Seeing Ling Chu, Ge Shi rushed forward excitedly, knelt down and kowtowed, "Miss Ling, please, save my daughter."

Ling Chu frowned. Could it be that she hasn't woken up yet, why did she see Ge Shi's puppet soul?
And asked her for help.

Ling Chu was in doubt, when a familiar electronic sound sounded in her mind, waking her up.

"Ding! Request task detected."

"Please be sure to complete this mission, the host."

"Reward: unknown."

Ling Chu glanced at the task triggered by the system, then turned to look at Ge Shi who was crying miserably.

Unexpectedly, Geshi died after only a day and a half of absence.

Seeing Ge Shi crying and kowtow, begging her for help.

Ling Chu's brain ached from her crying, so he could only say helplessly, "Don't cry, get up first and speak clearly."

"Tell me, what's going on, how did you die?"

Originally thought that Ge Shi was killed by villains.

Unexpectedly, Ling Chu guessed wrong.

"Miss Ling, I committed suicide by myself." Ge Shi stood up from the ground, wiped his tears with his hand, with an anxious expression, "Miss Ling, can you please save my daughter, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"What happened to your daughter?"

"My daughter was sold by his father to a merchant from out of town, and the merchant was going to leave Beijing after dawn..."

Leave at dawn?

Ling Chu raised her eyes and glanced at the sky outside the window. Time was running short, she finished washing as quickly as possible, changed into a set of clothes, and went out with Ge Shi.

On the way, Ge Shi told Ling Chu what had happened.

Thinking of what happened in the past two days, Ge Shi felt regretful.

After Ling Chu left that day, Hu Batian and Manager Lu also left with the money they found from Liu's house.

After the surrounding neighbors left, Ge proposed to Liu Dongluo to make peace.

Liu Dongluo's family wealth has been used to pay off debts, and he is planning to marry his daughter to a wealthy businessman in order to obtain a high-priced gift.Seeing that Ge Shi wanted to take his daughter to reconcile with him, how could he agree.

He begged Ge Shi to give him another chance, as long as there is no reconciliation, he will definitely quit gambling in the future.

Ge Shi saw him swearing and swearing, a big man was crying tears, so his heart softened.

In order to show that he has repented, Liu Dongluo cleaned the house carefully and washed all the dirty clothes.Then he said that he was going to buy some vegetables and come back, and cook a table of good meals for his wife and daughter.

Liu Dongluo's performance reminded Ge Shi of the beautiful days when the couple first got married.

Although the family was poor at that time, the husband and wife had a good relationship, and Liu Dongluo would help her with any housework, always worrying that she would be exhausted.

Ge Shi feels that although all the money in the family has been used to pay off debts.But if she can change her husband in exchange for a new look and return to the husband who loves his wife and daughter and takes care of his family, no matter how hard life is, she will be happy.

Her husband was willing to change his past mistakes and get rid of his gambling addiction. Coupled with the thought of the good old days, Ge Shi's heart softened.

Seeing that Liu Dongluo was going to buy vegetables but was penniless, Ge took out the 20 taels Ling Chu gave him and gave them to him to buy vegetables.

Geshi and her daughter stayed at home, waiting for her husband to come back from buying vegetables, and made soup for her.

However, Liu Dongluo did not return all night after going out.

Ge Shi waited all night, his heart went from full of anticipation to deep disappointment.

The next day, Liu Dongluo, who was cursing with a jug of wine, came back.

When Ge Shi saw it, he asked him if he had gone to the gambling house again.

Hearing his wife's questioning, Liu Dongluo, who was red-eyed, did not deny it.

The sad and disappointed Geshi couldn't stand it any longer, and proposed to make peace with him.

Liu Dongluo spent the night in the gambling house, lost all his money, and was already in a bad mood.Hearing that his wife was going to take his daughter to make peace with him again, he immediately closed the door angrily, punched and kicked Ge Shi, and cursed with vicious words while refusing to listen.

Seeing her mother being beaten, Liu Xiangju wanted to stop her.However, Liu Dongluo's eyes were red, and he drank again, and he was so angry that he didn't want to push back.

Liu Xiangju hit her head against the wall and passed out.

Seeing that her daughter was injured, Ge couldn't bear it any longer, and started fighting with her husband.

But she is no match for Liu Dongluo.

Ge Shi was beaten all over by her husband, and even scolded her for not being able to have a son.Not to mention, after Liu Dongluo finished beating, he locked her and her daughter in the house.

After Liu Xiangju woke up, Ge Shi wanted to take her away and sell herself as a slave to Ling Chu.

But she found that not only the door was locked, but even the windows were sealed.

The mother and daughter were tired, hungry, and injured all over, so they couldn't get out at all.

It was not easy for Liu Dongluo to come back, but he did not come back alone. He brought back a wealthy businessman who came to Beijing from another place.

Liu Dongluo married his daughter to the foreign businessman.

Although her husband told her that her daughter was married to be his regular wife, Ge Shi did not believe it.

When a daughter gets married, there is no process of marriage proposal, matchmaking, engagement, and three letters and six rituals. The rich businessman wants to take Liu Xiangju away immediately.

Ge Shi naturally disagreed.

But Liu Dongluo ignored her objection and tied her up with a rope.
Ge Shi could only watch helplessly as his daughter was forcibly taken away by the rich businessman.

What made Ge Shi even more desperate was that not long after the rich businessman left, another old man came.

That old man, Ge Shi, knew him. His family opened a small wine shop, and he was considered well off.

But the old man was a man who loved to beat women. He married three wives, all of whom were beaten to death by him.

What Ge Shi didn't expect was that Liu Dongluo sold her to the old man at a high price.

Ge Shi was hit hard on the spot.

What is the difference between her husband's action and letting her go to die?

The beloved girl was forcibly taken away and disappeared. She was already heartbroken, but now her husband wanted to sell her mercilessly. In desperation, Ge Shi didn't want to live anymore.

In front of Liu Dongluo, Ge Shi bumped his head and died.

Ling Chu never thought that that Liu Dongluo was really inferior to a pig and a dog.

No, even pigs and dogs flattered him.

People say that a tiger's poison does not eat its offspring, but Liu Dongluo forcibly sold his wife and daughter regardless of their lives for money.

Ling Chu felt guilty, "I should have taken you away that day. If I didn't let you stay, you wouldn't have died like this."

Ge Shi's ghost shook his head, "You don't have to feel guilty, it's not your fault. I was confused, thinking that my husband really changed his past, and wanted to give him another chance.

It doesn't matter if I die now, I just hope that you can help me rescue my daughter, buy her, and let her be your maid.In this way, I can rest in peace when I die. "

Ling Chu sighed. At this point, the only thing we can do is to rescue that Liu Xiangju first.

"Geshi, do you know where your daughter was taken?"

Ge Shi nodded, "I know, after I died, I searched for a long time before I found the place where the rich businessman lived. Moreover, I heard what he and his companions said, saying that in order to avoid long nights and dreams, they planned to leave Beijing after dawn."

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