Chapter 9 Mixed Well
Seeing that Ling Chu didn't have the slightest surprise on his face when he heard this, the jailer couldn't help asking, "Did the girl know that Zhao Ping would die?"

Zhao Ping would die, and Ling Chu knew it when he saw his face and the dead air on his body.

But of course she wouldn't say that.

Ling Chu shook his head in shock and said, "How did I know he would die?"

"Didn't the girl know how to look at the face, didn't she see that he would have such a catastrophe?"

Ling Chu's face was full of guilt, "Maybe it's because I haven't mastered my ability to read faces, so I didn't see it."

Seeing that she was young, Ma Dalin thought it was possible, but felt that the girl was not telling the truth.

"Does that girl know how Zhao Ping died?"

Ling Chu looked blank, "I don't know, I've been staying here all this time, how could I know how he died."

This is true, it is impossible to get out after entering the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and how can it be possible to know what is going on outside.

But if it is said that the girl has not mastered the ability to read physiognomy, she can tell that his wife gave birth to a son for him.

He also reminded him to go east to ask for a doctor.

Fortunately, he believed the girl's words at that time, and directly invited a doctor back from the medical clinic in the east.

His daughter-in-law wrestled and gave birth prematurely, and the son she gave birth was not good. If he hadn't invited the doctor back in time, his newly born child might have died young.

Afterwards, he inquired about it, only to find out that the doctor closest to his home had gone out to see a doctor.

The doctor's clinic is just to the west. Usually, if someone in their family feels unwell, they usually go to that doctor for consultation.

If he didn't believe the girl at that time, he would go to the west first, and then go to the east side medical center to ask for a doctor, the day lily is cold.

Also, Zhao Ping was really lucky today and made a fortune.

Thinking of these few incidents, Ma Dalin felt that this girl was not as simple as she appeared on the surface, so she didn't dare to think about it, but directly told about Zhao Ping.

"Zhao Ping went to the gambling house today and won more than 1000 taels of silver. After leaving the gambling house, he was targeted by a few gangsters. He stabbed Zhao Ping to death while robbing the money."

Ling Chu was shocked, "Ah, Mr. Zhao is so lucky to die so badly."

The corner of Ma Dalin's mouth twitched, but what the girl said was right.

Zhao Ping was really lucky and won more than 1000 taels.It's just that the money was robbed as soon as he got it, and it was the money that killed him.

Isn't it miserable to lose both people and wealth.

Second Madam and the others were delighted when they heard that the pockmarked jailer had died. They just took away their jewelry yesterday, but today they received retribution. It is not a pity for such a person to die.

Ever since Miss Six was molested by the pock-faced jailer, she has been huddled in a corner stupidly. Her biological mother, Aunt Liu, heard the news of Zhao Ping's death and hurried over to comfort her by wrapping her arms around her shoulders, "It's all right, It's okay, it's all over..."

The second lady rolled her eyes when she heard her words, and said in a strange way, "You thank the eldest girl quickly, she helped you a lot, and killed that jailer."

When Aunt Liu heard this, she raised her eyes and glanced at Ling Chu, her lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she finally lowered her head again.

Ling Chu glanced at the second wife indifferently, "I have nothing to do with Zhao Ping, not to mention that my fate is not wrong at all, even if I punish my six relatives, it should be my second aunt."

The second lady glared at her fiercely. Although she was not killed by her, she was put into the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

Seeing Ling Chu eating the roast chicken, the second wife was both envious and jealous, "What about the filial piety of the eldest girl, you really enjoy eating, don't you see that the wife hasn't eaten today?"

Not only Mrs. Tai, but all of them are also starving. The catastrophe got so much food, and he didn't know how to give them some, what a white-eyed wolf.

Hearing the second lady's accusation, Ling Chu wasn't annoyed at all, but instead said guiltily, "Ling Chu didn't think carefully, grandma, mother, if you are not afraid of being killed by me, you can eat these foods."

Originally, everyone had listened to the second lady's words and was waiting for Ling Chu to bring the food and distribute it to everyone.

But after hearing her words, everyone's hearts beat.

The young lady put them in prison as soon as she returned to the mansion. If they ate her food again, would they even die?
The eldest lady hugged the third girl, her eyes were dark, but she shook her head guiltily, "Miss Chu, mother is not hungry, you can eat. You didn't grow up with mother, mother is ashamed of you, so little food, Keep it for yourself and eat slowly."

Ling Chu glanced at her and said "oh" lightly.

The second lady was angry, but she had nothing to do with Ling Chu.

He could only stare at her fiercely.

The feeling of hunger in your stomach is really uncomfortable, especially when there are people around you who are eating hot and spicy food, but you can only stare blankly from the sidelines.

That taste almost drove people crazy.

Ling Chu twitched the corner of her mouth mockingly, she just said that on purpose.

These so-called relatives all opened their mouths and kept silent, saying that she had harmed everyone by restraining her relatives, wanted to eat her food, and accused her of being unfilial.

It's not like she's out of her mind, she's been accused of being disgusted by others, and she has to treat them wholeheartedly.

She just wants to let them know that she is not dough, and can be rounded and flattened by everyone.

No one dared to babble anymore, Ling Chu picked up the roast chicken again and ate it with relish.

Ma Dalin felt in his heart that the Lingda girl was the same as Songzi Guanyin, thanks to her, he could have a son.

In order to thank her for reminding himself to go to the east to ask for a doctor and save his newborn son in time, he not only bought a lot of food for Ling Chu, but also brought a clean quilt, and finally moved a table and a chair into the cell for her.

After Ning Chuyi came in, what he saw was Ling Chu eating.

"Miss Ling, it seems that you are doing well here." Fortunately, he thought that the little girl was smart and good at divination, but she was imprisoned by her family.

Worried that she would be frightened in prison, regardless of her exhaustion, she ran over here enduring her hunger, but she was eating and drinking here.

Those who didn't know thought she was enjoying delicious food and wine in a restaurant at this time.

Hearing this familiar voice, Ling Chu quickly put down the roast chicken in his hand, and said with a sad face, "Don't be sarcastic, my lord. You've put me in jail, and I don't know if I'll be chopped up tomorrow. For the last meal, you have to eat well, lest you become a starving puppet."

After a pause, he added with a smile, "By the way, have you eaten your meal, do you want to come in and use some?"

She murmured in her heart that this God of Killing could be said to be related to the guy on her neck, and she still had to do something to please her on the surface.

The corner of Ma Dalin's mouth twitched as he was following Commander Ning. Miss Ling actually invited Commander Jin Yiwei to eat in the cell, which really made him at a loss for what to say.

Ning Chuyi took a deep look at the rapidly changing face, and said slowly, "I appreciate the girl's kindness. Let the girl enjoy these meals slowly.

In case you come to the underworld in the future, you have to sue the King of Hell, saying that the official is greedy for your little food, and even the last meal of beheading will be taken from the girl. "

 Thanks to zy_eA, Qiongyu Bahuang, a good book that can't be read, 20230306195833531 and other book friends for voting
(End of this chapter)

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