

On the battlefield, all the monsters and beasts rushed forward, their eyes red with blood, and their momentum was extremely high! As long as we capture the crumbling city in front of us, there will be countless blood, slaves, and military exploits behind us!

You can also drive straight into the hinterland of the East Meridian, Yunzhou!

They want to tear apart human bodies and taste the bright red blood gushing from human necks!

While they were roaring wildly, suddenly the eyes of all the beasts were blurred, as if something was rushing past...


What the hell?

Several more shadows passed by, not forgetting to stab them twice as they ran.


Some high-level monsters were stabbed twice before they could react, but they still managed to survive. Some low-level ones had their throats cut directly, and their blood spilled on the spot.


This smell definitely belongs to humans...but why are they wrapped like balls?

And the ball is so fast? ?

The demon beast that had been stabbed roared and tried to find the culprit, but in the end, those balls were like plowing the ground among thousands of troops, not caring about the life and death of the ground, running faster than mice!

When the general leading the team saw this, he was furious and sneered cruelly, "The charging legion continues to attack, surround and kill the invading humans on both sides! Kill them!!"

What's the difference between this and peeing on their heads?



The rough and ferocious voice was quite powerful on the battlefield, frightening several "balls" on the battlefield to tremble.

Lin Yunqiu, who was equipped with a ball, led his disciple Lin Bai, and a dozen other disciples of the Star Chaser Sect, and ran rampant in the army. Hearing the outflanking, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

The requirements given by their ancestors were that when going to the battlefield, they must be armed to the toes, and not even a hair should be exposed. Armor, runes, formations, elixirs... whatever you have, you can make money again if you run out of money. When people are gone, there is nothing.

Therefore, they wore more than ten layers of clothing alone, including a set of light inner clothes, which had multiple effects such as protection, isolation, rebound, etc., and a set of close-fitting soft armor, which were wrapped layer by layer outwards, and full-body protective charms were affixed in the gaps between the clothes. , the boots are all acceleration boots, with hidden weapons between the toes.

It's so obscene that it looks like the ball has become a sperm.

While Lin Yunqiu was slashing people with his sword, he looked at the weak points and charged. He took out the transmission talisman and ordered the disciples around him: "Everyone, speed up and don't be surrounded. Killing one is not a loss. Killing two is a gain. In fact, If that doesn’t work, teleport back to the city!”

The monsters surrounding them said: "..."


Although the people of the Star Chaser Sect briefly disrupted the attack rhythm of the monster army, in this scale of battle, it obviously cannot affect the overall situation.

However, the little entanglement and dissatisfaction that had arisen in the good general's heart because he had listened to Mr. Xie's words completely disappeared.

It's just a matter of life and death.

He thought for a while, then walked to the communication platform and asked the other four generals, "How is the situation there? Can you still hold on? Do you need me to send troops to assist?"

There was silence there.

Good guy: "?"

After a while, I heard the footsteps of someone approaching, it was an evil ghost.

His body was stained with blood and his face was angry. When he heard this, he glanced at the formation being built outside, and there was a trace of amusement on the corner of his mouth. He did not mention launching the second plan, "It's okay. Just take care of yourself, I can help you if you need it."

Good guy: "???"

Something is wrong. Logically speaking, his side should have the largest number of troops.

A few more footsteps hurriedly came from the opposite side.

"I'm fine here."

"I don't need it here either."

"I am here too."

Good guy: "..." Did he miss something?

He was silent for a moment, "What happened?"

There's no reason why he doesn't need them all. It's not like all the monsters came to him.

Just as he was thinking this, his most capable subordinate ran in with a panicked expression, "General, the number of monsters outside the city has surged, and they are about to climb up the tower!"

Good guy: "!!!"

The communication mirror was silent for a few seconds at the same time, and the good people felt that they were feeling guilty.

He rubbed his swollen brows, "Move two thousand feathered arrow troops from both sides, and the flame army will press on them. We must not let them break through..." He glanced at the communication mirror, "Then we will transfer the troops from the other four generals. Some troops are coming."

What were these guys doing secretly without telling him?

The four generals listening on the other side: "..."

Okay, who told Mr. Xie to arrange a defensive formation for them, but they ranked the good guys last.

Those monsters can't break through their defense formations, so they can only attack in places where there are no formations!

The subordinate murmured: "Yes, but General..."

Even so, it may not be able to stop it!

It takes time to recruit people from all over the place!

A good man is serious: "We must hold on!"

The good man didn't care what they were hiding from him and hurried out to defend the city.

As expected, the attack of the monster beasts was much faster. A series of long ladders of monster beasts were formed beside the city wall. More monster beasts flew up on the ladders. Even a hole in the city gate had been torn open, and more than a dozen monster monsters were killed. The beast has already rushed in, roaring excitedly, killing the soldiers guarding the city!


The good man's face darkened, and when he raised his hand, a silent black swirl emerged from the ground, like a swamp abyss, covering the entire area. The monsters that were killing people rampantly could not even resist, and were swallowed directly.


When he reappeared, there was a layer of bloody bones on the ground of the city wall.

The good man's expression remained unchanged, he waved his sleeves and swung all the bones down the city wall, hitting the heads of the monster beasts that rushed forward one after another.

The surrounding soldiers looked at the monster with eyes that were full of hatred. Seeing this scene, they felt extremely happy!

Those monsters were driven crazy!


These humans really deserve to die!

Isn't this a naked provocation? !

"Charge forward! Take this city, and I will use that human head to pay homage to the souls of my brothers!"

"Go, go, go! Kill them!"

The good man's men were so angry that they ordered the soldiers to fill the gap while yelling: "These monsters are really crazy!"

The good man walked to the city wall and was shocked to find that the disciples of the Star Chasing Sect were still fishing in troubled waters with the army, and had even caused quite a commotion. From a distance, he could feel the leader's anger.

He was shocked and thought, if his men had this vitality, why worry about not being able to protect more than four cities? He also ordered his men to respond in time if they needed it.

All my men are on the verge of crying. General, we can barely protect ourselves, so why bother caring about others?

However, he still paid attention to the movements of the dozen Star Chasing Sect disciples.

"Master, I can't hold on any longer. I have to go back!" Lin Baiguo came to Lin Yunqiu's side at the right time. After all, their strength was too low. It was not easy to persist in such a large army for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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