"Little sister, are you feeling better? Drink some water."

In the private room, seeing Shen Mingzhu turning pale from vomiting, Shen Xiangnan hurriedly brought her a cup of hot tea.

Shen Mingzhu took the tea, rinsed her mouth, and ordered the foreman Ma Xiaoping to have the private room and kitchen guarded.

"Don't touch anything on this table or in the kitchen until I come back to take care of it."

Ma Xiaoping nodded in agreement.

Shen Mingzhu put down the tea cup and took Shen Xiangnan to the Zhenwei Restaurant opposite.

After passing by, Shen Mingzhu led Shen Xiangnan to apologize to the three tables of guests one by one. In addition to providing a sumptuous lunch for the three tables of guests, they also compensated each guest with four 50-yuan meal coupons. .

From now on, you can use a coupon for every RMB 100 you spend when you eat at Shenji.

The vast majority of the customers were easy to talk to and understood the difficulties of doing business, so they accepted Shen Mingzhu's apology.

There were also some unreasonable customers who accused Shen Ji of not being honest and cursed Shen Ji for closing the shop sooner or later. Shen Mingzhu responded to all of them with a smile.

Shit is hard to eat and money is hard to make.

Even being scolded a few times is a piece of meat.

After handling the customers and returning to Shen Ji, Shen Mingzhu first checked the private room and kitchen. After finding that everything was as she said, she called all the employees together for a review meeting.

"I have said since the first day Shen Ji opened the store that the ingredients must be fresh, especially the livestock, freshwater, and seafood slaughtered in the store. They must be alive and kicking before slaughtering. Those who are sick and dead are not allowed to be served."

After Shen Mingzhu finished speaking, she called Julie's name, "In a situation like today, the guests have just arrived and the main course king crab is dead. What should we do?"

"I apologize to the guest immediately and explain that if the guest is willing to wait, call the seafood restaurant immediately to have it delivered. If the guest doesn't want to wait, you can change the dish or help arrange a meal at another restaurant."

Shen Mingzhu signaled Shen Xiangnan to come out, "Do you think Manager Zhu's handling process is correct?"

Shen Xiangnan nodded, with shame on his face, "Correct."

“Why respond in the wrong way when you know it’s the right solution?”

Shen Xiangnan lowered his head.

"Speak! Why do you still serve crabs to your guests when you know they are dead crabs?"

Shen Xiangnan looked ashamed, "King crab is so expensive, I thought it would be a pity to throw it away. I thought it had just died and should still be edible."

After hearing this, Shen Mingzhu immediately ordered Julie to steam all the remaining king crabs.

She took Shen Xiangnan and other employees to the box.

"Since you feel it's a pity, then eat all the dishes on this table."

Shen Xiangnan did not dare to disobey Shen Mingzhu's order, so he picked up a plate of hibiscus crab roe soup and ate it.

As soon as I took the first bite, I threw up.

Not only was it extremely fishy, ​​it also had a foul smell and a bitter taste.

He has never tasted such terrible crab roe soup.

Shen Mingzhu stared at him coldly: "Eat it for me, don't vomit it, otherwise you have to lick it up and eat it!"

Shen Xiangnan gritted his teeth and stuffed large spoonfuls of crab roe soup into his mouth while resisting the stench. Because it was so painful to eat, his eyes bulged slightly and he looked very ferocious.

After he finished eating, Shen Mingzhu pointed to the garlic steamed crab legs on the table and said, "Continue."

Shen Xiangnan picked it up and ate it like a machine.

After eating the crab legs, fried crab meat, and boiled crab porridge.

At the end of the meal, Shen Xiangnan held the trash can and vomited like Shen Mingzhu.

Other employees looked at this scene with sadness and sympathy on their faces.

At this time, Julie brought in the steamed king crab. Three king crabs steamed a total of three large plates.

Shen Mingzhu motioned to Julie to divide the three plates of king crab into fifteen equal portions, one portion for each employee.

"Chef Shen and I have already eaten one, and it's up to you to taste the remaining three. Everyone, try it carefully to see how the dead crab tastes."

The employees looked at each other with little emotion on their faces.

They were probably all thinking, if it didn't just taste bad and wasn't that fresh and sweet, how could it be so unpalatable?

But when I actually took it into my mouth, I realized that their thinking was too simple.

The dead crab meat tasted like tofu dregs, not firm and chewy at all, and had a strong fishy smell that was simply disgusting.

After seeing with her own eyes that every employee had eaten dead crab meat, Shen Mingzhu continued to speak.

"Customers spend more than three hundred yuan to eat in the store, and what they eat is shit like this. What do you think? I'm afraid you will be so angry that you want to smash the store!"

The room was as quiet as a chicken, and no one dared to express their anger.

Julie stepped forward and took over from Shen Mingzhu to educate the staff about the dangers of seafood.

"... In addition to having a bad taste, the meat of seafood will decay rapidly after death and produce toxic substances. This substance is extremely harmful to the human body, ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to life-threatening."

Upon hearing this, the employees' expressions changed.

Shen Mingzhu said coldly: "You are all worried about your own health. Your life is your life, but the lives of the customers who spend money are not their lives?"

"What's the difference between giving this kind of food to customers and seeking money and life? Once a customer eats something wrong, who can take responsibility?"

"Shen Xiangnan, can you take responsibility?"

Shen Xiangnan shook his head in defeat.

Shen Mingzhu looked at him, "Two of the four king crabs died. Did you sleepwalk when you received the goods? Why didn't you check carefully?"

Shen Xiangnan's lips moved, his expression full of annoyance.

"I checked carefully before, but today, they said they were anxious to send it to the next family. I thought it was fine before, so I didn't take a closer look."

Shen Mingzhu had a cold face and took out a calculator to count today's losses without any nonsense.

The purchase price of four king crabs is 826 yuan, and other side dishes and ingredients are 80 yuan. The meal cost of three tables of guests at Zhenwei Restaurant is 569 yuan. Including the compensation coupons, the total loss is 4075 yuan.

"Today's loss is equivalent to the entire profit of this store since it opened. In other words, two months of work have been in vain!"

Shen Mingzhu threw the calculator in front of Shen Xiangnan.

"Now, I am announcing that for today's punishment, everyone's performance and benefits for this month will be cancelled, and only basic salary will be paid. If you have any objections, please stand up now!"

The foreman Ma Xiaoling looked around and stood up.

"Mr. Shen, our waiters in the front office don't know anything about the kitchen. Our job is to serve the guests well. We all have to be punished despite making no mistakes. Isn't this unfair?"

Shen Mingzhu looked at the other waiters, "Raise your hands if you still think so."

One after another, three or four people raised their hands.

Among these people, some are responsible for cashiering and some are responsible for cleaning.

The remaining people who did not raise their hands had more or less dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

Shen Mingzhu turned to Julie and asked, "Manager Zhu, do you think the person in the front office should be punished?"


"Tell me why." (End of chapter)

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