Prince Jing's son was surprised when he saw what was recorded in the account book.

As he grew up, it was the first time he saw someone making money by selling poems and songs, paraphrases of articles, and learning experience.

In addition, there are some records of selling embroidery.

Prince Jing frowned, not understanding why Ling Chu found such an account book.

Although the things that Lu Mingliu sold surprised him, they couldn't convict him.

Ling Chu ignored his doubts, took the ledger and handed it to Lu Chengliu who was beside him.

Lu Chengliu lowered his head and saw the records on the account book, with an angry expression on his face, "Lu Mingliu, you not only took over my identity, but also sold all my things?"

He really didn't expect that Lu Mingliu would sell some of the poems and poems he usually wrote, and the interpretation of the articles to the children of the aristocratic family in exchange for money.

As for those embroidered items, they were embroidered by his fiancée Yu Xiuyue, who unexpectedly sold them as well.

"I'm selling my own stuff, how can I say it's yours?" Lu Mingliu has no fear, as long as he clenches his teeth and refuses to admit it, who can prove that the things he's selling are Lu Chengliu's, and there's no words written on them. name.

Chang Ge Shan and Master Jiang frowned when they saw the records in the ledger.None of them expected that Lu Mingliu would sell these schoolwork items for money.

Although Lu Mingliu's identity has not been confirmed yet, at this moment, the two of them's impression of him was greatly reduced.

The few people who were looking at the ledger were suddenly startled by a loud noise.

Everyone turned around and found that Ling Chu was standing in the corner of the study. He took out a hammer from nowhere and smashed a big hole in the wall of the study.

When Lu Mingliu saw the wall being smashed, his expression changed drastically, and he rushed over to stop him as soon as he lifted his foot.

"Miss Ling, you are too much, how can you tear down the wall? I rented this house, and now you have smashed it, you have to pay to compensate the owner."

When Ling Chu saw him rushing over to push her, he dodged his body, lifted his feet, and kicked her.

Lu Mingliu was kicked back a few steps.

Prince Jing's son hurried forward and found a box hidden in the wall.

Immediately became excited, this thing is hidden so secretly, it must be the evidence of Miss Ling's crime.

Ling Chu originally wanted to smash the wall a little bigger, but Prince Jing thought she was slow, so he snatched the hammer, smashed it three times in a row, and then quickly took out the box.

"Hey, is this Lu Yin?"

After opening it in twos and twos, Prince Jing sneered, "You really are Lu Mingliu."

Lu Mingliu shook his body, he knew everything was over.

Chief Ge Shan took the guide and saw the words Lu Mingliu on the guide at a glance.

In addition to name, identity, age, place of origin and physical characteristics.

Prince Jing's son saw that there was a bright red crescent-shaped birthmark on his right shoulder written on the guide, and immediately called the guards to take Lu Mingliu to the wing for a medical examination.

Lu Mingliu instinctively wanted to struggle, but he was no match for guards with strong martial arts skills.

Pulling off the school uniform on his body in twos and threes, Chang Ge Shan and the others saw that there was a red crescent birthmark on his right shoulder.

In order to prove his innocence, Lu Chengliu took off his clothes in front of the head of the mountain and his master.

Lu Chengliu's body was smooth without any birthmark.

The way Ge Shanchang and the others looked at Lu Mingliu suddenly changed.

I didn't expect this person's identity to be fake.

When they came out of the wing, Ling Chu handed the remaining things in the box to Chief Ge Shan.

In addition to Lu Yin, there are also a few letters from home, as well as a few books that Lu Mingliu had read before, which contained his explanations and notes.

Master Jiang could tell at a glance that the meaning written on it was Lu Mingliu's handwriting.

The facts are clear at a glance.

Lu Mingliu glared at Ling Chu and Lu Chengliu resentfully, "These things don't belong to me, you must have conspired to steal my identity, forged these things and hid them in the wall to frame me."

"If not, how would you know that there is something hidden in the wall?"

Seeing Lu Mingliu's righteous indignation and calling for grievances, some students who watched the excitement looked at Ling Chu suspiciously.

Whether it's the banknote hidden in the scroll, the account book in the cabinet, or the guide on the wall, once Miss Ling finds out, if she didn't hide it in advance, how could she know so clearly?

I didn't expect to deny it when things came to a head.

Ling Chu sneered, "Could it be that you are blind and didn't see that I calculated it by divination? Although you have the same face as Lu Chengliu, you are trying your best to imitate his handwriting, but fakes are fakes.

There is also your information on the road guide. Your home is in a small town under the jurisdiction of Dongyang Prefecture. Although it is not close to the capital, if you go fast, more than ten days are enough for a round trip. "

Lu Mingliu pursed his lips tightly. He knew what Ling Chu meant. If he refused to admit it, at worst he would send someone to his hometown to verify his identity.

In this way, he can no longer deny it.

The academy is a place for teaching and educating people, preaching and dispelling doubts, naturally they will not tolerate people with corrupt morals.

Chief Ge Shan immediately announced that he would drive Lu Mingliu out of Changfeng Academy and restore Lu Chengliu's identity.

Lu Chengliu bowed to Ling Chu with red eyes when he heard Shanzhang's restoration of his identity, "Thank you girl, your great kindness, I will never forget it..."

Lu Chengliu was originally full of grateful words to say, but at this moment he choked up and couldn't speak.

If it wasn't for Miss Ling, he would have to wait until he wanted to restore his identity.

Lu Mingliu on the side had a dark face, picked up his guide and bank ticket and wanted to leave.

Ling Chu stopped him, "You can't take these banknotes away."

Lu Mingliu stared at her resentfully, "Don't go too far, you have already ruined my future. I have nothing now, why can't I take the bank note?"

Ling Chu sneered, "You were expelled from Changfeng Academy, and it was entirely your own fault, but no one forced you to murder Lu Chengliu, or even take his place. Also, how did those banknotes come from, don't you know? "

When Lu Mingliu saw the account book, he regretted why he wrote down these accounts.

He didn't want to sell those things in the first place.Although his talent for imitation is not bad, his homework and calligraphy cannot be achieved by imitation.

After replacing Lu Chengliu's identity, although he pretended to be shocked and hurt his head and hands, after all, this injury cannot be pretended forever.

In order to make up for the gap between him and Lu Chengliu's studies, he has to spend a lot of time on homework every day, and he has no time to think about ways to make money.

Although he found more than 200 taels of silver left by Lu Chengliu, in addition to food, clothing, housing and transportation, he also socialized with his classmates, and pens, inks, papers and inkstones cost money, so he couldn't just sit and eat.

By chance, he learned that some children from aristocratic families with poor homework, in order to complete the homework assigned by their master, would spend money to ask those students with excellent academic performance to help.

So he came up with a plan, selected some of the poems, songs, poems and article interpretations that Lu Chengliu usually wrote, and sold them to the children of those aristocratic families in exchange for money.

Prince Jing's son didn't care what Lu Mingliu thought, he snatched the banknote and handed it to Lu Chengliu who was beside him.

Although angry, Lu Mingliu dared not do anything to Prince Jing's son.He could only hold back the anger in his heart, and left with the guide.

But just after lifting his feet, Ling Chu's cool voice came from behind, "Wait a minute, you can't go yet..."

QAQ, the list keeps dropping, keeps dropping...

Dear book friends, can you support me a little bit more!please ha

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