Chapter 24 Is this starving?

Everyone was attracted to look at it.

Su Jiu and others even noticed that all the disciples who were still working hard just now turned their heads at the same time, and their eyes lit up like small light bulbs!
what happened?
A golden-winged roc holding a gong appeared in sight and shouted in a rough voice, "Dinner is ready!!"


The ground suddenly shook, and all the disciples scrambled to be the first, like a crucian carp crossing a river, rushing towards the dining hall at a speed of [-] meters!

Everyone in Su Jiu was stunned.

Is this starving? They are cultivators, how can they be so hungry?
At this time, a shadow suddenly appeared on the golden red fruit tree, and within a few dodges, he rushed towards the dining hall and disappeared.


"Well, that seems to be a monster, and it is also going to grab food?" Someone looked around uncertainly, "What's the matter?"

No one responded to his words.

Because they are also at a loss.

"Well, everyone, I've made my words very clear. We still have something to do, so we're leaving first." Lin Yunqiu quickly cupped his hands in three directions, exchanged glances with the six elders who were anxiously smoking above their heads, and shouted anxiously He roared and rushed to the dining hall.

Everyone: "???"

That's all for disciples, don't you six elders know how to be prudent?Why are you going to grab food with your disciples?

Is there an elixir in that rice or something?
The silver-masked man was really curious, and stretched out his hand to grab a disciple of the Blackwater Sect who was passing by, "What are you cooking today? Are you in such a hurry?"

The disciple was very impatient, but seeing that it was the master of the Tingfeng Pavilion, he endured his anxiety and quickly explained: "Lingbai Pork, Dapan Lingji, Golden Jade White Lotus, White Milk Wine... If you want to know, you can Go and see, I won’t say anything, it will be gone in a while!”

The disciple lowered his head and ran quickly, even running out of afterimages.

The silver-masked man: "..."

"It sounds like these are some spiritual food." Daoyan Sect Master suggested: "Why don't I go and have a look later?"

Su Jiu and the silver-faced man nodded silently.

They were so curious.

Before the group arrived at the dining hall, a majestic aura mixed with the aroma of the food hit their faces!
Really something.

Su Jiu and the others were startled, and their pace couldn't help but quicken a little.

There was a loud noise in the dining hall, and several people walked to the door, and a disciple walked out with a chicken leg in his mouth and a delicate lunch box.

Seeing a few people, he was obviously taken aback for a moment, bowed his head towards them, and was about to leave.

The master of Daoyan Sect stopped him, "Can we take a look at this dish?"

He felt a purer aura in it than in the dining hall.

It was a disciple of the first Dao sect. Hearing the words, he was a little embarrassed, swallowed the meat in his mouth, and said in a low voice, "I have to send it there as soon as possible."

This was specially arranged by the ancestor, to feed her family.

The master of Daoyan Sect was a little curious, "Who are you going to give it to?"

The disciple smiled, "It's our old grandfather."

"Old Patriarch... Husband?" The silver-faced man was puzzled for a moment, and his expression became a little strange in the next second, "That Phoenix?"

Just that phoenix, who became the old grandfather so soon?

The disciple's expression faded a little.

What is that phoenix?

That's the one who wholeheartedly makes money for the ancestor and only has the ancestor in his eyes... The ancestor's beloved phoenix.

If you want the ancestor to hear your words, no matter what kind of pavilion master you are, you must be thrown out!
Slandering in my heart, I still answered, "Yes."

The silver-masked man was a little displeased, "Why doesn't he come by himself?"

He has to be delivered to him, why is he so big on face?
People around looked at him one after another.

Is it a bit off topic?

Especially the people in Tingfeng Pavilion, who looked at their own Pavilion Master who showed his emotions in surprise.

"This is what our ancestor ordered." The disciple became even more unhappy, biting the words "the ancestor ordered" very hard.

This Su Pavilion is quite wide in charge.

Remember when the ancestor liked him back then, he looked disgusted and disgusted, now asking so many questions, what is he doing?

"She said that she must send it to the old grandfather early! If you are all right, I will leave first, and the food will get cold in a while." The disciple ran away with the lunch box in his arms.

These disciples are more ignorant of the rules than the other!
The expression of the silver-faced man under the mask was very displeased.

Sect Master Daoyan looked at his air-conditioning appearance, and smiled meaningfully, "Master Su Pavilion, it seems that you are a little unhappy?"

"You talk a lot of nonsense." The silver-masked man glanced at him, turned around and walked into the dining hall first.

The suzerain of Daoyan Sect shrugged and led the people to follow.

Su Jiu's face is indifferent, but his heart is a little complicated. If he knew this, he should have allowed the suzerain to establish a good relationship with Senior Ranling, but now he has become so passive when he asks for something.

People from the three parties walked into the dining hall, and it was packed to the brim with disciples, there were not enough seats, some of them just sat on the ground with no image, and hungrily gorged on their lunch boxes.


It's normal for one to gobble up, the key is that everyone is gobbling up, and there are many female disciples among them, all of whom are cooking with ferocious faces.

Everyone: "..."

So weird.

A few people walked towards the vegetable stall without knowing why, and the things inside almost made everyone's eyes fall out.


The dishes made by the spirit chicken and spirit pig are relatively normal, but what about the others, you stir-fry the water jade lotus as a vegetable, and make soup with a drop or two of white milk that has only been formed for thousands of years?

Although only a little bit was added to it, the richness of the aura is already frightening, isn't it?

No wonder they have to run, if it were them, it would be possible to fly!

Someone said silently: "Who the hell said that one case is poor?"

If this is considered poor, then what is not poor?

Everyone was silent for a moment.

"What I don't understand is, what is the ancestor of the dyeing spirit doing? If she only treats the Dao Yizong like this, it's fine, but she treats the Wanjia, Liujia and Heishuizong equally. How can she treat them as hostages? ? That’s the same treatment for a disciple, right?”

Elder Su Jiu thought for a while before he came up with a reason: "Perhaps, in her eyes, these are nothing at all."

This point of gain and loss cannot enter her eyes.

Everyone was stunned.

If this is the case, can they also send their disciples in and let them build huts?

Someone suddenly said: "Can we have a meal here? It smells really good."

The rest of the people were also a little moved, and couldn't help asking the cook. The answer was yes, but they had to charge money, one middle-grade spirit stone per meal.

It's okay, not too expensive.

Su Jiu and the others each bought a meal, but the dining hall space is really limited, so they decided to take it back to eat next to the golden red fruit tree.

As a result, the group of people left the canteen, and before they took a few steps, the disciples in the canteen had already finished their meal, one by one, hurriedly left the canteen and walked in a certain direction.

(End of this chapter)

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