Chapter 12 It's a puppet

Prince Jing persuaded him a few words, and seeing that Miss Ling still insisted on keeping those candidates, he had no choice but to let her go.

The two of them took their chosen candidates and searched around General Mingwei's mansion.

Li Lingmu, the former Mingwei general, is said to have fought for many years and snatched a lot of spoils from foreigners. In addition, he was greedy for a lot of military pay and sold military rations. His family has countless wealth.

When the former emperor ordered the execution, he thought that Jin Yiwei would seize countless properties from his mansion.

However, those Jinyi guards in the previous dynasty searched countless times, except for the letters that General Mingwei colluded with foreign enemies to rebel, they only found less than 3 taels of silver.

The former emperor thought that Li Lingmu knew that the news of his rebellion had been leaked, so he transferred the money and valuables in advance.After interrogation to no avail, he could only behead more than 100 members of his family in anger.

However, many people speculate that those properties have not been transferred, but have been hidden too hidden to be found out.

If that General Mingwei got the news in advance and quietly transferred all the valuables, it would be unreasonable not to secretly protect his family and transfer, even his younger son would be beheaded.

The current Holy Majesty should also think the same way, thinking that those properties are still hidden in this mansion.

Seeing that the treasury had no money, Xu Shi almost couldn't even pay the military salary, and more than 100 people in General Mingwei's mansion died, and even those side branches were implicated back then, almost dead.

Those who did not die have long since disappeared.

If the properties of General Mingwei's mansion were allowed to be hidden in the house, it would be a waste.

It would be better to find it and fill the national treasury, whether it is used to relieve disasters and save the people, or to pay the soldiers who defended the country on the front line, it is a hundred times better than letting it continue to hide in this house.

King Jing's son brought ten brocade guards and almost turned the entire mansion upside down, but apart from the bulky and worthless furniture, he didn't even find half a copper coin.

Ling Chu inherited the original master's ability in Xuanqing Guanxue, and can use hexagrams to find out the approximate direction.

She didn't use the system to scan from the beginning, because she didn't want to let Lord Ning and the Jin Yiwei think that she could find the money without any effort, so as to avoid their suspicion.

Second, I didn't want Prince Jing's son to lose too badly and hurt his self-esteem.

So at first, she just took out copper coins and turtle shells, pretended to calculate for a while, and then led people to start searching.

After seeing it for half an hour, but there was no gain, Ling Chu took out the copper coins and the turtle shell and calculated again.

However, to her surprise, after measuring three times in a row, the hexagrams were all displayed as empty.

Ling Chu frowned. Could it be that she is not the original owner, and the inherited ability has not been mastered, so it is not accurate?

Prince Jing did not give up, and led others to search for a long time, and finally found more than 100 taels of silver in a remote courtyard.

Seeing that Ling Chu had tested several times, his brows were furrowed, and he asked curiously, "Why, you didn't calculate your hexagram skills? It seems that you haven't mastered this skill."

Prince Jing was relieved, and said proudly, "It seems that you are going to lose to me."

Ling Chu glanced at him, didn't say anything, but thought in his heart, it's impossible to lose.Her hole cards are not yet used, how could she lose.

Holding the copper coin and the turtle shell in his hand, he continued to calculate, and secretly turned on the system with his consciousness.

However, the next moment, Ling Chu frowned again. The system showed that General Mingwei's mansion did not have half a copper plate.

The most valuable ones are those heavy and bulky furniture that even Jin Yiwei would never want to throw away.

However, Ling Chu discovered that there was a secret passage under a wing of the General's Mansion.

It is not surprising that there are secret passages, many big families will have them.

But what made Ling Chu feel strange was that she found that the secret passage was quite long. It not only went straight to the outside of General Mingwei's mansion, but also bypassed the three mansions next to it and connected to another mansion with four entrances.

She didn't know whose family owned the four-entry mansion, and she didn't use the system to scan it.

Although Ling Chu felt that the secret passage was strange, he didn't pay much attention to it.

There was no money found in this mansion, and there was no help, and I don't know if Commander Ning would intercede for her.

Seeing that Miss Ling and Prince Jing's son hadn't gained anything after waiting for such a long time, Ning Chuyi couldn't help bringing someone over to find him.Seeing Ling Chu staring at the hexagrams on the ground, frowning, it was obvious that he had encountered some kind of problem.

"Is there something wrong with this hexagram?"

Ling Chu raised his eyes and glanced at him, "There is nothing wrong with the hexagram, but...the hexagram shows that there is nothing valuable in this general's mansion."

Prince Jing's son shook his folding fan, and said casually, "Could it be that you haven't mastered your hexagram skills?"

Ling Chu glared at him, and the system showed that there was nothing valuable in the general's mansion, "Didn't the prince also find it?"

Prince Jing's son choked. Although he found more than 100 taels of silver, it was impossible for General Mingwei to steal the money. It was probably someone's private money.

"Tsk, tell me, is that Li Lingmu out of his mind? He colluded with foreign enemies and corrupted so much money. Since he received the news and knew that his betrayal of the court had been exposed, he transferred the money away in advance. transfer?

It doesn't matter if he is dead, and all his more than 100 members of his family were beheaded. I don't know that he has so much money hidden, there is..."

"Uh uh uh...let go..."

Prince Jing's son hadn't finished speaking, and suddenly covered his neck with his hands in pain.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Prince Jing's appearance, why does it look like someone is holding his neck with both hands?

Ning Chuyi felt that something was wrong, seeing Prince Jing's son was almost out of breath, he came to his side in a flash, trying to save him.

But no matter what he did, it was in vain.

The other Jin Yiwei also surrounded him one after another. Prince Jing's son has a high status, so he cannot be allowed to have accidents under everyone's noses.

But with so many people, they couldn't save him.He also watched him suddenly hang in the air, with a painful expression, and his feet suddenly kicked in the air.

It looked like someone was pinching his neck behind his back and lifting him up into the air.

But the problem is, his back is obviously empty.

This is really a puppet.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, and the hairs on their bodies stood on end. Many people even felt that the wind was blowing around them.

Rao is that these Jinyiwei are well-informed, and their hearts are also beating drums.He had no choice but to bite the bullet and step forward, punching and kicking Prince Jing's surroundings, and even slashing with a sword.

But except for the air, he didn't cut anything, and almost hurt the other Jin Yiwei.

Ling Chu was lowering her head to pick up the copper coins and tortoise shells on the ground. When she looked up and saw the strange scene in front of her, she quickly made a seal with her hands and unfastened her yin and yang eyes.

I really saw a puppet.

An unusually tall and strong ghost, with red eyes, pinched Prince Jing's neck with both hands angrily, lifted him up, and yelled frantically, "I am wronged, I did not collude with foreign enemies, I did not greedy for military pay, It was you who did not resell the military rations, it was you who killed my wife and children, you all deserve to die..."

Ling Chu frowned. If she guessed correctly, this ghost should be Li Lingmu, the former Mingwei General.

 Thanks to book friend 20230306195833531, fat girl for voting.

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(End of this chapter)

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