Chapter 27 The Power of Bad Luck

Could it be that if none of them are favored, then the task cannot be completed?

The three of them reluctantly picked up the farm tools and turned over the soil.

Ran Ling leisurely leaned on the rocking chair, and waited for a while, only to see that the peach blossom eyes were long overdue.

He didn't use a tray, and directly held the tea bowl with a pair of light-white and slender fingers, his fingertips were scalded red, his eyes were a little red, but he endured it firmly.

Ran Ling lazily supported her head with her arms, and hooked her lower lip with great interest.

Taohuayan had already walked up to Ranling, and said softly, "Old Ancestor, the tea is here."

Ran Ling looked distressed, and reached out to pick it up, "Why don't you know how to bring a tray?"

Today, she will let this little peach blossom see the power of her bad luck.

"Forget." Taohuayan said softly, and leaned towards Ranling. While observing the other person's expression, he couldn't help sneering in his heart. This person is really as foolish and stupid as rumors say.

Viewed from the side, it looks like the two are intimate, and with Ran Ling's distressed expression, anyone will think that Ran Ling is interested in this white face.

Suddenly, just when the two of them were about to touch their fingers, a silver thunder struck down out of nowhere in the clear sky and blasted towards Peach Blossom Eye!


This silver thunder was so powerful that it slashed straight to the point that the peach-blossom-eyed hair stood up, his face was scorched black, his body was stiff, and the scalding water splashed all over his body.

Ranling had expected it a long time ago, with quick hands and quick eyes, and sideways dodged.

The ground-turning trio next to them were stunned.

What's happening here?
How could it strike a thunder out of thin air?

"Oh, how did this happen?" Ran Ling covered her mouth in surprise, and approached the peach blossom eyes, as if to check on his situation.


The thick and strong branch that was originally very stable suddenly fell with a click, and hit Tao Huayan hard, the crisp sound of the bones could be faintly heard.

Ran Ling took another breath, and after dodging flexibly, he continued to help him persistently.

Taohuayan finally came to his senses, and dragged the branches to the distance, like a ghost chasing after him, and said in horror: "You, don't come here, don't come here!"

This horse riding is not a day of bad luck, it will kill him!

He will never come near her again.

Ran Ling stopped coldly, "You really don't want me to come?"

"No, no need!!"

Ran Ling sneered: "Be clear, that little fat man sent you here, why are you here?"

fatty?Which little fat man?
Tao Huayan's head was a little confused, and it took a long time to realize that she was talking about her suzerain. After hesitating for a while, she hurriedly confessed, "He asked us to keep an eye on your movements."

Ranling squinted her eyes, staring at the movement.

"You three..." Ran Ling suddenly turned his head and smiled strangely, "Come and help me make tea, huh?"

The three of them trembled suddenly, ran over, picked up their scorched peach eyes, and ran away non-stop.

"It's boring." Ran Ling lacked interest, waved his hand to deal with the mess on the scene, and said softly: "Why don't you get out of here?"


Lin Yunqiu and the others rubbed their hands guiltily, and emerged from the back of the house, "Good morning, Patriarch."

It seems that the old ancestor's Plague God physique is still the same. They thought that the old ancestor was healed when they saw her alive and kicking, but it turned out to be more serious.

It seems that only the ancestor of Phoenix can withstand the torture of the ancestor!
"Do you think I look good?" Ran Ling glanced at the seven people coolly, "Give me this early in the morning?"

The seven people lined up in a row, lowered their heads like quails, and said nothing.

Ran Ling asked: "Xie Heng asked you to send these over?"

Lin Yunqiu looked up at the old ancestor's expression, and quickly lowered his head in fright, "Yes. But the old can't completely blame the old ancestor, you usually...don't you like these little white faces the most... ..."

In the latter sentence, what he said was smaller than the humming of a mosquito.

"The old grandfather must want to make you happy, so he endured his sadness and sent these here."

The rest of the people were silent, but the expressions on their faces clearly agreed.

Dying Ling: "..."

Yuanshen, how difficult it is for you to make her a human being.

She rubbed her swollen eyebrows, "What happened yesterday?"

Lin Yunqiu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "Yunzong, Daoyanzong, and Tingfeng Pavilion are here together. Elder Su Jiu doesn't know what to do. The other two parties are here to pay off their debts, and the amount is right. They are here We had a meal in the canteen, then watched our training for a while, then left with a solemn expression, saying that we would come to visit another day."

"Understood." Ran Ling looked at them, "What else do you want to say?"

Lin Yunqiu said cautiously: "That's right, ancestor, can you pick a time and give us some advice, we encountered some confusion in our cultivation."

Ran Ling nodded, "You can arrange it, and let me know when the time comes."

Lin Yunqiu raised his eyebrows with joy, "Old Ancestor, do you need us to find someone to renovate your land?"

"No, I'll come by myself." Ran Ling ordered: "My courtyard and back mountain, except for you and Xie Heng, don't let anyone enter casually."

Lin Yunqiu: "I know the ancestor."

"Well, let's go down."

"Old Ancestor, rest well." Lin Yunqiu and the other six people hurriedly withdrew.

Ran Ling was tired and slumped on the rocking chair for a while before getting up to dig the ground.

Xie Heng spent a whole day outside and didn't come back until night fell.

He couldn't tell what he was thinking, anyway, he didn't really want to see the intimate scene between Ran Ling and those few.

When he came back, he saw Ran Ling lying on the rocking chair under the tree, with his face turned sideways, and he couldn't tell if he was asleep. He didn't bother him rashly, and went upstairs to take a shower by himself.

When the villa was first built, it was not allowed to take a bath, but Ran Ling did not know what to do. He directly brought in the hot spring water from a cave under the cliff, and through a strange device, the water could flow into the bathtub when it was opened, which was very convenient. .

Not only that, but she also ordered people to dig several wells in the yard and outside the back mountain, filling them with the clear water of Lingbai Lake for making tea and watering flowers every day.

When he came out of the shower, he saw Ran Ling leaning against the door with his arms crossed, staring at him intently, and his heart skipped a beat.

He paused and moved closer to her, "What's the matter?"

Ran Ling looked up at him, "What did you do today?"

"Do business."

"Look, you're so busy, you don't have time to come back for a meal?" Ran Ling snorted coldly.

Xie Heng: "..."

He looked down at her, his eyes filled with broken stars, "What's the matter, are you unhappy?"

Shouldn't you be happy?
Ran Ling's red lips curled up, "Why, can I not be happy that you gave me away?"

Xie Heng: "..."

The tone was not right.

"Are those people making you unhappy?"

Ran Ling's heart was full of anger, she looked at the face like a banished fairy in front of her, and saw him frowning seriously thinking about the reason, she was about to be laughed out of anger.

"Do you remember what you said when I rescued you?"

Xie Heng thought for a while, "I'm good at making money. Except for freedom and life, everything is fine."

Ran Ling stared at him, "In addition to making money, you still have something you haven't realized."

(End of this chapter)

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