Chapter 21 You have been cheated
"What, how can you live in such a noisy house! How can you be so peaceful, let us buy this kind of house..." The second lady glared at the horse jailer angrily. The jewelry on their bodies was scraped away, and they would not be so down and penniless now.

Although the others didn't say anything, they all looked terrified when they thought of Miss Six being possessed by a puppet soul in prison.

There will be a lot of chatter, asking the horse jailer to change places.

Ma Dalin smiled wryly, "The capital is very expensive, and there are many people in your house. It's hard to find a suitable house all of a sudden."

The south city and the north city are inappropriate, and they are messy and miscellaneous.

Previously, the Shangshu Mansion was in Xicheng, and all the people living there were powerful families in Kyoto.

But now they have been demoted to common people, so they are not suitable to live there anymore.

Now only the west city is more suitable, but the houses in the west city are not cheap. Although there are few government houses living there, it is a place where rich businessmen gather, which causes the housing prices there to increase year by year.

It's not that there are no houses for rent and sale over there, but there are really none that are suitable for the Ling family's situation.

They are penniless now, only Miss Ling still has two accessories on her body, even if they sell them all at the pawn shop, they probably won't be able to buy a house.

Ling Chu glanced at the crowd, ignored them, and turned to the jailer Ma, "Uncle Ma, please tell me what's going on in that house."

Others are afraid of puppets, but Ling Chu is not.

Ma Dalin also saw that the six girls were possessed by puppet souls last night, and no one else could do anything, but she managed it in a few clicks.Thinking of Miss Ling's ability, Xu Shi is not afraid of puppet souls, so she thought about introducing the house to her.

"The house is in the west of the city. Although it's not on the busy street, it's a bit out of the way. But it's said that there were three people entering the house. Because of the noise at night, the house has been unable to sell. The price has dropped again and again. Now I heard that the price is 150 taels."

The price of the three-entry mansion is not expensive, "Does Uncle Ma know why the mansion is so troublesome?"

"I heard that the house was originally bought by a businessman who wanted to marry a girl surnamed Liu. But later I heard that the businessman went out to buy goods before marriage, and died in an accident. The woman didn't want to see things and think about others. , so I want to sell that house.

At that time, the house had just been built and was soon bought away, but after the new buyer moved in, he found that there were always strange noises at night.The children in his family are always crying day and night, saying that there is a puppet following him.The buyer was worried that something would happen to the child, so he returned the house.

Later, the house went through several hands, but no matter who it was sold to, they were all returned in the end because the house was a puppet. "

In the end, the price of the house dropped again and again, but it couldn't be sold, even the dental shop couldn't help it.

More specifically, Ma Dalin didn't know about it either, so he could only ask Ling Chu to go to the tooth shop to inquire.

Ling Chu asked about the address of the dental shop, and decided to go there to see the situation of the house in person.

Seeing that she really wanted to buy that house, Mrs. Dong frowned, "Miss Chu, your eldest brother is weak, since that house is not clean, why don't you change it."

Seeing that she opened her mouth, the second lady hurriedly said, "Miss, your grandparents are getting old, and you can't bear to be frightened. Let's forget about the puppet house."

Everyone still had lingering fears when they thought about what happened to Miss Six last night, and they all tried to dissuade her.

"I have lived in Xuanqingguan for many years, and I have learned some skills from my master. I am confident that I can handle a puppet house. However, if you have other places to go, you can leave."

Others wanted to persuade her again, but Ling Shangshu looked at the eldest granddaughter with complicated eyes, and said, "Miss Chu, you know the situation at home now, everyone is penniless and has no other place to go. Let's take a look at the house with you first, and then make a decision."

The head of the family has opened his mouth, and no matter how much the other people have opinions, they can only hold back.

Ling Chu didn't object, and nodded in agreement.

A group of people supported each other and went to find the tooth shop according to the address provided by the horse jailer.With so many people passing through the streets and alleys, it was natural for passers-by to point and point.

The second wife and the others felt ashamed, and they wanted Ling Chu to pay for some carriages.

But Ling Chu bluntly said that she had no money, and whoever wanted to ride in a carriage could just hire it herself, so she would not spoil them.

She was weak and didn't say anything, but all of them still wanted to take a carriage, and didn't look at the current situation.

Seeing that she ignored her, the second lady was holding back her anger, but she didn't dare to get angry at her.

Everyone in the Shangshu Mansion usually went out, either riding a horse or taking a sedan chair. They walked all the way down and were so tired that they were out of breath. When they arrived in Xicheng, it was already noon.

Ling Chu looked at the sky and sighed. There were so many people following, procrastinating, which seriously affected her speed.If this goes on like this, by the time it gets dark, it is estimated that I have not reached the dental store yet.

She didn't want to sleep on the street tonight. There were so many ghosts wandering in the street at night, and she didn't have that much energy to deal with it.

When passing a tea shed, Ling Chu took out ten Wen coins and asked the stall owner to let everyone rest in his tea shed.

After walking for a long time, the second lady was tired and thirsty. Seeing that there was only plain water to drink, her complexion changed immediately.

"Miss, why is there only a bowl of white water here..."

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Ling Chu pointed to a short distance away and said, "Second Aunt, there is a restaurant over there, you can go in, and I won't stop you."

If you want to eat, just go in and order.

But money, don't ask her to pay.

After drinking a bowl of boiled water, Ling Chu left everyone behind and went to the dental shop to look at the house alone.

Ling Shangshu was too old to walk, and wanted people to follow her, but none of them were willing to move.

When we arrived at the tooth shop, Ling Chu asked, and it was true that as the jailer Ma said, there were houses, but there were no suitable ones.

"I heard that there is a mansion in a house, can you tell me what's going on?"

The steward of the dental office saw that she was a girl's family, so he didn't want to pay attention.But seeing Ling Chu's insistence, and he was idle and bored, he still told all about the situation in that house.

To Lingchu's surprise, the house is now priced at 120 taels.

The manager Xu saw that the house had been returned a lot, so he didn't hide it. It turned out that the wife of the last buyer of the house was frightened and broke her leg when she went to the latrine in the middle of the night.

That woman held a grudge in her heart, and after her legs and feet recovered, she spread the word that the house was a puppet.Miss Liu had no choice but to lower the price again.

This is a good thing for Ling Chu.

Without much hesitation, she asked the dentist to take her to see the house.

Seeing that she was really interested in the house, the steward hurriedly took her to see the house.

The house is quite big, although the yard is overgrown with weeds, there are some spider threads in the house, and a lot of dust has accumulated.But it's not a big problem. After cleaning it carefully, we can move in tonight.

Ling Chu took a general look at the whole house, but she didn't feel anything unclean in the house.

"Chen Guanshi, I want this house, I wonder if I can ask the owner to go to the yamen to handle the contract now?"

The steward of the dental office was very happy when he heard that she really wanted to buy this house, "Yes, I will take you there now."

At this moment, a puppet appeared and eagerly said to Ling Chu, "Xiangu, you have been deceived, this house belongs to me..."

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