pi's face was so angry that he knew very well in his heart that this matter had a lot to do with the military order?

Disciplining them is not very strict on weekdays, otherwise how could they make such a big mistake.

The most incomprehensible thing for him also made him feel very distressed. It was an army of [-]. It would be so difficult to gather another [-] troops now.

Everyone knows that the war is raging now, and there are very few soldiers and horses that can be found.

Actually lost so much at this time.

Fang Jie's face turned cold, and he said shamelessly, "I am responsible for the whole thing. If I had supervised Xu Huang and Xia Houcheng a little more, I wouldn't have made the big mistake I made today."

"If there is anything wrong, you can completely blame me. Even if it is punishment, just punish me alone. There is no need to punish others."

"It's not necessary? Why is it not necessary? From now on, all soldiers are not allowed to eat anything or drink a drop of water within three days."

"Not only that, but no matter what happens, the first thing to do is the military discipline of the army. From now on, whoever violates the military discipline will be killed without mercy!"

As the saying goes, military orders are like mountains. When Cao Pi said this sentence, no one refuted it.

Even Pang De and Man Chong, who were standing aside, didn't dare to say a word. Although he was a civil servant, he knew that he could give them a little lesson by taking this opportunity.

If not, what if you make mistakes in the future?
So don't you know their small thoughts? There is a big difference between civil servants and generals, but in fact, they just hope that they can obey the orders of the lord.

Normally, Xu Huang and Xiahou were called two people, but they didn't take Cao Pi seriously at all. Now that they have suffered such a big loss, they deserve it.

At this moment, Man Chong nodded and agreed.

"I think Cao Pi is very right about this matter, and I especially agree with it. If it weren't for their wanton self-assertion, how could they make such a big mistake today."

"We must take advantage of this opportunity to make an example to the monkeys and let them know that if they disobey the military order in the future, they will never be let go."

"And Fang Jie, don't plead for them. Now that they have been given three days, I don't think it's too much."

Fang Jie shook his head helplessly, saying that there was no way for them to listen.

Now [-] troops have been lost, and if all of these people are on their foreheads for three days, Sima Yi suddenly strikes.

But at that time we didn't have any ability to resist, and at this time, not only did we not have any consideration, we didn't even think of a way to find those dead soldiers and bury them.

Similarly, they are also flesh and blood. If they do this, it seems that these soldiers are not taken seriously at all.

It's just that he is regarded as a pawn, and they also have their own thoughts.

What will they do in their hearts when they learn about this?Fang Jie always believed in this matter, but in fact he had already lost popular support.

As the saying goes, those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and the so-called hearts of the people mean that they have been assisting them all the time.

Fang Jie immediately stepped forward and tried to persuade him, "This matter needs to be carefully considered. Now that the matter has already happened, and both Xia Houcheng and Xu Huang have paid a very high price."

"I even lost my own life. Is it a little too much for us to punish other soldiers at this time? Don't worry."

"In the future, we only need to set a rule. If anyone violates it, we will kill him. Like what you said just now, I think it is okay. As for starving for three days, there is no need to do so."

"We don't even give them water, which really feels a bit too much. We stand on the battlefield and put our heads on our belts every day. We may not be able to see the sun tomorrow anytime, anywhere."

"So at this time, we have to unite with each other even more. If we press each other hard, it will only make them rebel."

But now, Fang Jie's words to persuade Cao Pi didn't work at all. Cao Pi felt that everything was because Fang Jie had been too indulgent to them.

At this moment, Cao Pi turned around and said coldly: "You don't need to continue persuading these things, I have already made a decision."

"Also, if there is nothing else, after you go back, make them obey the current military discipline. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to them!"

"Don't look at them as generals. They are all wielding swords and guns on weekdays, and they don't remember anything at all, but what they did today must make them suffer. And this matter, don't you think you have no responsibility? Yet?"

"On weekdays, Xu Huang and Xiahou said two people are by your side, and now they have disappeared for such a long time, you don't even know they are gone."

"How could you not get any news? The [-] army is very large. You have to do some self-examination first."

Cao Pi only had gains and losses in his eyes, only the victory and defeat of the war, and he had no other thoughts at all.

Now I can't stop thinking about how happy Sima Yi is, and what Zhuge Liang thinks about himself.

I didn't expect to make such a mistake today. Is it possible that the Kingdom of Shu is really going to rule the world?

Cao Pi sat down slowly by himself. Seeing his current appearance, all civil and military officials did not dare to continue speaking.

Then he retreated towards the outside, and it seemed that Xu Shu's nearest Hanzhong was not as good as he imagined.

Managing Hanzhong is a very important responsibility. The things we deal with on weekdays are very big, but there will be a lot of troubles from time to time.

So far, troubles have followed one another, as if someone was doing it on purpose.

All of them appeared in my mind. Facing these things, although I looked like a civil servant with a smart mind, there were actually too many of them.

Xu Shu has also been thinking of a way, hoping to deal with everything quickly.

Pound is not as good as he imagined, and it is very important to guard some cities in Hanzhong South County.

As long as you keep them all in your hands, there will be absolutely no problems in Hanzhong.

But once he lost control, it would be a very simple matter to capture Hanzhong. Fang Jie trusted him very much.

Putting Pound there directly, I didn't expect that Xu Huang and Xiahou said that they had such a big problem today.

(End of this chapter)

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