The stepmother control group counterattacked with cubs in the era

Chapter 599 Liu Cuihua and her daughter are causing trouble

Everyone looked back and saw a black car slowly driving towards the entrance of the village on the road into the village.

"Ah, it's my son-in-law here!"

Yu Jin'e laughed and stepped forward to greet him.

The people in the village all showed expressions of surprise and envy.

Isn't it the golden turtle son-in-law of Yu Jin'e's family who drives a black car in the village?

This time I don’t know how many good things I brought to the two old men.

After visiting Shen Hongmei, Zhao Dafa would come here from time to time. Every time he came, he would bring big and small packages. Even when he was not free, he would send his secretary to deliver things, which was enviable for ten miles around.

Yu Jin'e quickly ran to the car, grinning with big teeth, but when the car door opened, the person inside was not Zhao Dafa.

Yu Jin'e bent over and looked into the car unbelievingly. When she saw it was Shen Baolan, she immediately said angrily: "Who are you? Why are you driving my son-in-law's car?"

Shen Baolan sneered, "Aunt Jin'e, you can see clearly, this is my new car bought by Shuhuan!"

Yu Jin'e looked carefully and realized that the car was newer than Zhao Dafa's, and the decoration and leather seats were also different.

Mother, be a good boy, is Zhou Shuhuan really prosperous? They all bought cars! !

"Shuhuan, Baolan, it's really you!"

Liu Cuihua's sharp eyes recognized her daughter and son-in-law through the half-open car door, and ran over while shouting.

"Ah, they really are Shen Baolan and his wife!"

After seeing Zhou Shuhuan and Shen Baolan getting out of the car, the villagers surrounded them with cheers.

"Shen Baolan, your Shuhuan also drives a car?"

"I heard that your family Shuhuan has become a millionaire. Is this true?"

The people in the village were all talking, and everyone looked at her with shock and envy in their eyes, which greatly satisfied Shen Baolan's vanity and ambition.

"Shuhuan, tell everyone quickly, did Shen Mingzhu and his wife blackmail you for half a million?"

Liu Cuihua's words were shocking, and the noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone stared at Zhou Shuhuan, looking forward to his answer.

Qin Jinlian quit, and crowded in front of Zhou Shuhuan aggressively, "Zhou Shuhuan, my Mingzhu and Pei Yang did not provoke you. If you dare to put a shit basin on their heads, I will never finish with you!"

Liu Cuihua smiled strangely: "Qin Jinlian, you must be feeling guilty because you are afraid that my son-in-law will expose your daughter's son-in-law's true colors as a sinister person!"

"Fuck you! Are I afraid of you? If you have any ability, just use it. Even if you risk your life, I will stay with you until the end!"

Seeing that the two of them were arguing again, Shen Dequan hurriedly intervened and said, "Okay, stop arguing. Isn't Zhou Shuhuan here? Let him tell whether this is the case."

"Yes, Shuhuan, tell me, does this happen?"

"Shuhuan, did Mingzhu and his wife really blackmail you for five hundred thousand?"

Shen Baolan wanted to open her mouth to testify against Shen Mingzhu for Zhou Shuhuan, but she didn't dare.

Zhou Shuhuan, who has a successful career, not only has a stronger temper than before, but also has the majesty of the head of the family, and does not tolerate her provocation.

Although Zhou Shuhuan didn't know the cause and effect, he could guess that Shen Baolan must have told his mother-in-law about the five hundred thousand.

"Brother Yang didn't extort my money."

Hearing what he said, the whole village suddenly looked at Liu Cuihua.

Qin Jinlian was so happy that she almost jumped up, "You have all heard it, Ren Shuhuan said, there is no such thing! It's Liu Cuihua, this bitch, talking nonsense, and putting a bucket of shit on my daughter and son-in-law's head. She really lacks virtue." !”

Many villagers also echoed the sentiment, criticizing Liu Cuihua for making trouble out of nothing and for not being honest. Liu Cuihua was angry and anxious. She grabbed her daughter and asked, "Didn't you say that Shen Mingzhu and his wife stole 500,000 yuan from their son-in-law?"

Shen Baolan said confidently, "They already took half a million from Shuhuan."

Liu Cuihua immediately looked at Zhou Shuhuan, but before she could ask, Zhou Shuhuan took the initiative to explain:
"Brother Yang did take 500,000 yuan from me, but he deserves this money. When I started the electronics factory, I was short of money, so it was Brother Yang who took the money to start the factory."

When Liu Cuihua heard this, she suddenly hardened up, "Here, listen, I didn't wrong Shen Mingzhu and his wife, they just took away half a million from my son-in-law!"

At this time, everyone in the village turned around and condemned Qin Jinlian.

"Your Mingzhu really took someone else's five hundred thousand. Isn't your heart too dark?"

"We all come from the same village and help each other out. How can we ask for so much money from others?"

Qin Jinlian didn't know about this, but she refused to admit defeat, pointing at those who made slanderous remarks and slapping them back one by one.

"If you stop standing and talking, your back will hurt. If I give you this money, can you take it?"

"My son-in-law used real money to open a factory for him. My son-in-law earned this money based on his ability. Why don't he want it? Without my son-in-law's help, how could he, Zhou Shuhuan, buy a car, a house, and become a big boss? What a waste!"

"I'm telling you, if I hear someone chewing the tongue of my daughter and son-in-law behind my back, let me tell you if I don't tear his mouth apart!"

"You still have the nerve to call my daughter and son-in-law black-hearted. I see that all of you are so cruel. When you receive favors, you act like a pug. You pick up the meal and put down the bowl to scold your mother. I really look down on you!"

Those who spoke to Liu Cuihua were scolded until their faces turned red and they could not lift their heads.

In recent years, food crops such as wild dates, potatoes, soybeans, corn, and peanuts in the village have been sold into food factories, which has increased the income of every household.

Shen Mingzhu also buys stationery and gives food and clothing to the children in the village every year.

The whole world can scold Shen Mingzhu, but they are not qualified to do so.

Although no one dared to say anything bad about her daughter and son-in-law, Qin Jinlian was still angry and turned around and fired at Zhou Shuhuan.

"Zhou Shuhuan, let me ask you, should my son-in-law take this money?"

Naturally, Liu Cuihua would not let her son-in-law be bullied by Qin Jinlian, "Qin Jinlian, one code is the same. Your daughter helps the village. She does it willingly, but no one forces her to do good. She wants my son-in-law. Such a large amount of money is a bad idea!”

"Liu Cuihua, this matter has nothing to do with you. Just go and die, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Come on, am I afraid of you?"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Zhou Shuhuan had to speak out: "Stop arguing, Brother Yang deserves this five hundred thousand, and it was also what we negotiated. Brother Yang did not blackmail me."

At this point, the farce finally stopped.

But the mood of Shenjiagou people was not calm.

Zhou Shuhuan became prosperous and became a big boss worth millions.

Shen Mingzhu and his man earned half a million.

These two pieces of news were like two bombshells, and the small Shenjiagou was almost blown away.

Whether it is one million or five hundred thousand, for the people of Shenjiagou, it is a wealth that is unimaginable in their dreams.

And the happiest person is Qin Jinlian.

The daughter and son-in-law earned such a large amount of money, and they earned it from the son-in-law of Liu Cuihua, their old enemy. It was a very happy event.

For this reason, she specially killed a beloved old hen and stewed it with mushrooms in a large pot to celebrate.

On the contrary to Qin Jinlian, Liu Cuihua was so scared that her heart, liver, spleen and lungs ached because of the five hundred thousand.

She thought about it all night and couldn't figure it out, so she and Shen Baolan decided to figure out how to add trouble to Shen Mingzhu and make her angry. (End of chapter)

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