Chapter 12 You Are Awesome
Everyone: Huh? ? ?

Build a house?farming?Digging?

That's it?

Ran Ling handed Lin Yunqiu a piece of paper, "This is the Zongmen blueprint, you can let them build it after looking at it, remember to check the quality."

Lin Yunqiu took it in a daze.

"Jinpeng, you supervise them, don't let them be lazy."

Peng San cheered up, grinned, and glanced at all the disciples with dark eyes, "I promise to complete the task."

Ran Ling arranged things, carried Xie Heng in his arms and walked away, "Call me when the pit is dug."

Hearing that the God of Plague was about to leave, everyone's minds became active and their faces showed joy.

"By the way." She turned her head suddenly, with a gentle smile, but exuded a frightening chill, "If anyone wants to rebel or escape, you can call me."

"I'll treat him well."

Everyone who just had a thought of running away felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured down on their heads!

Compared with other sects, Dao Yizong Mountain Gate has obvious advantages, it is high enough, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you will be at the top of the mountain, and when you look down, you can take in the scenery of the whole Yunzhou.

Even halfway up the mountain, there are faint clouds floating.

The disadvantage is even more obvious, poor.

Dilapidated and barren, it belongs to the level that birds don't want to shit when they pass by.

When the ancestors of the various sects chose to establish the sect, they all ignored this mountain with overgrown grass and lack of spiritual energy.

As for the founder of Dao Yizong, an existence older than Ranling, no one knows why he chose this broken mountain.

In the back mountain of Daoyizong, there is a field of moderate size. It is said to be a field, but in fact it is just a dry and clotted yellow earth, with a few sparse grasses growing.

At the end of the field there is a huge towering tree, and further ahead is a cliff surrounded by clouds and fog.

Different from the prosperity seen in front of the mountain, standing here, you can see mountains, rivers, forests and sunsets, where wildness and primitiveness coexist.

Lin Yunqiu searched around but didn't see the figure of the ancestor, so he found Houshanlai all the way.

Then I saw someone sleeping leisurely under a tree.

She was lying on a rocking chair, her bright red skirt overlapped her jet-black hair, and the blue sky was behind her.

There was another chaise longue next to her, but it was empty.

A certain phoenix that was supposed to be lying on it was nestled next to Ran Ling's head in a small ball, and was touching her face.

Lin Yunqiu sighed with his hands behind his back.

Apart from other things, the appearance of my ancestor is really nothing to say, if it weren't for some unlucky luck, how many people would rush to join in.

He stepped forward and cupped his hands respectfully, "Old Ancestor, the pit has been dug."

Those boys from the Liu family must have deliberately dug such a big hole.

I don't know what the ancestors are going to use it for.

Ran Ling noticed it when he came, and lazily replied, "Got it, I'll come later."

Lin Yunqiu nodded, took a few steps back, and turned to leave.

Ran Ling opened his eyes and looked at the burning red glow in the sky.

She slept for half a day.

He sat up and rubbed his face, rubbed his fingers against Little Phoenix's furry cheeks, then turned and left.

Dao Yizong probably had never been so lively before.

A lot of disciples were sullen, and they were doing their work loudly.

It seems that he wants to use this power to vent the depressed emotions in his heart.

The disciples of the Liu family dug the pit, and each one of them was shirtless, slumped on the ground to rest like dead dogs.

"Damn, what is this called doing? Why don't you cultivate well and dig a hole here!"

"Think about our identities now, and you still want to practice? What the hell are you dreaming about!"

"Are you looking for a fight?"

The Liu family was about to fight, and the disciples of the Wan family were cursing with their arms akimbo, "You can be content, at least you can rest for a while now, it's really miserable between us and the Black Water Sect! It's like a week of skinning! No rest for a moment!"

"Stop pushing, work quickly, Zhou Papi is here!"


The people from Wanjia and Heishuizong felt their scalps go numb and their faces were aching, so they hurriedly worked hard.

Peng San held his head up, his sharp eyes swept over everyone, carefully inspecting his territory.

Once you find that someone is lazy, go over and give the other party a big match.

It patrolled around, and suddenly asked strangely: "Where did Goudan go?"

Are you lazy?

Hehehe, just in time to sue the master!
A certain "lazy" dog was in a corner, hurriedly changing the diaper of Chi Yuan who was all over her body.


"Good evening, Patriarch."

When everyone in Dao Yizong saw Ranling, they immediately became excited, stopped what they were doing, and greeted one after another.

Ran Ling smiled and said, "Good evening."

The disciples who got the response were all shaken by Ranling's expression.

"God, it turns out that the old ancestor smiles so beautifully, he's almost drunk."

"Yes, yes, why didn't I find out before."

Unlike the excitement of the disciples of the first Dao sect, the disciples of the other sects were in chaos.

"Hiss! The plague god is here!"

"What? The plague god is here!!"

"Hurry up and work!! The plague god is coming!"

Shouts of exclamation of varying heights came and went, one after the other, and almost everyone was taken aback. They immediately put on [-]% energy, for fear of being picked out by the God of Plague, and said some digging words. Scary words like eyeballs.

As a result, Ranling just glanced at them lightly, then walked towards the huge pit.


Peng San happily ran to Ranling.

"Good job." Ran Ling praised it.

In half a day, the construction process was taken another big step forward.

"It's nothing, it's what I should do." Pengsan was very modest, and suddenly said mysteriously: "Master, I haven't seen Goudan for a long time, it must be lazy."

Gou Yuan who just appeared with the baby on his back: "..."

The most embarrassing thing in the world is seeing the client the next second after suing someone else.

Pengsan's guilty eyes became erratic.

Gou Yuan said expressionlessly, "I'm going to help Chi Yuan change her diaper."

"Oh, so it's like this!" Peng San laughed awkwardly.

Gou Yuan still stared at it blankly, Peng Sanmao was about to explode.

Ran Ling walked over, took a look at the baby's condition, bent down slightly, looked at Gou Yuan at the same level, and praised with a smile, "Gou Yuan is really amazing."

Gou Yuan took a step back immediately, if his hair wasn't too dark and thick, his face might turn red.

After a while, he murmured: "Yeah, it's nothing."

It was very embarrassed, and stopped staring at Pengsan.

Ran Ling smiled and straightened up, "Come with me, the hole is dug, let's move the golden red fruit tree out."

Gou Yuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded seriously, and followed behind Ran Ling.

Seeing that the two of them were leaving, Pengsan followed suit, but there was a long distance between them.

It is afraid that the dog will beat it.

Behind him, a disciple of Dao Yizong was full of jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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