In ancient times, I made a fortune by copying my family

Chapter 43 Peach Blossom Tribulation (3 more: please subscribe)

Chapter 43 Peach Blossom Tribulation (Third Watch: Please Subscribe)

Daoist Qingyang's face sank again when he saw the puppet rope Ling Chu used.

This bunch of puppet ropes compared his ordinary ropes to scum.

Miss Ling didn't know what the origin was, and everything she brought out was a rare and good thing.

At that moment, Daoist Qingyang couldn't help but have a thought of taking it for himself.

It's just that as soon as this thought came up, Daoist Qingyang suddenly felt the hairs on his body stand on end.

With the cover of drinking tea, Yu Guang quickly swept around.

From the corner of his eye, he saw that Commander Naning seemed to be following him.

Daoist Qingyang's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly collected his thoughts.

I didn't expect Master Ning to be so perceptive. He was just aware of the idea that he had just thought of.

Seeing that Princess Jing was anxious, Taoist Qingyang stepped forward to comfort her.

"Don't worry, princess, the prince is fine, he just passed out and will wake up soon."

Concubine Jing pursed her lips, somewhat annoyed at his mild comfort in her heart, it seemed that this disciple of Taoist Master Mingzhen was not as powerful as the manager said.

Seeing that he was untying the rope that bound his son, he couldn't get angry after all.

Prince Jing's son opened his eyes, just in time to see his mother's concubine's eyes were red, without thinking about it, he blurted out, "Mother concubine, why are you crying? Is it because the father favored his concubine and killed his wife, or did he go to a brothel to drink flower wine and make trouble?" Are you sad?"

The corner of Ling Chu's mouth twitched.

This Prince Jing's son is indeed a well-known dandy in the capital, and he dared to arrange his father's prince face to face.

Prince Jing's face darkened.

"No rules, is this what you should say?"

If it weren't for the presence of outsiders, he almost couldn't help but want to ask this incomprehensible son for family law.

Prince Jing's son had just woken up, and he didn't even notice that his father was standing beside him.

Hearing a familiar voice, he turned his head to face Prince Jing's black and blue face, and said with a sneer, "Father, why are you here?"

Seeing Ning Chuyi next to him from the corner of the eye, Prince Jing was surprised, "Hey, Brother Ning, why are you here?"

"And Miss Ling, why are you here?" Thinking of something, Prince Jing's expression suddenly changed, and he blurted out, "You guys are here to raid the house, aren't you?"

Prince Jing slapped his son on the back of the head angrily, "If you talk nonsense again, you will be grounded from today on."

The concubine glared at Prince Jing dissatisfied, but she was relieved to see that her son was the same as before, although he was out of tune.

But to be sure, she turned to Ling Chu and asked,
"Miss Ling, is my son okay?"

Prince Jing's son was puzzled, "Concubine Mu, I'm not well, what can happen?"

It's more than something, that big trouble hasn't been dealt with yet.

Ling Chu raised his hand, signaling Prince Jing to look at the puppet ropes floating in the air.

Seeing the strangely floating rope, Prince Jing's face changed, and now he remembered what he had forgotten before.

The female puppet was tied up with a puppet rope and couldn't move. When Prince Jing's son woke up, she couldn't help but struggled desperately.

"My lord, my lord, save me quickly, I am your concubine, let that bitch let me go..."

The rope that bound the puppet was twisted in the air as the female puppet struggled, making those who couldn't see the female puppet feel a chill rising from the bottom of their feet.

Ling Chu got a headache from her noise, turned his wrist, and held the Soul Requiem Bell in his hand, "Shut up, it's too noisy."

The female puppet thought of the horror of the Soul Requiem Bell just now, her body trembled, and the sharp voice stopped suddenly.

Seeing that it frightened her, Ling Chu put away the Soul Relief Bell.

Prince Jing's expression changed when he saw the rope floating in the air. He rubbed the chicken skin on his arm and asked Ling Chu, "Miss Ling, what... what is that?"

The soul-suppressing bell has no effect on ordinary people, but Ling Chu's soul is inherently unstable, so the ringing actually has an effect on her.Now she felt a throbbing pain in her head, and she didn't even bother to say a word.

"Your princess."

"Oh, Concubine Shizi..." Prince Jing was taken aback for a moment, but after he realized his reaction, his eyes widened, "Wait, what did you just say?"

Ling Chu glanced at him and repeated slowly, "Your concubine."

When the female puppet heard her words, although she didn't dare to yell anymore, she nodded desperately to Prince Jing.

It's a pity that Prince Jing's son doesn't have yin and yang eyes, and he can't see ghosts.

Prince Jing's son jumped up angrily, "What concubine, Miss Ling, don't talk nonsense, I haven't married a wife yet."

Let alone Shi Zifei, he grew up so big that he didn't even have a confidante.

Hearing Prince Jing's words, the female puppet had an evil spirit rising from her body.

However, seeing Shang Lingchu's cold eyes, he couldn't help being frightened, and the evil spirit dissipated all of a sudden.

Ling Chu pointed at the female puppet, "She said that."

Seeing the strange rope floating in the air, Prince Jing's son was a little apprehensive, but his fear was overshadowed by the wronged anger.

He angrily sneered in the direction of the female puppet, "Where is the cat and dog, dare to talk nonsense in front of this son."

Seeing Prince Jing's repeated denials, the evil spirit on Yin Hun's body grew by two points, and his voice was piercing, "I'm not talking nonsense, I'm not talking nonsense, I'm the princess, yes, I'm the concubine... "

Ling Chu got a throbbing headache from the noise, so he simply took out the Soul Requiem Bell again, "Shut up, if you can't speak well, I don't mind taking you in."

When the female puppet saw the soul-repressing bell, she trembled and her voice stopped.

The sound of the soul-suppressing bell was really terrifying, if it happened again, she would be scared out of her wits.

Ling Chu's ears were cleared, but in order to threaten the female puppet, she didn't put away the Soul Requiem Bell this time, but held it in her hand all the time.

"Miss Ling, that thing... how do you say it?"

Although he couldn't see the puppet soul, Prince Jing felt that the air around him was chilly.

"She insisted that she was your concubine." Seeing that the puppet was so angry, Ling Chu didn't feel like she was lying.

"Miss Ling, it's true that my son hasn't married yet." Although Prince Jing's son has reached the age to marry his concubine, Princess Jing has always intentionally started to look for girls for him, but she has been picking and choosing, and has never met a suitable girl.

Prince Jing frowned, and glared at his son, "Please tell me honestly, did you cause trouble outside?"

Ling Chu also thought it was possible, after all Prince Jing's son had already grown up.There are many sons of his age in Beijing, and even if they haven't married yet, there are many concubines around them.

Prince Jing's son was just at the age of youthful vigor, perhaps he had provoked some kind of love outside and betrayed the girl's heart, that's why he had this love affair.

What Ling Chu didn't know was that she had wronged Prince Jing.

Concubine Jing also looked at her son suspiciously. Could it be that this bastard son really did something to offend the girl outside, so that he would come to pester him after death?
"Jing'er, if you have done something that offends the girl, you have to admit it frankly." Princess Jing was worried. If her son really did something wrong, she had to think of a way to remedy it.

If this matter is not handled properly, the female puppet will become a ghost, lingering around him every day, maybe even her life will be lost.

Seeing everyone's eyes as if looking at a heartless man, Prince Jing screamed angrily, "Father, mother concubine, am I that kind of person? I'm still a chicken now..."

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(End of this chapter)

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