The ancestors engaged in introversion in Xiuxianwen

Chapter 156 I need to see you for something

The good man nodded and said sincerely, "Thank you."


"This is the first time since the war started that the group of monster beasts suffered such a defeat. It's really satisfying!"

"Thanks to the Star Chasing Sect. They are really reliable, and there is no airs in the whole sect. I just saw a few Star Chasing Sect disciples going to distribute porridge. You know, they just came off the battlefield not long ago. !”

"The reviews are pretty good." The man leaned against the wall, took a bite of the hard cake, and chatted with the beggar next to him. "You don't know when this battle will be over! I've eaten all this dry cake. It’s been three months! Do you want to eat or not? I’ll give you half of it?”

"You still have cakes to eat! Stop talking!" The beggar waved his hand to refuse, glanced at him from bottom to top, and wrapped his dirty fingers around the holes in his clothes, "I heard that there has been another demon beast recently. What's your name... The queen's fighting power is super strong? She said she took advantage of the defeat of the Xiyue King's army yesterday and took advantage of every opportunity to subdue many monster beasts. Now she is openly challenging the other two monster kings!"

"Damn it! The King of Xiyue died, and here comes a queen!" The man spat, holding the pieces of cake in his mouth, and the spittle flew everywhere. The more! It’s best if they all die!”

The beggar ignored him and looked straight at the city gate, "Who are those...?"

Suddenly there were many people coming with swords, covered with dust, and landed on the ground. They were obviously divided into three factions, all wearing different sect costumes. The three leaders were all very powerful, and they were obviously the superiors. As soon as they came, they left. Go over and negotiate with the soldiers at the door.

I don't know what they were negotiating about, but those disciples whose clothes were embroidered with Yin and Yang Dao patterns suddenly took out several large pots, placed them separately, and began to pour rice and make porridge.


"I've seen the patterns on their clothes. They should be Daoyan Sect, Yun Sect, and Tingfeng Pavilion among the six major forces of Yun Sect." The man gnawing on the dry biscuits obviously had extraordinary experience, but his expression was a little confused, "How can this still happen? Is porridge served?"

Shouldn't he be going to the city to help? Are they serving porridge at the city gate?

The master of Daoyan Sect smiled and touched his beard, and said to Su Jiu and the master of Tingfeng Pavilion who were looking over at the same time: "You two, go in first, our sect is serving porridge here."

The two people across from him stared at him with strange expressions, but they didn't say anything. They nodded and followed the disciples from Siduocheng who came to greet him and went in.

They don't know whether the other party is eager to establish an image in Siduo City, or whether he really wants to help the refugees in Siduo City...

Siduo City is called Siduo City because there are many monsters, refugees, prisoners, and treasures here.

Many years ago, when the structure of Siduo City had not yet been formed, this place was a truly deserted place, where monsters were rampant and people died of hunger everywhere. Emperors in the world would send prisoners here if they wanted to exile them.

Later, rumors of rare treasures gradually spread here, and human activities gradually increased. This place became the habitat of many desperadoes, forming a black market where good and bad people were mixed. Refugees also gradually flocked here and started to engage in banditry... It was not until later that monsters invaded from Fengzhou and seriously threatened the security of each state. Each state sent people to suppress it, and many monks who wanted to protect their homeland gradually emerged. , formed the appearance of Siduo City today.

It’s just that after so many years, the living conditions of the people and even refugees in the city are still much worse than in other states. The food for many people a day is just a piece of dry cake. Their parents are stooped, and their children are also hungry and skinny...

Siduo City will also distribute porridge and steamed buns when there is no war. The soldiers in Siduo City will also spontaneously help those who are suffering, whether they are ordinary people, refugees, or beggars. People get along harmoniously... This Perhaps this is also the reason why many people are reluctant to leave Siduo City even if their lives are difficult.

The leader of Daoyan Sect played with the copper plate with his chubby fingers, not paying attention to the eyes around him. He notified his disciples to start shouting. Even after the porridge was cooked and refugees and beggars lined up in a long line, he began to hand out the porridge himself. He had a kind face. , without any pretensions, which made many people feel good about him.

There was no look of surprise on the faces of the disciples of Daoyan Sect, they obviously knew that their sect leader always did this.

After finally waiting for the porridge pie to be served, it was completely dark. The leader of the Daoyan Sect entered the city with a loud thank you. In a deserted corner, he secretly picked up the small mirror, looked at the top of his head, and then smiled with satisfaction. .


It was already late after Xie Heng finished his work at night, so he declined the good general's offer to have dinner with him, and went back to supervise the cultivation of the disciples of the Chasing Star Sect. Seeing that they were very self-conscious, he planned to go back to his room to rest. The room was not as good as the villa in Zhuxing Sect, but fortunately it was spacious and clean. Not long after he entered the room, there was a knock on the door.

It's so late, who is it?

Xie Heng was confused, put the book in his hand on the table, stood up and opened the door.

Outside the door was Lin Yunqiu, who was supposed to be recovering from his injuries. Xie Heng frowned.

"Why don't you take a good rest?"

When the other party saw him, he grinned widely and raised the lunch box in his hand. Seeing Xie Heng's unhappy expression, he quickly said: "Old ancestor, don't scold me yet. I'm here to deliver food. I see you didn't eat at night." Something, my ancestor specifically told me to watch your meal carefully, what will happen if you get hungry and lose weight later!"

In their current state, they no longer need to eat, but how to put it... In the words of the ancestor, this is a style.

Xie Heng: "..."

He sighed, "Come in, put it down and go rest."

"Hey." Lin Yunqiu ran to the table excitedly and quickly put out the dishes in the lunch box, "Old ancestor, the dishes here are not as good as those from our sect, so you can just eat some."

"It doesn't matter."

He's not a very squeamish person. Many people here don't have enough to eat, so it's rare to have such a meal.

Xie Heng sat down on the stool, picked up the chopsticks with his slender fingers, and turned to look at Lin Yunchu, who was standing aside with no intention of leaving, with doubtful eyes.

Lin Yunqiu said: "Don't worry, my injury will be healed soon after the ancestor's elixir is taken. It's too boring for you to eat alone, so I will accompany you."

The ancestor is not here. As a descendant, he must be filial to the ancestor.


Xie Heng was silent for a moment, "Sit down and eat together."

"Forget it, there are no chopsticks here! You can eat by yourself!"

Before he had even taken two bites, rapid and anxious footsteps sounded outside, approaching from far away, and Xie Heng's door was knocked again.

"Is Mr. Xie here? I'm Su Jiu, I need to see you for something!"

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