The stepmother control group counterattacked with cubs in the era

Chapter 710: Broke his leg and became a cripple

The rugged mountain road was not easy to walk. Not only was it full of potholes, it was also covered with gravel and fallen leaves. It was very difficult for Shen Baolan to stagger while running.

In contrast, the villagers in Shanli Village, where they grew up, moved much faster, and the distance from Shen Baolan quickly shortened from 50 meters to just over 10 meters.

"Stop! How dare you run!"

"Little whore, wait until I catch you and break your legs!"

Hearing the insults so close to her ears, Shen Baolan panicked instinctively. Without noticing, she stepped on the air and rolled down the hillside.

Seeing this, the chasing villagers stopped one after another, panting and looking down the hillside.

"You're not going to die, are you?"

"Oh, what a pity. I spent so much money, at least I could have left some offspring."


Shen Baolan opened her eyes and saw that she was back in the Yang family again, and despair instantly surged in her heart.

Then, the severe pain in her legs made her scream.

Hearing her miserable screams, the village doctor withdrew his hands to examine her. While wiping the blood on his hands with a cloth, he told the Yang family about her injuries: "The lower leg of her left leg is fractured and she has to be sent to the hospital for bone reshaping."

After hearing this, Yang's mother hurriedly said: "Teacher Xu, can you help me treat it? It's inconvenient to go to the city and it costs money. How can our family still have money?"

Dr. Xu Cun waved his hand, "I can't do it. Her bones have been dislocated. She needs surgery to put steel nails in to splice the bones together, otherwise she will become a cripple."

The Yang family looked at each other.

"A lame person is a lame person. This will prevent her from running away again in the future. Now that the foot pole is broken, let's see how she can still run!"

Father Yang made the final decision and decided Shen Baolan's fate without even thinking for a second.

Shen Baolan originally planned to ask the doctors and nurses to help call the police to rescue her when she got to the hospital. Little did she know that the Yang family was so cruel that they refused to treat her and wanted her to become lame.

She was so frightened that she burst into tears, "Please help me, I won't run away, I won't run away anymore, I will do whatever you ask me to do from now on, I promise to listen to you."

Father Yang, Mother Yang, Grandma Yang, several Yang children of different ages, and her "husband" Yang Fei, including Dr. Xu Cun, all remained silent.

Seeing that the Yang family was indifferent, Shen Baolan said again: "I have money. As long as you are willing to save me, I am willing to give you one hundred thousand, no, five hundred thousand, I will give you five hundred thousand!"

No one took her words seriously.

Shanli Village lives up to its name. It is a poor mountain village located deep in the mountains. The village has made a living by farming for generations, with an average annual income of less than 500 yuan.

The five hundred thousand that Shen Baolan mentioned was a fantasy to them.

Seeing that the Yang family remained unmoved, Shen Baolan crawled under the bed with her broken leg and kowtowed to Yang's father.

"I was wrong. I will never dare to run away again. Please save me. Please save me..."

But even though her head was covered with blood, the Yang family did not relent.

After briefly bandaging her and leaving some anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine, the village doctor left.

The Yang family also did their own work, leaving Shen Baolan lying alone on the tattered bed and lingering.

Looking at the wide open door, Shen Baolan cried desperately and sadly.

Freedom is clearly right in front of her, but she can't take a step forward.

She was trafficked to a mountain village a month ago.

The night she arrived in Shanli Village, she was forced to consummate her marriage with Yang Fei and became the Yang family's wife.

For this month, the Yang family has locked her in her room and only given her one meal a day.

At night, Yang Fei would go into the room and "sleep" with her.

She was unwilling at first, but after being beaten several times by Yang Fei, she learned to be wise. She obeyed and compromised on the surface, but secretly she was looking for opportunities to escape.

Let her get the chance today.

But she never expected that instead of running away, she broke her leg. When she thought about dying in this remote mountainous area, being a poor wife for the rest of her life, and being forced to give birth to a family of paupers, Shen Baolan was filled with grief and anger, and she burst into endless tears.

When it got dark, Yang Fei entered the house as usual and forced her to do that thing regardless of her leg injury.

But Shen Baolan didn't dare to resist even though he was in pain.

Yang Fei has a hotter temper than her elder brother Shen Hao, and he will punch and kick her if she doesn't get what she wants.

After venting, Yang Fei fell down to sleep, and Shen Baolan thought about the past with silent tears.

In the past, she always felt that everything in the Zhou family was unsatisfactory, but compared with her current situation, those days when she was a daughter-in-law in the Zhou family were simply paradise.

If God could give her a chance to choose again, she would definitely be a good wife and mother and never compete with Shen Mingzhu again.

She regrets it, she hates it.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.


"Baolan! Baolan!"

The whole family was awakened by Liu Cuihua's shouting, turned on the lights and came to Liu Cuihua's house.

"Mom, what happened to you?"

Liu Cuihua hugged her son and cried loudly: "Haozi, I dreamed about Baolan. She was locked in a cage and lived worse than a pig or a dog. She asked me to rescue her and asked me why I didn't bring the ingot back. "

"Baolan, where have you been? Wuwuwu..."

Seeing Liu Cuihua crying in grief, Shen Hao was also affected and his eyes turned red.

"Mom, don't be sad. I will go find Zhou Shuhuan tomorrow and ask him to return the ingot!"

Hearing what her son said, Liu Cuihua begged with tears in her eyes: "You must bring Yuanbao back. He is Baolan's biological flesh and blood. We can't let Baolan lose her roots..."

"Mom, don't worry."

Tian Wenfang on the side looked at the mother and son, the anger he was holding in his heart rising:

"Baolan Baolan, you have been thinking about Baolan all day long. Don't you know what's going on at home? This is not enough to eat. You want to raise one more child. Can't you live in the future?"

She had agreed to help Zhou Fu for the sake of the shop and villa, but she didn't get even half of it, so naturally she didn't want to be an extra burden on the family.

Liu Cuihua was so angry at her words that she burst into tears, "Do you still have a conscience? Baolan will take you to the city to set up a stall to earn money. When you have money, she will buy you food and clothing. She is in trouble now. Can you help her raise Yuanbao? Should it?"

Tian Wenfang sneered, "Why should I help her raise Yuanbao? She didn't keep her word. She agreed to lend me 100,000 yuan, but she ran away early the next morning! She even sold her shop and house. Who knows if she abandoned her family and eloped with Gao Hualiang! She doesn't even care about her son, why should I be the scapegoat?"

"You fart!"

Seeing that Liu Cuihua was so angry that she was shaking, Shen Hao turned to Tian Wenfang and shouted angrily: "Shut up, this matter is settled!"

Tian Wenfang was not to be outdone, "Okay, Shen Hao, I'll leave it at that today. If you insist on taking that child back, we will divorce. If you like to help others raise the child, you can raise it yourself. I won't take care of you!"

Shen Hao stared in anger.

"Okay, stop arguing, let's talk about this later."

Shen Dashan spoke out and became a peacemaker.

The daughter has disappeared. If the daughter-in-law is angry and runs away again, the family will really fall apart.

the next day.

Liu Cuihua's family was having breakfast with bowls in their hands when there was a sudden knock on the door.

Shen Hao went to open the door.

After seeing the person standing outside the door, he was surprised and happy. (End of chapter)

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