Chapter 361 Don't Understand

Xiao Wang walked out directly, ordered five thousand soldiers to bring these people into the forest, and there were some cliffs, and walked all the places around Chengdu that could grow black nightshade.

With these soldiers, all the nightshade was brought back.

These soldiers in the barracks were very curious. We didn't fight or do anything.

There is no sneak attack, no strategy and layout, just keep collecting these nightshade, and the soldiers have never seen it before. Most of them used datura in the past, and the effect was very good.

The moment the nightshade was collected, the doctors all stared at themselves.

Since Xiao Wang came back, everyone actually had a little bit of suspicion in their hearts, whether it was Fang Jie's secret work, or he really trusted us.

It's just that Yu Jin came here just now, but she came here again all of a sudden, isn't this a bit too strange?
Why are there so many outsiders in the barracks, and everyone has a bad feeling in their hearts, Xiao Wang slowly piled up these black nightshades.

He also directly called Yu Jin to come in. Now that he has done something wrong, he is also his left general.

Now let him lead the army to fight, this is the best opportunity.

Fang Jie called him in front of him and ordered: "There is one thing you need to do here, and that is two hours later, if you beat the drums at this time, I will let you take all the soldiers to attack Zhuge Liang's city."

"You don't need to take him down, you just need to fight harder with them. Remember, if you find that we have casualties, choose to retreat immediately."

"After coming back to rest for three hours, I was attacking, and I continued to attack back and forth."

"Is the wheel battle right? If such a tactic is used, there will be a lot of casualties, and it will be very disadvantageous for us. Why not choose other ones?"

"There are many canyons here, and there are many ways to do it. If we face it directly like this now, I am afraid that both of us will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred."

"This is the ending. Don't worry about it. I've already arranged everything. Zhuge Liang will remember this tactic with fear."

"For the first time, you will lead the team to attack him. After you come back to repair for three hours, three of these hours."

"I will let Pound continue to attack, but Zheng Ren and the three of you take turns. Each of you only leads 20 troops."

Added together, it was an army of 60. The 60 rushed forward in turn, and started fighting with Zhuge Liang for three days and three nights.

So far, the soldiers have not had a good rest, only to see that all the mandalas and nightshade of our army have been used.

Moreover, everyone is very nervous and very busy, and there is a lot of fighting outside.

Now the people inside are also very scared, and this sudden war naturally feels very scary to me.

"It's really weird. I've heard Fang Jie say for a long time that he would never attack Zhuge Liang. If the attack continues like this, won't anyone on our side be able to survive?"

"And it has been fighting for three days and three nights. These soldiers have never rested. No matter whether they are iron-like soldiers, I am afraid they will not be able to survive. What is going on, and their plan has nothing at all. deployment."

"Could it be true that we are no longer planning to own this city, or that we are already ready to fight with the Kingdom of Shu? I think the people we are most pitiful for now are these ordinary people. Otherwise, let's leave here and flee to other places."

"I don't want to escape. I've been here since I was a child, and this is my home. Even if I escape to another place, what can I do? It's not like living a life full of war every day."

"Instead of being like that, I might as well stay here. Don't think so. Although this place is very important to us, as the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about not having barbecued pork. Why do you have to live where you are?"

"The most important thing now is to ensure my own life, and carefully look at the extent to which the soldiers in front have fought."

The battle ahead is naturally very tense, and those soldiers have already shed blood like rivers, everyone is extremely terrified.

Only a small part of those people left here, and there were others who were unwilling to leave here.

As time passed, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi kept thinking that it had been three days and three nights since the sudden sound of the war drum.

It also makes me feel very lucky, and the Qiang people are also eyeing them, seeing why they are so impulsive.

In the past, no matter what Fang Jie did, he liked to minimize his losses.

Never being so impulsive, Sima Yi frowned slightly, always feeling that this matter was a little bit difficult.

Then he said: "Otherwise we would send someone to investigate this matter carefully, and now we have been fighting for three days and three nights."

"I don't believe that they don't feel any fatigue. It feels like only Fang Jie can think of this kind of wheel battle."

"I've always heard that Fang Jie is a very smart person, and I felt extraordinary even when I fought against him twice, but I didn't expect that this time he would be so stupid. If I were him, I would definitely not do this .”

"What will you do? Have you ever thought about what his intentions are? Today's round-the-clock battle is very serious for us, so what about him? How can it be better?"

"As the saying goes, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry. Is it possible that Cao Pi can't hold back his temper now, and can't wait to give Fang Jie the final order to attack?"

"That's why he did this kind of thing in no way. Based on my understanding of Fang Jie, he would never be so stupid to attack first, and he didn't have any preparations, so he just kept attacking."

"Facing the things between Cao Pi and Fang Jie, I'm really a little bit uncertain. Many people say that Cao Pi trusts Fang Jie very much and teaches her to do everything. "

"I definitely won't have any thoughts. I think we should send someone to investigate carefully. After all, Fang Jie still has our people around."

They are not the only ones who have meticulous work. Zhuge Liang has already sent his people to Fang Jie's barracks, and the arrangements have already been made.

Now the moment things are in front of us, it's almost time to act.

The moment he started to send out the signal, he discovered his secret work, and even told him that he didn't know anything at all.

The only order I got was to take turns attacking them every 20 troops at the beginning of three hours.

Now many people in Chengdu have been injured, and everyone has been busy treating them.

(End of this chapter)

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