Ling Chu murmured in his heart, how could this person know that she was in the gambling house.

He came here specifically to look for her, maybe he ransacked the house and couldn't find any money, so he came to order her again.

Ning Chuyi stopped, and said in a low voice, "I came out to do some business, I just heard that you are in Changlefang, let's go in and have a look."

When Wei Feng at the side heard this, he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

My lord was obviously working in Jinyiwei's yamen, but when I heard Jinyiwei who was out on business inadvertently mentioning that he seemed to have seen Miss Ling enter Changle Fang, he rushed over in a hurry.

My lord's expression changed when he heard that Miss Ling had gone to the gambling house.

This is a rare thing, their adults have always been the ones who don't change their faces before the collapse of Mount Tai.

If he hadn't known that the emperor liked Miss Ling's ability, and told his lord to pay more attention to Miss Ling's safety, he would have almost wondered if their lord had taken a fancy to Miss Ling, and that's why he was so nervous.

Ning Chuyi didn't know that Wei Feng was slandering him, so he turned to Ling Chu and asked, "Why did Miss Ling go to a place like Changlefang where there are a lot of fish and dragons?"

"My maid was taken to the casino by Hu Batian. I couldn't watch her have an accident, so I came to Changlefang to ask for someone."

Ning Chuyi didn't expect that she came to look for a maid. The feeling Miss Ling gave him, if she said that she came to Changlefang to gamble, it didn't seem to be a surprise.

Ning Chuyi didn't know why he had this thought, so he was silent, and said, "What's the matter with Guanshi Tao's injury?"

Although Tao Cheng said that he fell and injured himself, Ning Chuyi didn't believe it.

Mentioning this matter, Ling Chu looked gloating, "The Tao Guanshi met an unlucky puppet. The prince of Pingjun and the eldest son of the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War were fighting in the gambling house. He went to persuade the fight and was accidentally injured by others."

For Tao Cheng, Ling Chu didn't feel sorry for him at all.

The peace talisman she gave was actually a waste talisman paper she had drawn.Although it can ensure safety, the effect is mediocre, and it can only be guaranteed for two days at most.

Two days later, that talisman was a piece of waste paper.

Ning Chuyi was speechless.

On the way here, he happened to meet Prince Pingjun's son and the young master of the Ministry of War Shangshufu who were going out from Changlefang, and they couldn't see any injuries on their bodies.

Unexpectedly, Tao Cheng tried to persuade him to fight, but he was beaten so badly.

It seems really bad luck.

Ning Chuyi, Wei Feng and the others didn't think much about Ling Chu's words, and they didn't even know that Tao Cheng was really entangled by the unlucky puppet.

Since Master Ning didn't come to ask her to help find the money, Ling Chu planned to take the two maids back.

But Ning Chuyi said, "The matter of Lu Chengliu has been found out a little bit."

Remembering that Yu Xiuyue's matter had not yet been resolved, Ling Chu quickly swallowed his farewell words.

"What did you find?"

Ning Chuyi, "If Miss Ling is not busy, why don't you sit in the teahouse?"

They are still standing in front of the gate of Changlefang. There are so many people coming and going here that it is really not suitable for talking.

Ge's affairs hadn't been finished yet, Ling Chu sent Liu Xiangju and Xia Zhi back to continue with the funeral, then turned around and got into the carriage, intending to go to the teahouse to hear what Lord Ning had found out.

Ning Chuyi took Ling Chu to Qingyun Street, a teahouse called Mingxue Pavilion.

The decoration of this teahouse is elegant, followed Ning Chuyi to the private room on the second floor, and sat down by the window, only then did Ling Chu realize that there was an academy not far away.

After the waiter served tea, Ling Chu looked away from the window and asked Ning Chuyi, "What did you find out about Lu Chengliu?"

Ning Chuyi took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and began to talk about what his subordinate Jin Yiwei had found out.

According to the investigation, Lu Chengliu was a student from a small county in Terengganu Prefecture. There was only one widowed mother in his family. He came to Beijing to study alone half a year ago.Although his family is not rich, he is a very hardworking student.

His academic performance is not bad, and his temper is also gentle.In the academy, no matter if he is a teacher or a classmate, they all speak well of him.

However, Jin Yiwei, who investigated the case, did not find out that there was a girl named Yu Xiuyue beside Lu Chengliu, but found that Lu Chengliu seemed to be dating the younger sister of a classmate from a wealthy family.

Originally, the classmate's family intended to make an engagement with that Lu Chengliu, but after hearing that Lu Chengliu accidentally injured his head, the engagement was put on hold for the time being.

The classmate's family is planning to wait for him to recover from his injuries before proposing an engagement.

Ning Chuyi took a scroll from Wei Feng, opened it and spread it on the table.

"This is that Lu Chengliu."

Ling Chu glanced at the portrait, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

Although the painting is fairly clear, if you want to match it with a real person, it may be difficult.

Ning Chuyi also knew that this painting was disliked, and the guards under him were doing well in investigating the case, but Danqing was really mediocre.

"Miss Ling Danqing is good at painting. When I have a chance, can I trouble you to point out the painters in our yamen?"

In order to track down those wanted criminals, the Yamen invited a painter to paint portraits of those wanted criminals.But the painter's Danqing was far behind Miss Ling's.

It's not difficult to point out painting skills, Ling Chu couldn't refuse, so he could only nod his head in response.

"Lu Chengliu is studying at Changfeng Academy. It's almost time for school to end. You should see him come out."

Ling Chu took a look at the Changfeng Academy not far away, no wonder Master Ning brought her to the tea house near this academy, so that she could match the real person with the portrait.

The gate of the academy was quiet at this moment, no one was seen, those students should still be in class inside.


Changfeng Academy, bamboo repair class.

A master with a gray beard is dividing a stack of papers in his hand.

This is the test paper that was just finished yesterday, and the teacher has already finished correcting it, and the students whose names are called will go to the stage to collect their own test papers.

The master looked down at the paper with the second grade written in a vermilion pen in his hand, raised his head and called out, "Lu Chengliu."

Lu Chengliu, who was dressed in a blue-gray school uniform, responded, and walked up to his master respectfully.

The master handed over the paper with regretful eyes.

Sensing his gaze, Lu Chengliu's heart tightened for a moment. With his head down, he pretended to be nonchalant and reached out to take the paper.

The master looked at his back as he walked back, feeling pity in his heart.

This Lu Chengliu was originally very good in his studies. He used to get first grades in most of his subjects, but since he injured his brain, his grades have not been as good as before.

It's a pity that even my hand was injured, and the handwriting was not as good as before.

Lu Chengliu took the paper and walked to his seat. Although the master didn't say anything, his eyes made him feel uncomfortable.

The classmate next to him inadvertently swept his hands holding the paper, and frowned.

Sensing the strange gaze of the other party, Lu Chengliu looked down, only to find that the paper was torn by his hands because of too much force.

There was a thump in his heart, and Lu Chengliu quickly smoothed the paper.

The classmate caught a glimpse of the word B on his paper, and the doubts in his heart were relieved.No wonder the papers were all torn, because they failed the exam again.

Lu Chengliu tried his best to calm himself down, finally made it to the end of school, hurriedly packed his books and prepared to go back.

"That's Lu Chengliu." Ning Chuyi suddenly pointed to a man at the entrance of the academy.

Ling Chu followed his fingers to look over, and suddenly gasped, "This man's face is wrong..."

Ling Chu: Are you looking at a photo?

No need for copper coins, just tickets.

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