Chapter 3 Copied My Home

Commander Ning glanced at the tray in the hands of the young eunuch, and said to the senior eunuch expressionlessly, "I have searched twice, but I couldn't find it."

The eunuch's sharp eyes scanned the stacked boxes inch by inch, and said gloomyly, "Since Ling Shangshu refuses to hand over the greedy money, then your family should go to the underworld to repent to King Yama."

Ling Shangshu saw the eunuch taking the imperial decree from the young eunuch behind him, and his face was as pale as a ghost.

The emperor didn't even interrogate them, so he wanted to behead them immediately?
Originally, he thought that as long as he gritted his teeth and did not hand over the money, the emperor would not be able to convict him.

Even if he went to prison, that person would not let him have an accident.

But if he beheaded now, there would be no way for his family to survive!

Not only Ling Shangshu panicked, but the rest of the people were even more on the verge of collapse. They couldn't believe that the emperor was about to kill their family.

Seeing that the eunuch was about to read out the imperial decree, Ling Chu could only yell "Wait" hastily, and quickly walked out from behind the crowd.

With a plop, he knelt down.

But Lingchu immediately regretted it.

Too much push and my knee hurts.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't reach out to rub it, so he could only grit his teeth and bear it.

The eunuch frowned and glanced at the girl kneeling in front of him, and asked displeasedly, "Ling Shangshu, this is..."

Ling Shangshu didn't know Ling Chu's intentions, so he gave her a puzzled look, then turned to the eunuch and said, "Eunuch Cao, this is my eldest granddaughter, Ling Chu."

Eunuch Cao, "Miss Ling, what's the matter with you?"

Ling Chu straightened his back, and replied neither humble nor overbearing, "Eunuch Cao, if you can find the silver, can you ask the emperor to let us go online?"

As soon as Ling Chu said this, there was an uproar in the audience.

Everyone in the Shangshu Mansion stared at her back angrily, did she know what she was talking about?
The eldest lady was annoyed and said anxiously, "Ling Chu, don't mess around, come back quickly..."

Of course Eunuch Cao knew the importance of the 300 million taels of silver, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he would not let it go.

Seeing that the eldest lady wanted to stop him, he said coldly, "If you dare to make noise again, you should slap your mouth immediately."

Da Furen's face turned pale, but she didn't dare to get angry.

Eunuch Cao turned his head and asked, "Miss Ling, do you know where the money is hidden?"

Ling Chu shook his head, "I don't know where the money is hidden, but I can use hexagrams to figure it out."

Eunuch Cao frowned, not knowing whether to believe her words or not.

After hesitating for a while, he turned to the side and respectfully commanded Ning, "I wonder what Master Ning thinks about this?"

Ning Chuyi didn't answer his words, but glanced down at the girl in front of him, and said in a low voice, "If you can find out the 300 million taels, I can promise you, and I beg the emperor to forgive me."

Ling Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

It has been three or four days since she traveled here, and I don't know if the corpse in modern times has been cremated.If after beheading and traveling back, there is no body, it would be a sad reminder.

Since she can't be sure that she can travel back smoothly, she can only choose to keep her current life.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely do my best to find the silver."

Hearing this, the third girl asked in a loud voice, "Sister, are you crazy? Are you planning to copy your home?"

Ling Chu turned around and looked, if she remembered correctly, the third girl was her younger sister Ling Qing.

Seeing everyone looking at her with disapproval, Ling Chu frowned. What time is this, and the situation has not been figured out yet.

Although money is good, you have to have life flowers, right?

"That's right, I'm going to steal my house. My life has just begun, I'm not tired of it yet, I'm satisfied with everything in Kyoto, and I have no plans to move to the underworld for the time being.

Of course, if you are really interested in the underworld and want to live in it, I will not stop you. "

The implication is that if you want to die, I won't stop you, but don't drag me down.

Ling Chu ignored them, bowed his head and took out three copper coins from the kit on his body.

He made a hexagram with a serious expression.

First, he lowered his head to look at the hexagrams, then put away the copper coins and put them back in the bag, lifted his feet, and walked quickly towards the main hall of Yanhe Hall.

At this moment, Ling Shangshu was startled and angry, and instinctively wanted to step forward and stop Ling Chu.

But after thinking about it, this granddaughter has been raised in Xuanqing Temple since she was a child, and it was the first time she returned to the house yesterday.

It is impossible for her to know where the silver is hidden.

Thinking of this, Ling Shangshu calmed down again.

Ning Chuyi glanced keenly at Ling Shangshu, thought for a while, and followed him up.

Yanhe Hall is the courtyard where Ling Shangshu and Mrs. Tai live. The decorations inside are not luxurious, but they are full of dignity.

Ling Chu looked around while walking.

Commander Ning just watched her search quietly, and didn't make a sound to stop her.

The main hall is very spacious. Ling Chu pretended to search quickly, shook his head, and walked out.

The guards in Jinyi were not surprised that no silver was found in the main hall, after all they had searched twice just now.

Many people were suspicious, and they used hexagrams to find silver. This has never happened before. Can this Miss Ling really find it?
Just when everyone thought that Miss Ling was going to change places, she suddenly stopped, turned around and walked back.

He stopped in front of a red-painted pillar, looked up for a while, and then raised his hand to touch it. The gentle movement was like stroking some baby.

Eunuch Cao, who followed him, frowned for a while, and said impatiently, "Miss Ling, we don't have time to play with you. If you know where the silver is hidden, I advise you to find it out sooner. Otherwise, your family may be in danger. Heads are going to fall."

Ling Chu turned his head and glanced at him, pointed at the pillar and said, "Here, have you found this?"

When those Jin Yiwei heard this, they had a thought at the same time, it turned out that Miss Ling was an idiot.

With such obvious eyes, Ling Chu is not blind, so of course he can see it.

I rolled my eyes secretly, you are the fool, and your whole family are fools.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing his unhappiness, Ling Chu turned his head and said to the commander Ning, "Master Ning, can I borrow the sword on your body?"

Commander Ning did not give the sword to Ling Chu, but just looked at her fixedly. Just when everyone thought he would refuse, he slowly said, "You want to cut the pillar?"

Ling Chu nodded, "Yes."

Eunuch Cao frowned, and couldn't help but said, "Master Ning, why is the silver hidden in the pillar..."

Ning Chuyi glanced at him, stepped forward, drew out his sharp sword, and cut on the pillar.

A square was cut in two or three strokes, and the cut piece of wood fell out with a pick with the tip of the sword.

As the wooden blocks fell, there were white things that fell out continuously.

Everyone instinctively lowered their heads and looked astonished.

The white flowers on the ground turned out to be silver ingots.

This is really a blatant slap in the face, they thought Miss Ling was a fool, but they themselves were.

Who would have imagined that Ling Shangshu actually hid the silver from the greedy ink in the pillar, no wonder they, the well-informed Jin Yiwei, couldn't find it no matter how hard they looked.

 Opening a new book, I'm so nervous.

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(End of this chapter)

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