Chapter 489: The wedding night (finale)

On this day, the streets in Kyoto were deserted, and the road leading from the Dingyuan Palace to the Prince's Palace was crowded with people watching the excitement.

Amid the sky full of firecrackers and the blast of gongs, drums and suonas, the people of Kyoto rarely saw the prince riding a tall horse with a bright smile on his face.

Almost no one could believe that this was the commander of the Imperial Guard who could once stop children from crying at night.

Although Ning Chuyi was extremely handsome today, everyone's attention was quickly attracted by the dowry procession behind the sedan chair.

"Tsk, tsk, this endless team, I'm afraid it's not necessary to have this Shili Hongzhuang, it's really eye-opening for us."

"No, look at the boys who carry the dowry. They are all very powerful. The dowry doesn't look easy on them, and they don't know how many good things are in the box."

"This is the princess's wedding. I heard that the dozens of dowries at the front were all rewards from the palace."

"Have you forgotten that the Crown Princess is still the Imperial Master? I heard that Master Xuan Yi and several of his disciples sent dozens of dowries to Prince Dingyuan's Mansion."


The ten miles of red makeup made the people watching talk about it. The excited voices almost drowned out the sound of Xuantian's gongs and drums. Even Ling Chu, who was sitting in the sedan chair, could vaguely hear a lot of discussion.

But they didn't know that these dowries were less than half of the total amount.

Lingchu was transferred by the Dong family when he was just born. He grew up in Xuanqingguan since he was a child. He was not found until he was a hairpin. King Dingyuan and his wife felt that they owed her too much. If Ling Chu hadn't stopped them, they would have given her all their property as a dowry.

Although Ling Chu tried his best to stop it, the prince and princess still prepared a lot of dowry for her.

Coupled with the gifts from Master Xuan Yi and his three disciples, the rewards from the emperor and the concubines in the harem, and the congratulatory gifts from various palaces, Ling Chu's dowry was already so large that she would never be able to spend it all in ten lifetimes.

It's just that King Dingyuan and his wife were worried that if they sent the entire dowry to the Prince's Mansion at once, it would be too sensational and would attract the attention of interested people.

So taking advantage of yesterday's opportunity to send someone to the Prince's Mansion to make a bed, Princess Dingyuan had already sent someone to deliver part of the dowry. One hundred and sixty men were left behind to marry Ling Chu.

In addition to these, half of it is in the warehouse of Dingyuan Palace. In order to keep a low profile, the prince and princess plan to send it to their daughter quietly after a while.

Ling Chu covered his head and couldn't see anything. His ears were filled with the continuous sound of firecrackers and festive suona sounds.

There were also the cheering exclamations of children along the way.

I don’t know how long it took for the sedan to stop.

Ling Chu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and waited for Xiniang to lead her off the sedan chair.

Unexpectedly, Ning Chuyi stretched out his long arms and took her out again.

After climbing the white jade steps, Ning Chuyi bent down and put her down. Putting one end of the red silk into her hand, the two of them entered the gate of the Prince's Mansion together.

This house was specially built by the Emperor by the Ministry of Works.

Originally, he wanted to give it to Ning Chuyi, but due to his background, he did not accept it, and the house remained empty after it was built.

It was not until the emperor granted the marriage that he ordered the Ministry of Industry to come over to repair it and expand it a lot according to the prince's regulations.

People from the Ministry of Works worked day and night to complete the building before the wedding.

Ning Chuyi held the red silk and introduced Ling Chu into the Prince's Mansion step by step.

The prince's wedding was supposed to be held at the Ancestral Temple, but Emperor Xu, considering Ling Chu's health, only allowed them to go to the Ancestral Temple tomorrow.

Although he didn't go to the Ancestral Temple, he still had to worship his ancestors and get approval from the ancestors of the Xiao family before he could go to the temple.

The incense table and altar have been set up in the main hall of the Prince's Mansion, and the two palace maids sent by Ning Chuyi have taught Ling Chu the process.

After completing a series of complicated and lengthy etiquette, Lingchu could hardly count how many times she had been guided to worship. Fortunately, Ning Chuyi was always there to support her.

At this moment, Ling Chu was still very grateful to the emperor for his thoughtfulness and not asking her to go to the Ancestral Temple on the wedding day, otherwise she might really faint from exhaustion.

After worshiping the ancestors, the second worship is in the high hall.

However, the emperor did not attend the wedding, and Ning Chuchu was still treating illnesses in Yaowang Valley.

Ning Chuyi and Ling Chu could only bow three times to the top.

Then comes the couple's obeisance.

When the etiquette officer finally announced that the ceremony was completed, Ling Chu was so tired that he almost couldn't stand up.

When he was sent to the bridal chamber, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After entering the new house, although there are still many rules and rituals, there is no need to kneel down and kowtow.

Ning Chuyi took a scale and lifted Ling Chu's hijab away.

The sudden bright light made Ling Chu raise her head subconsciously, and she blinked. Suddenly she realized that Ning Chuyi's face today was more handsome than ever before, and she was stunned unconsciously.

Ning Chuyi stood in front of her with a smile, looking down at Ling Chu who was wearing a wedding dress, the light in her eyes was even more burning.

The eyes of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess were so intense that the maid next to them even blushed.

Aunt Li was smiling from ear to ear. She didn't want to interrupt the two people's flirting, but the etiquette wasn't over yet, so she had to clear her throat gently.

Seeing that the prince and princess came to their senses, the ceremonial nun said auspicious words and guided them to drink the "Henu wine".

After all the etiquette was over, the etiquette mama left with the maid in the room and closed the bedroom door.

Before Ling Chu had time to react, she and Ning Chuyi were the only two people left in the room.

Seeing her blushing face, Ning Chuyi glanced at her, raised his hand to take off the phoenix crown on her head, and asked softly, "The wedding dress is a bit heavy, do you want to change it now?"

Maybe he was too close, or maybe he was more handsome than usual in his red and gold wedding dress. Coupled with his low tone at this moment, Ling Chu suddenly blushed and his heart beat.

"No...I'll change it later."

"it is good."

Ling Chu suddenly smiled when he saw him, his heart skipped a beat, and he was about to say a few words to ease the ambiguous atmosphere.

But she saw Ning Chuyi stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms.

Lingchu felt a fiery breath covering her overwhelmingly. Before she could react, Ning Chuyi opened her mouth and captured her red lips.

Since the last night in Xianggui, Ning Chuyi has never been close to Ling Chu. He wanted to give her a gentle kiss and then let go, but the beauty in his arms was so sweet that Ning Chuyi quickly forgot all about his self-control.

From being gentle and naughty, he soon became strong and domineering. After prying open the shell teeth, he became even more persistent.

Ling Chu's sitting body quickly fell limp into his arms.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a knock on the door outside, interrupting Ning Chuyi's strong plunder.

Wei Feng's urging voice came through the wooden door, "Prince, it's time to take a seat."

When King Dingyuan married his daughter, all the officials went to congratulate her.

The prince is getting married, and those officials naturally don't want to miss this opportunity to make friends.

In order to ensure that both parties were not absent, many officials went to Dingyuan Prince's Mansion to have a meal first, and then seamlessly went to the Prince's Mansion to congratulate.

Ning Chuyi heard Wei Feng's reminder and reluctantly let go of Ling Chu, but his fingers gently touched her red lips.

If he didn't have to show up in front of the guests outside, he really didn't want to let go. Taking a deep breath to calm down, Ning Chuyi said hoarsely, "I'll be right back."

Ling Chu was still panting and didn't speak. He only raised his hand and pushed, signaling him to get out quickly.

Seeing her charming look, Ning Chuyi suppressed her restlessness, leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips before standing up and leaving.

Just as Ling Chu calmed down, Xia Zhi and Liu Xiangju opened the door and walked in.

Behind him were several maids carrying food boxes.

Ling Chu happened to be very hungry, so he had his meal served by his maids, took off his heavy wedding clothes, and went behind the screen to bathe in fragrant soup.

As soon as he sat down on the bed, Ning Chuyi walked in, smelling of alcohol.

There were so many officials, Ling Chu thought he would have to socialize until midnight, but he didn't expect to be back so soon.

Ning Chuyi saw her doubts, but didn't explain anything. If it wasn't for being drunk, he wouldn't have been able to come back so quickly.

Ning Chuyi never had any maids around him, and all the people who waited on him were servants.

Now that he is getting married, he will naturally not let the servants serve in the chamber.

But he didn't want Ling Chu's maids to wait on him, so he waved his hands to them. After they left, Ning Chuyi took his clothes and went to take a bath.

He moved very quickly, and he came over just after Ling Chu turned two pages of the book beside the bed.

Ling Chu raised his eyes and looked over, thought for a moment, and asked, "Are you hungry? Do you need some food?"

Ning Chuyi shook his head. He had already eaten at the banquet.

But he didn't expect that after he sat down on the bed, he said, "Hungry."

Ling Chu was stunned for a moment, obviously shaking her head and saying she wasn't hungry, she was confused.

But before she could speak, Ning Chuyi had already taken the book away from her hand.

With one movement, he pulled her into his arms, lowered his head and covered his red lips.

Ling Chu glared at him and then realized what he was hungry for.

Although her glare was angry, it was a different kind of charm in Ning Chuyi's eyes.

After waiting for a long time, Ning Chuyi finally waited until the wedding night, and Ning Chuyi didn't want to waste any time.

Holding the beauty in his arms, he immediately launched an offensive. Ling Chu was immersed in his kiss unknowingly. The oxygen was taken away and she was forced to open her mouth.

Ning Chuyi was waiting for this opportunity and immediately rushed in, guiding Ling Chu to play with him between lips and teeth.

His hands were not idle.

One hand rubbed along Ling Chu's waist, and the other hand untied her clothes. His warm palms went in along the hem of her clothes, and quickly climbed up along the white and smooth skin until they reached the peak.

The big palm spread out and wrapped the trembling big peach.

Ling Chu's sensitive body quickly became weak, and he couldn't hold on anymore until he fell on the bed, and Ning Chuyi covered him up.

The clothes were taken off one by one, and her curvy body lay on the bright red brocade quilt, making her smooth and delicate skin even more charming.

Even a saint cannot hold back such an alluring beauty.

Ning Chuyi's slender and strong body immediately covered it. His big hand, which was used to holding a sword, was like touching the most precious treasure in the world. He followed the exquisite curves, from top to bottom, gently rubbing and slowly twisting and lifting.

"Chuchu?" Hearing the moans beneath him, Ning Chuyi's tailbone went numb, and he called out in a low voice, holding back the fire of desire that was about to explode.

"Huh?" Ling Chu looked at him with eyes stained with lust.

"Chuchu." Ning Chuyi became even more excited by her sight, and called out again in a low and hoarse voice.


"I'm coming in."

The dragon and phoenix wedding candles crackled and burst into flames.

The red curtain falls gently, the dragon and the phoenix are turned upside down, the flowers bloom and have the same heart.

【End of full text...】

The ending is full of flowers...

This is the author's second book. Since the beginning of the book, I have been grateful to all my book friends for their continued support.

Here, I would like to thank everyone again for your votes, comments, tips, and care... and also thank those book friends who pointed out the shortcomings.

It’s coming to an end, and I’m very, very sad!
It is with your support that this article can come to a successful conclusion.

Thanks for having you, bow.

Although there is always a banquet in the world, I hope we will see each other again in the next book.

Shuyin Book Club: 769325897. When new articles are published, they will be announced in the group in advance.

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