At noon, we eat in the cafeteria.

"Jingshu, why don't you go home and live?"

"Your family is so well off, and you have a driver to pick you up from school. Why do you have to squeeze into a dormitory and queue up even to take a shower or go to the bathroom?"

Lin Ping and Xu Haining were full of curiosity and gossip about how the Ren family came to the school last night, quickly checked out Ren Jingshu, and took away her luggage and bed.

For the entire boring and tiring senior year of high school, this topic is the best medicine to refresh and relieve fatigue.

Ren Jingshu asked them back: "Are you usually happy when you go home?"

Both nodded.

Lin Ping is from the countryside: "Every time I go back home, my mother cooks a big table of delicious food for me, especially the sauerkraut dumplings she makes, which are mixed with fat and lean minced meat. When you take a bite, your mouth is filled with the aroma of oil."

Xu Haining is a city dweller, but his home is small and he has a two-year-old nephew who cries a lot, so he chooses to live in the school dormitory so that he can concentrate on his studies.

But even so, she was happy to go home.

"My mother heard that soybeans can nourish the brain, so every time I go home during the holidays, she stews a big pot of soybean pork trotters."

After listening to what the two said, Ren Jingshu spoke up: "I am not happy at all when I return home, so I don't want to go back. I just want to choose a lifestyle that makes me happy and not compromise for anyone else."

As Shen Mingzhu said, there is no true empathy in the world, and it is difficult for Lin Ping and Xu Haining to understand her thoughts.

Because in their eyes, Ren Jingshu, who came from a wealthy family, was like a princess, happy and noble, and should not have worldly worries.

In the afternoon, Ren Yingying brought all of Ren Jingshu's luggage and bedding to school.

Now that she had a place to stay, Ren Jingshu decided to concentrate on preparing for the college entrance examination in July and strive to get an ideal score.

If the Capital Dance Academy really rejects her, she still has other options.


Eugene, basketball academy.

When coach William announced the order of the players for tomorrow's qualifying match, a strong voice suddenly rang out from the team:

"I don't agree!"


As William asked the question, the originally neatly arranged team split apart as if split by a knife, revealing Zhao Yun standing in the last row.

Countless pairs of eyes of different colors fell on him playfully, as if waiting to see the show.

In fact, based on his height, Zhao Yun should stand at the front of the team.

But those standing in the front were all tall, white-skinned European and American students. He and several students of other skin colors, regardless of their height, all stood in the last row.

William walked up to Zhao Yun with a bad look on his face: "Do you have any objections to my arrangement?"

Zhao Yun replied loudly in English: "Yes, my training results have always been above A. Other A-level students can participate in the trials, so why can't I?"

The Basketball Academy is a professional training base for basketball players. Every once in a while, well-known organizations such as national teams, clubs and the NBA come to the school to select new members.

Participating in the trials and being selected by a basketball organization to sign a contract as a professional player is like a college student finding a job of his or her dreams after graduation.

Not arranging for you to participate in the selection competition is equivalent to not allowing you to attend the job fair to submit your resume.

The European and American students who trained at the same time as Zhao Yun had all participated in at least two trials, while Zhao Yun and several students of other skin colors had never participated in one.

Not only are they treating me differently during training, but they don’t even give me a chance to compete in the trials. This is intolerable!
Worst case scenario, I’ll just quit!

Grass is a plant.

William responded to Zhao Yun's protest with contempt and rudeness: "I'm the coach, you do what I say, otherwise get out, understand?"

Zhao Yun clenched his fists and imagined in his mind eight hundred times the scene of beating the opponent into a bear.

The basketball academy has a very strict management system, one of which is that fighting is prohibited. If you do so, you will be severely punished, or even expelled. Before he went abroad, he vowed to make a name for himself and join the NBA.

If I were really driven back to my country in disgrace, I would be laughed at to death by Pei Ziheng and his men.

Seeing him pursing his lips and looking unconvinced, the coach poked his chest with his finger: "Answer me, do you understand?"


William was startled by his loud voice. He glared at him and then walked away angrily, rubbing his ears.

After training.

Zhao Yun and the black player in the same dormitory went back to the dormitory to wash up and prepare for dinner. On the way, they met Tom who was returning to school to do some business.

Tom is both a coach and a recruiter, and his main job is to discover talented basketball players everywhere.

The reason why Zhao Yun came to the basketball academy was because of his discovery.

Unlike William's natural arrogance and discrimination against people of skin color, Tom is an easy-going and friendly person.

"Coach Tom."

"Hey, Bayer, how are you doing?"

"not too good."

"Oh?" Tom raised an eyebrow.

Zhao Yun bid farewell to his roommates and confided to Tom the grievances and injustices he had suffered from Coach William.

Tom regretfully told him: "This country is like this. You can't change it. The only thing you can change is yourself. Either adapt to it or leave."

"I won't give up, and I won't leave!"

Grief and anger aroused Zhao Yun's fighting spirit, and at this moment he was like an unyielding lion.

Tom praised and encouraged him generously for his persistence: "Keep going, Bayer. I'm looking forward to your performance."


In a blink of an eye, it was time for the basketball academy to go on vacation.

In order to allow students to concentrate on training and not be affected by the outside world, the basketball academy was built in an isolated forest. There is only one day off at the end of each month, when students can take the bus to the city to eat, drink, play and buy daily necessities.

For foreign students like Zhao Yun, the first thing they do when they arrive in the city is to contact their families.

The first person Zhao Yun contacted was Zhao Dafa. After all, his food, clothing, housing and transportation here all depended on the fixed monthly payment from Zhao Dafa.

The father and son, separated by thousands of miles of ocean, chatted about their father's love and son's filial piety. As for what happened in school, Zhao Yun sensibly chose to report the good news but not the bad news.

After talking with Zhao Dafa, Zhao Yun made his second call to Pei Ziheng.

After Pei Ziheng founded his company, he started using a mobile phone, which he assembled himself, making Zhao Yun very envious.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhao Yun exposed William's abominable deeds one by one like a machine gun, and asked Pei Ziheng for ways to deal with William and change his current situation of being on the bench.

Pei Ziheng gave him eight words in a concise way: "Accumulate a lot and then release a little, proceed steadily and achieve long-term success."

"I don't have much education, so I don't understand. Please explain it to me more clearly."

"What it means is that unless you are absolutely sure, just practice your skills honestly. When you become irreplaceable, no one can suppress you."

Zhao Yun realized: "Just let me hide."


"Oh, all right."

If it was someone else who said it, Zhao Yun might not take it to heart, but if it came from Pei Ziheng's mouth, even if he said the sun was green, he would take it as the truth. (End of this chapter)

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