Chapter 356 Departure
"And let me believe you, are you really a trustworthy person? If I am attacking, if you don't have any news from the rear, wouldn't you send me to the front line, those soldiers under me, How do I give them an explanation?"

A word like a needle directly stimulated Yu Jin's heart, and he was naturally very helpless.

Since coming here, everyone has been targeting themselves. Although they have already thought about today's results, they are also mentally prepared.

But when it happened, it still made him feel a little bit heartbroken.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens to my father-in-law, even if I die in Zhuge Liang's barracks, I will never betray you, and I will give you a little news and clues, even if I was captured , which task I have to complete today."

The moment the voice fell, Yu Jin walked towards the outside. Now he only ordered 2000 soldiers, and it would be a very dangerous thing to take these 2000 people out.

Fang Jie shook his head helplessly, and didn't say anything about them. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and this sentence is very true.

But Fang Jie absolutely does not allow the two of them to fight inside, once the matter is over, he must criticize them no matter what.

At the same time, Fang Jie used these two hours to contact Xiao Wang, and told him early on that he would be escorted and restrained, and that he was absolutely not allowed to be in any danger.

Not only that, but he also had to escort them all out safely. The moment Xiao Wang received the news, he couldn't figure it out.

It was with great difficulty that I stayed by Zhuge Liang's side and gained her trust.

At this time, Fang Jie actually told himself that he had completed the task and could go back. Wouldn't his many years of forbearance be in vain?
There is no way, because the time is too tight, and it is also very hasty, there are only two hours.

It was impossible to get in touch with Fang Jie at all, so he could only obey all the orders, at the moment when Yu Jin was about to lead the army and was about to leave.

Fang Jie patted him on the shoulder, led him along, and gave her a token.

"You keep this token well. When you arrive at Zhuge Liang's barracks, you will see exactly the same token as him. This person is the one who escorted you, and he will lead you to successfully ignite everything inside."

"I will also take you to quickly evacuate inside. Wherever you go today, whatever happens, you must trust him wholeheartedly."

"Because I sent him to Zhuge Liang's side, and I also asked you to bring him out to me."

"Don't worry, I understand that I know what I should do next, and I will never let you down. I will definitely bring him to you safely."

"I put him in your hands. I am very relieved. He is very important to me. After so many years, without him, our world will not exist at all, so I definitely don't like him. Injuries will be allowed."

"Also, you must come back alive for me. No matter whether today's task can be completed or not, don't be arrogant. The most important thing is to ensure your safety, understand?"

"Once the task fails and cannot be completed, remember, the signal is the first. After the signal is sent at this time, I will immediately send someone to rescue you. Here I have ordered [-] troops as a follow-up army. Whether it is reinforcement Zhang Ren, I will reinforce you."

"I don't allow you to suffer any harm. Whether this matter succeeds or fails, it must be safe."

When Yu Jin came here, he just felt like an outsider, never recognized by anyone.

Although he has already made up his mind, this time is his chance, the only chance, he must grasp it well, and he will never let Fang Jie down.

At the moment when he was about to leave, he never thought that Fang Jie would say such trusting words to him, these few words deeply touched his heart.

Once again, he proved himself that he never mistrusted him, and also knew that if he wanted to follow Fang Jie, the future would be promising.

As the so-called princess in the world believes that he is the only one who can do it.

If it is a person like Zhuge Liang, it is simply unacceptable, and their hearts are too selfish.

He didn't take the life and death of the people as a matter at all, otherwise how could he think of the flooding of Chengdu.

Haven't you thought that the people here will definitely be flooded in a very miserable way?
Yu Jin nodded and promised, "Don't worry, I know what I should do, and I will never let you down."


The two nodded and walked outside. Now it was too late to say anything.

The moment Yu Jin rushed out first, Fang Jie told Zhang Ren to wait.

It means that after Jin really arrived there, when Xiao Wang had already received him, it was already too late to do it.

At this moment, Zhang Ren had already ordered his troops in order, and now he almost opened the city gate and set off.

Everyone was very excited in their hearts, only to see that a full half of the incense stick time had passed.

Zhang Ren glanced at Fang Jie, who stood on the city wall and nodded.

"Let's go, pay attention to safety."

Zhang Ren rushed out with his soldiers.

When Zhan Gu thought about it, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi never thought of it. Could it be that the phrase that the rabbit bites people in a hurry has already appeared in front of Fang Jie?
Just because the moment he flooded Chengdu, he couldn't hold back his temper and even sent someone to directly attack the city.

It's too ridiculous for him to come here and want to kill himself with his 30 army.

Zhuge Liang has 50 soldiers and horses in his hands, and there are 50 soldiers in the boa constrictor. Although the two of them joined forces and failed.

But he never said that he would end this cooperation, so as long as he sends out the signal, I believe that the boa constrictor will rush over without hesitation.

His idea is that he must kill Fang Jie all the time. This is a great opportunity.

The moment Zhuge Liang learned that Fang Jie was rushing over, Zhuge Liang stood on the city wall and said with a proud smile.

"I didn't expect Fang Jie to have such great courage to send you here. This is clearly for you to die."

"I asked you to order troops. Only 30 people came here. Have you never heard that I have 50 troops? It's a joke!"

Zhang Ren frowned slightly, and said disdainfully: "Stop talking nonsense, no matter how many soldiers I have, now you actually send people to block the canal."

"Flooding Chengdu, this incident is something that the world is not ashamed to do. Haven't you ever thought that what you did could directly harm the people in Chengdu? Let me tell you today I’m here to do justice for the heavens.”

(End of this chapter)

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