Chapter 342 Retreat
And everyone can see it even more, this time many people seem to have given up their lives.

He couldn't care less about it for a long time, and slashed at Fang Jie fiercely.

Fang Jie intensified his efforts, and with one strike, a person's arms were cut off.

This life would be worse than death, lying on the ground and crying.

Fang Jie used this saber technique to start beheading all of these people. In just a few breaths, more than 20 people appeared on the ground.

Seeing them now, of course, is terrified.

After these people glanced at each other, as if they were cheering each other up, they rushed over again.


After finishing the words, the corners of Fang Jie's mouth rose slightly, and he chopped off the man's head with a knife.

After beheading five people in this way, he never dared to rush forward again, and would rather be dealt with by military law after returning home than suffer this kind of ordeal, and it was simply too terrifying.

The Shijian on the other side is not much worse than Fang Jie, with very fast strength and speed, although it is not Fang Jie's opponent.

But it is a very simple matter to kill them.

Now that these people rush over, they won't get anything, and they will lose their own lives in the end.

Everyone retreated one after another, naturally they were particularly afraid.

Seeing the situation in front of them, the Qiang said helplessly, "Retreat."

Finally hearing the word retreat, Zhuge Liang, who was hiding in the dark, frowned tightly, like a bunch of waste.

When I first cooperated with him, I already guessed at that time that he was no match for these people at all.

They don't have that ability and ability, and it is even more clear now that this kind of thing happened, there will be absolutely nothing between them.

"These people are like idiots. They have already guessed that they are not Fang Jie's opponents. They can't hold on for such a short period of time. Moreover, there are only two of them. They have already been beaten before the army rushed over. back."

"So what if such a person has an army of 50 now, it's like a mess."

Now that they were retreating, Fang Jie and Shi Jian laughed at each other. Sun Li, who was standing aside, was very proud. He didn't expect that today would really open his eyes.

All the soldiers admired the two of them even more when they went back. At this moment, they only saw Man Chong coming from the other side.

Man Chong has been here for a long time, has been waiting for military orders, and is also a very smart person.

No matter what you do, the first thing you consider is particularly comprehensive, but I didn't expect that many people would encounter difficulties at this time.

Man Chong came here pretending to seek refuge with Xu Shu, the relationship between the two has always been very good, but at this moment Xu Shu suddenly discovered something, perhaps Man Chong came here, which aroused Mi Zhu's objection.

It made Mi Zhu feel that he had another helper, and he had nothing. How could there be three soldiers in two cities?
Among these three people, it's like you are fighting for each other, but in fact, the smartest person is still full of favor.

Man Chong pretended to surrender and remained under Xu Shu's hand.

Mi Zhu, who was standing aside, saw this incident and felt very angry in his heart, so he directly mentioned this incident to Cao Pi.

"I don't think it is necessary to keep three generals in a city. If Fang Jie in front really needs soldiers, he can send me there."

"You can also let Xu Shu and Man Chong go. All three of us stayed in Chengdu. If we don't go to the city we are going to guard next, then we are useless at all."

Cao Pi shook his head and denied it: "Do you know that you are just civil servants, so many of our civil and military officials and common people are here, and it is just a matter of generals, and you will not be of much help there. busy."

"On the contrary, it will cause trouble for them. I advise you to stay in Chengdu. The three of you stay in Chengdu. This is Fang Jie's original intention."

"Man Chong just came here, and he doesn't understand many things. If you and Man Chong have all left at this time, what should he do next?"

Just because I am a civil servant, I have to stay in Chengdu and cannot go to the front battlefields.

The things that civil officials do every day are completely different from those of military generals. Military generals have a straightforward personality and fight and kill. It is a very simple thing.

But civil servants need to plan every day how to manage the court, the people and the harem.

At the moment when the big and small visits were in front of him, there were all kinds of calculations every day, and when he knew that these things happened, he felt very aggrieved in his heart.

But at the same time, this matter soon spread to Man Chong's swollen ears, and soon Man Chong and Xu Shu proposed this matter.

"Have you heard that a few days ago, Mi Zhu unexpectedly went to Cao Pi to read a book, and wanted to transfer you and me to the barracks on the front line. You and I both know that we are civil servants, and we don't understand some things about war. matter."

"What's the use of transferring us there? I think he wants us to die. Where is his conscience?"

Xu Shu also just heard about this matter this morning. When he came back, he ran into Man Chong and mentioned this matter.

I was naturally very angry, and said angrily: "Of course I know what he thinks the most clearly, and I have already guessed that he just wants the two of us to leave."

"He is the only one left to assist Cao Pi, so the whole world belongs to him. Fang Jie stayed on the battlefield ahead. Until now, the battle in Xiping has not yet ended."

"You and I both understand that the real civil servants here are only the three of us who are more powerful, and the rest of them don't do anything at all."

"Does he want us to disperse all the forces by separating us now?"

"Perhaps he is not as simple as we imagined. Was it Zhuge Liang who sent him here?"

Man Chong understands that the relationship between Mi Zhu and Xu Shu is very bad on weekdays.

If you fan the flames a little at this time, you can imagine what will happen next, and you can know it without using your own brain.

But at this moment, Xu Shu's face gradually darkened, and he said angrily: "I have already guessed it, so I have been secretly sending people to monitor him."

"But don't worry, if there is any movement on which side, we will definitely receive it as soon as possible. I told Mi Zhu not to dare to do anything, even if it was sent by Zhuge Liang, so what?"

"It's hard to come here. With today's position, he will never dare to act rashly. If he loses his current ability, he will be killed by others after returning. His current purpose is nothing more than passing news. .”

(End of this chapter)

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