Chapter 84 Apologize
Lu Mingliu was strangled by Yu Xiuyue, desperately begging for mercy.

But Yu Xiuyue didn't pay attention to it, instead, she pinched her tighter and tighter.

In order to marry Lu Chengliu, these years, she has been doing embroidery work day and night to earn money to support him in his studies, hoping that he will marry her after he wins the exam.

Seeing that the imperial examination was about to take place, she was killed by this wolf-hearted Lu Mingliu, and she would never be able to marry again.Thinking of these, how could Yu Xiuyue not hate.

Now she only has one thought, she wants to strangle Lu Mingliu to death, to avenge Brother Lu and herself.

Seeing that Lu Mingliu was pinched and rolled her eyes, she was about to die, and Yu Xiuyue's evil spirit was still rising rapidly, Ling Chu was worried that she would be blinded by hatred and turn into a ghost, so he quickly took out a piece of Requiem The character patted her body.

Escaping from death, Lu Mingliu coughed desperately several times before crawling to a place far away from Yu Xiuyue.

Yu Xiuyue didn't understand why Ling Chu wanted to stop her, "Miss Ling, why don't you let me strangle this heartless thing?"

Ling Chu sighed, "Although Lu Mingliu deserves to die, you are now a puppet soul, and you cannot cross the border to meddle in the affairs of the world. Otherwise, it will not only damage your yin virtue, affect your reincarnation in the next life, but also implicate your relatives with your karma.

Unable to kill that bastard Lu Mingliu with her own hands, even though Yu Xiuyue felt unwilling, she could only let go.

She mistook Lu Mingliu for her fiancé, felt guilty towards Lu Chengliu, and didn't want to burden him with her karma.

Although Lu Chengliu was not strangled to death, he has publicly confessed that in order to replace Lu Chengliu's identity, he pushed him down the mountain to kill him, and pushed Yu Xiuyue into the river to drown him alive.

These crimes are enough to be executed by Qiu Houwen.

After Lu Chengliu wrote down Lu Mingliu's confession, he gave it to him to sign.

But Lu Mingliu was not willing to sign.

Prince Jing didn't care whether he wanted it or not, he waved his hand and called a guard to escort him to sign, then grabbed his hand and pressed his fingerprints.

Lu Chengliu took out the rice paper again and wrote a pleading, suing Lu Mingliu for impersonating his identity and murdering his fiancée.

For Lu Mingliu, the instigator, King Jing's son was very annoyed at first, but now seeing that he confessed his crimes, he immediately ordered the guards to take him to Dali Temple to await trial.

The truth of the matter has become clear, Ge Shanzhang and Jiang Fuzi also know that Lu Mingliu deserved what he deserved, and they didn't have any objections when they saw the guards escorting him to Dali Temple.

Sighing, he took the students who were watching the fun back to Changfeng Academy.

Lu Chengliu bowed to Ling Chu, "Girl, Lu Chengliu will never forget your kindness."

To Ling Chu, Lu Chengliu was grateful. He knew that without this girl's help, his identity would be replaced by Lu Mingliu forever, and the truth about Yu Xiuyue's murder would not come to light.

Yu Xiuyue's puppet plopped down to Ling Chu and kowtowed, "Thank you, Miss, for helping me find Big Brother Lu and helping him recover his identity. Xiuyue can't repay Miss's kindness.

You are a good person. Xiuyue wishes you a long life without disease and disaster.Xiuyue will repay the girl's kindness in her next life. "

Yu Xiuyue is an ordinary embroiderer. Although she has read some words with Lu Chengliu, she doesn't know how to say anything polite.She saw that Ling Chu's health was not very good, so she really wanted to wish her a good life and a long life.

Although Yu Xiuyue's blessing was simple, it was what Ling Chu wanted most.

Hearing the merits and money rewarded by the system, Ling Chu's eyes brightened.

The distance of premature death is one step away from her, and her soul is more stable than before, which is great.

After Yu Xiuyue thanked Ling Chu, she kowtowed to Prince Jing's son again.

Seeing Ling Chu staring at him, Prince Jing suddenly felt goosebumps popping up all over his body, which reminded him of the experience of being haunted by Yu Xiuyue's puppet.

Swallowing, subconsciously moved towards Ling Chu, "Miss Ling, could it be that Yu Xiuyue wants to pester me again?"

As a dude, he is not afraid of anything, but he can't help but feel apprehensive towards these puppet souls.

After all, no matter who it is, he has a way to deal with it, but for the invisible and intangible puppet soul, no matter how lawless he is, he has nothing to do.

Seeing that Prince Jing's son was afraid, Ling Chu twitched the corners of his mouth, as if one thing was falling for another.

Sometimes even the emperor can't do anything about him, but he didn't expect to be so frightened by the puppet soul that his legs go limp.

Prince Jing's son felt hairy at Ling Chu's schadenfreude, "Auntie, let Yu Xiuyue leave quickly. I am her lifesaver, so please stop pestering me with revenge."

Ling Chu shook his head amusedly, the son of Prince Jing was about to cry.

"Don't worry, Yu Xiuyue won't pester you anymore, she is kowtowing to you to thank you for saving her life, and she is also apologizing for pestering you a few days ago."

Yu Xiuyue didn't know that Lu Chengliu had been replaced by an impostor before, thinking that after he came to Beijing, he was greedy for the power and wealth of the Zhou family, despised her low status, and wanted to break off the engagement with her.

Yu Xiuyue had paid so much for Lu Chengliu, but in the end she was ruthlessly killed by him.He remembered that Prince Jing, who had never met him before, saw her fall into the water, but was able to rescue her by jumping into the river regardless of the danger.

After Yu Xiuyue died, remembering that she fell into the water and was rescued by Prince Jing's son, she never found a chance to thank him before she was alive.Now that she is dead, she wants to go and see this savior.

Originally because of the kindness of saving her life, Yu Xiuyue had a good impression of Prince Jing's son, and Prince Jing's handsome appearance, after meeting him, Yu Xiuyue was unknowingly attracted to him. He is the man she should marry.

Since her fiancé thinks her status is low, she will marry Prince Jing's son as his concubine, in order to make Lu Chengliu regret abandoning her for power and wealth.

Yu Xiuyue died with resentment. After her death, she was insane, and her temperament was greatly changed by Lu Chengliu's change of heart. That's why she entangled Prince Jing's son.

Now the truth came out, Yu Xiuyue knew that she had misunderstood Lu Chengliu and felt guilty for pestering Prince Jing's son.

Prince Jing heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Yu Xiuyue was not planning to pester him anymore.

Facing the air in front of him, Prince Jing waved his hand generously, "Miss Yu, get up. As long as you don't come to pester me again, this matter will be fine."

After all, this Yu Xiuyue is also a poor person.Prince Jing's son was annoyed that she pestered him before, but now that she is dead, he can't do anything with her.

Yu Xiuyue couldn't blame him, Prince Jing could only blame Lu Mingliu for all the suffering he had suffered before, and he planned to go to Dali Temple to have someone take good care of Lu Mingliu, the culprit.

After the matter was over, Ling Chu took out the container and put away Yu Xiuyue's puppet soul.

Although she was reluctant to give up, Yu Xiuyue knew that people were different and could no longer be with Lu Chengliu, so she could only wave goodbye with tears in her eyes.

 Ask for tickets la la la...

(End of this chapter)

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