Chapter 337 Sending Letters
Zhang Yi also withdrew towards the other side, only to see that he had all returned to the city.

But now Xiping is standing in the middle, as long as he wants to attack from the other side, he knows that he will definitely come to help. Now the main thing is to see who is attacking and suddenly there are Qiang people.

Everyone was naturally very nervous, and it was already a relatively difficult battle.

Even Fang Jie and Zhuge Liang have all come here, but they didn't expect the speed of the Qiang people to be much faster than they thought.

Fang Jie frowned slightly, and said to himself, "I'm afraid this matter is not as simple as imagined. Who wouldn't want to do something to reap the benefits of a fisherman?"

"They knew better in their hearts that they should have come out long ago, but there has been no movement. They are nothing more than waiting for an opportunity."

"The present opportunity is right in front of them, who wouldn't want to cherish it? There is another thing. I understand that the most important and worrying thing in their hearts is once we attack Zhuge Liang. "

"At this moment, they will help us without hesitation. In the end, the two armies will attack. Although Zhuge Liang has already been defeated, we will also be injured. In a grand manner, it is the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole, beheading us all. This abacus is really good.”

The corners of Fang Jie's mouth rose slightly, the opportunity was in front of him, who would give it up?
But he would never act recklessly like this. At this time, Fang Jie decided to hold back for the time being and see what the Qiang people's plan is.

At this time, how long is it that they can calm down the emotion in their hearts, the Qiang people don't have any cities.

Fang Jie and Zhuge Liang belonged to the area around here, and there seemed to be no place to set up camp. After careful calculation, they finally decided to stay in the middle of the battle between the two armies.

At this time, he set up some simpler tents to live in. His purpose was to see who would fight first and who would work harder.

Although they have fought against each other before, in fact, it's all about patience and strength, and it depends on whose methods are much better.

So naturally they were unwilling to give up, and the Qiang people retreated step by step, moving back ten miles, preparing to set up camp here.

When they were getting ready, they saw Zhuge Liang directly sending someone over to deliver a letter.

As the saying goes, if there is one more enemy in this situation, it is really not as good as one more friend.

Zhuge Liang was a very smart person, so he naturally thought that with his current strength, it would not be so easy to kill Fang Jie directly.

Although there is Sima Yi by his side, it is still a little bit of suffering. Rather than reaping the benefits of being a fisherman, it is better for the two of them to join forces. Now that Fang Jie is killed first, it is very important for the remaining Qiang people to deal with them. simple things.

These people are very small, compared to less than one-fifth of their number, so Zhuge Liang decided to cooperate with them.

Seeing a letter sent by Zhuge Liang, the Qiang people put Xin into the brazier without even reading it.

Then he said arrogantly: "Does he want to join forces with me just by relying on his current ability? It also depends on whether I agree to this matter. What the hell is Zhuge Liang doing!"

"It's nothing more than a big skill. Even after fighting against Fang Jie for such a long time, I haven't won a single Xiping."

"It's just a small city. It was finally in my hands, but it was lost all of a sudden. Don't you feel ashamed if it goes on like this?"

"There is also Fang Jie's empty city plan, which everyone can understand, but he didn't expect to sing so well that he deceived them all."

From the beginning to now, the Qiang people have never put Zhuge Liang in their eyes at all.

He felt that Zhuge Liang was not suitable for his opponent at all. This time he summoned so many soldiers and horses, but he had to reorganize for a long time.

If it weren't for his weaker ability, Fang Jie would have already dealt with them.

And those battles between them, until now, I have clearly seen in my eyes, so it is not easy or easy for anyone to become an opponent.

As soon as the voice fell, he looked to the other side, and he was even more looking forward to seeing how Fang Jie viewed this matter.

Soon the Qiang people sent people directly to spread the matter of Zhuge Liang sending the letter.

But at this moment Fang Jie frowned slightly when he learned about it, seeing his worried look.

Sun Li walked over without hesitation.

"Fang Jie, why don't we go to the Qiang people to discuss this matter. After all, it was just an accident to come here, but we never thought that so many things would happen."

"If we don't make a move, we will be the ones who will suffer in the end. Once Zhuge Liang really joins forces with him, I think it will be a very simple matter to kill us."

"You also know that until now, Xiping is not very powerful at all, and his city is very weak. It is very easy to capture him, and he is not an easy to defend and difficult to attack. "

Indeed, the city of Xiping is not as important as he imagined, but if Xiping is lost, it is very likely that Wudu will be lost in the end, and many cities will be lost.

So at this time, no matter how much you criticize, you must never discard it.

Fang Jie shook his head and sighed, "Actually, I've also thought about the things you said. If we give up Xiping now and return to Wudu, what can we do? Can we last for a few days?"

"They will go there in one fell swoop and annihilate us directly. They will never miss this opportunity. Do you know that once Xiping is lost now, it will be very easy to lose Wudu in the end."

"At that time, it will be very difficult for our soldiers and horses to come."

Yes, Xiping is an unimportant position, but if they want to get other cities here, they must first snatch Xiping. If there is no way, these things are very difficult.

Turning around, he realized the most important thing. Sun Li had a worried look on his face, and he didn't seem to be any better than Fang Jie.

"Actually, I have thought about it, but Xiping is too difficult. This city is also very important to us. Of course, I don't want to see him lose it with my own eyes."

"Once Zhuge Liang reaches an agreement with the Qiang people, we may be the ones who will suffer in the end. I don't know what the Qiang people think."

The corner of Fang Jie's mouth rose slightly, and he said with a half-smile: "Don't worry, since the Qiang people have come here, no matter whether he joins forces with Zhuge Liang or not, we will be the ones who attack in the end, because we are the most difficult bone to crack. , he will never miss this opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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