Chapter 15 I Hurt You

Everyone: "..."

Do some knitting!
Uh... Although it is said that working can increase experience, it cannot be obtained in a short time. It is still more challenging now.

They cultivate immortals, if they are afraid of this and that, why do they cultivate immortals?

No one in the field wanted to quit.

"Very good. It's You time now, and the deadline is Tomorrow Yin time. At that time, gather in front of this golden red fruit tree. If you exceed the deadline, it means failure. By the way, I remind you that everyone can fight, but they can't kill. Once If I kill someone, I will personally deal with him." Ran Ling smiled brightly.

Everyone was bristled by her smile.

You still don't need to do it yourself, we are afraid.

Ran Ling said: "Now—"

"Game start!"

Swish swish!

Thousands of rays of light flashed across the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ranling's long and slender fingers moved together and changed quickly, pinching out one after another spells, afterimages were faintly visible, and finally turned into thousands of green leaves, like the tide, chasing towards the direction where the disciples left.

Gou Yuan settled Chi Yuan and was about to jump down from the tree when he saw this scene and asked curiously, "Senior, what is this?"

Peng San was also very curious.

It looks very mysterious.

Ranling pinched the picture of his face with his fingertips, and spread it out for them to see.

Different from ordinary leaves, on this leaf is the outline of a small person, with eyes open, looking at the two with a smile on his face.

Two people: "..."

Laughing is too chilling, it's better not to laugh, panicked.

"This is a puppet technique. Every leaf here can be my avatar." Ran Ling put away the leaves, "The children are not strong enough, I'm afraid I'll lose my life, and then the three parties will have to trouble me."

The two were shocked.

Each piece is a clone, that is enough to have thousands of clones. The key is that after so many clones are separated, the strength of the deity does not seem to be reduced at all.

How strong is she? !

Peng San swallowed, and decided to hug this thigh tightly in the future, "Master, shall we go too?"

Ran Ling was about to nod, but suddenly seemed to think of something, paused, "Go first, I'll take care of something, I'll be here soon."

"Good master." Peng San couldn't wait any longer, "God, let's go!"

Gou Yuan flapped his wings on its head, "Gou Yuan."

Pengsan covered his head in pain, quickly flew to the sky, and said meanly: "Got it, bitch."

Gou Yuan chased after him expressionlessly.

The two gradually disappeared from sight, and the screams of Peng San being beaten could be faintly heard.

Dying Ling: "..."

Sure enough, Jin Peng didn't get a beating for nothing.

After setting up a formation around the golden red fruit tree, she flew towards the back mountain.

Xie Heng has turned back into a human form, but he is still in a coma. He does not know what he dreamed of. His brows are extremely frowned, his forehead is covered with beads of sweat, strands of blue hair cling to his sweat-drenched, slender, white and slender neck. A sickness and a weak beauty.

Ran Ling's eyes paused for a moment on his neck and waist, then quickly moved away and looked at his face.

"Xie Heng."

Didn't wake up.

Ran Ling was about to forcibly pinch him soberly, but her outstretched wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone. The other party used great strength, and the big Ran Ling was a little hurt.

She was about to slap him to the ground, but the person in front of him suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils were blue, like thorns formed by frost, and the eyes were bloodshot.

The whole person reveals a biting killing intent!
The moment he saw Ran Ling, he seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and when he realized it, the blue eyes quickly faded away like a tide.

He found that he was clasping Ran Ling's wrist, and quickly let go, but it was too late, the white wrist was so hard that it was red and faintly blue.

Xie Heng's thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and his lips were pursed extremely tightly.

"Sorry." He said hoarsely, softly.

He sat up, conjured up a small porcelain, and carefully smeared the moist and cool ointment on Ran Ling's wrist, his fingers trembling slightly as if he was still in fear.

Ran Ling let him do it, she raised her eyebrows, watching Xie Heng's reaction carefully.

This kid, she must be the one pinching the pain, but he looks like he's about to cry.

After wiping it around and around, Ran Ling became impatient, hooked the opponent's chin, and lifted his face up.

The captivating Danfeng eyes are like stars, and the tail is dyed bright red.

There is still annoyance in his eyes that he will not be able to take it back in time in the future.

"What are you thinking?" Ran Ling stared at him and asked.

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and turned away, "I hurt you."

Ran Ling rubbed his chin with his fingers teasingly, "What did you dream about?"

Xie Heng thought about it, but couldn't think of anything, "I can't remember. It's all red."

"Don't think about it if you can't remember it." Ran Ling approached him slightly, and met his eyes, "It's not broken, it's nothing, I'll let you do it."

Xie Heng paused, and crimson rose in his ears.

No wonder this man is so famous.

Really a seasoned veteran.

He pulled off Ranling's hand and stuffed the ointment into her hand, "Three times a day."

Ran Ling played with the delicate medicine in his hand, "You won't wipe it for me? You hurt it."

Xie Heng couldn't tell whether this person was talking serious or teasing him, but he took the ointment back, "I'll rub it on for you."

Ran Ling smiled, stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, and his smile faded, "I'm here to tell you, I want to go out, you stay here and have a good rest."

Xie Heng looked at her, "Can't I go?"

Ran Ling jokingly said: "Let me carry you?"

Xie Heng shook his head, "I can use other things to carry me."

"...Oh?" Ran Ling stared at him, "Then why did you rely on me last time?"

Xie Heng pursed his lips, but did not answer.

Ran Ling's face turned cold, and he turned to leave, "Stay here and have a good rest."

"Don't be angry." Xie Heng grabbed her fingers, "As I said, relying on you, I can sleep well."

Ran Ling turned her head and looked down at him.

Xie Heng added: "I'm afraid of hurting you again."

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.

There was a smile on Ran Ling's lips, "The answer is not bad, then I will take you to see a fun one."

Dying Ling is a very principled person.

The rights she bestowed can only be revoked by herself.

As Ranling's voice fell, a lotus in full bloom bloomed under the two of them, carrying them to the direction of Lingbai Lake.

Some forces who secretly came to visit in the middle of the night, wanting to see what Ranling was doing, faced an empty Dao Yizong with a dazed face.

What about people that big? ?
Lingbai Lake is not far from Dao Yizong, and it can be reached in half an hour.

Dying Ling was faster than them, and even when she arrived near Lingbai Lake, the first batch of disciples hadn't arrived yet.

In the dark night, the silver moon hangs high.

Around Lingbai Lake, there are lush old trees, and several figures flash past.

"Fuck, Dao Yizong's gang can't fight, they run really fast."

The five golden elixirs of the Wan family are chasing with all their strength the members of the Daoyi sect who are not far ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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