The ancestors engaged in introversion in Xiuxianwen

Chapter 3 That's all, let's sacrifice some beauty

Chapter 3 That's all, let's sacrifice some beauty

There are more than a dozen golden elixirs in the Wan family, separated from each other, their faces are red, and they jointly maintain a blood-red formation!
In the large formation, surrounded by a scarred ice-colored phoenix, extremely weak, a pair of ice-blue amber eyes, numb and ethereal, being slowly stripped of consciousness.

Wan Hong closed his eyes with ecstasy, soon, soon, as long as this ice phoenix is ​​captured, with its blood and body, not only will he become a fifth-rank alchemist, but the entire Wan family will be able to reach the sky in one step !
At that time, what Yunzong and Tingfeng Pavilion!It's all bullshit!
As he fell into madness, he naturally didn't notice the shame and cold killing intent surged in the eyes of the beast in the formation.

Suddenly, the ground shook strangely.

Calm down soon.

Wan Hong closed his eyelids and frowned, what's going on above?
He never imagined that the entire Wanjia would be blown away by someone.

On the sky, dark clouds are densely covered, rolling into a huge tornado, with silver snakes running inside, and the huge tornado gap is facing the small Wanjia mansion, as if the Milky Way broke through.


The people inside and outside the Wanjia's mansion were so frightened that their faces bled and their souls were scattered. They held on with tenacious will and barely resisted the urge to run away.

The forces from all sides, the strongest came out, and they could see the movement here from a distance, and the expression on the back of the red-clothed figure was particularly complicated.

If they are, can they attract such a large-scale vision of heaven and earth?

Ran Ling withdrew his hand and stepped back a few hundred meters in a calm manner.

The red dress is flamboyant, independent of the world, waving her hand.

"Boom boom boom!"

The silver thunder all over the sky suddenly fell!
The Wan family smashed countless treasures, and the well-designed dungeon was lifted like thin paper. Stones flew and dust filled the sky. The terrifying destructive power made countless people's eyelids twitch.

"It's almost there." Ran Ling hurriedly slapped the thunder layer away, she was just watching the fun, it would be bad to blow people to death.

Onlookers: "..."

Is this the god of plague or the god of evil, who can summon the power of heaven and earth at will? How much has her strength increased during this period of time?

Ran Ling jumped to the edge of the huge pit, poked his head out and looked down.

It happened to meet more than a dozen dull, pale faces that hadn't faded from panic.

What the hell is going on here?

Even the weak and indifferent pupils of the phoenix in the formation showed a trace of astonishment.

Ran Ling squeezed out a friendly smile: "Go ahead, I'll take a look."

Everyone in the Wan family: "..."

Do you really believe this?

At this moment, a mutation occurred!
A phoenix weeping sound spread all over the world, shaking the world.

"Divine beast?!"

The strong people watching nearby, especially the people from the five major forces, all changed their faces, their eyes were shining, fierce and greedy.

Unexpectedly, these ten thousand families actually hid a divine beast!
Swish swish!
Several figures stormed over and surrounded the sky above Wanfu.

Ran Ling looked up and was happy.

There are so many people who join in the fun.

I saw that in that formation, the aura of the ice phoenix suddenly rose, broke through the transformation god, stepped into the refining void, a golden line appeared on the tip of the brow, noble and full of violence, several golden cores were seriously injured by the backlash, and the formation almost collapsed!
I don't know who exclaimed: "It's still the blood of the king in Ice Phoenix!"

The eyes of the people around him became more and more intense.

"This beast wants to break through the shackles of its cultivation at the cost of hurting its origin!" Wan Hong's eyes were cracked, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and his cultivation at the stage of transforming gods exploded, "Hold on, don't let it break through the formation! "

Damn it!I'm afraid it's hard to be kind today.

He glared fiercely at Ran Ling, who was full of fun, with resentment overflowing.

Ran Ling looked at him innocently, why staring at her?
"Patriarch, I can't hold it any longer—"

The rest of the faces were as white as paper, and their spiritual power was almost exhausted.

Huashen and the others can barely handle it, but this is the Void Refining Realm!

And this phoenix is ​​obviously crazy!

The ice phoenix's eyes were stained with blood, and its wings spread out in a flash. With determination and anger, it turned into a stream of light, like a meteorite falling to the ground, and rushed out towards the big eyes!

Wan Hongguan was extremely unwilling, and his teeth were about to be gnashed, but he could only announce, "Everyone, withdraw the formation!"

If you keep going, the Wan family will suffer heavy losses if someone is behind.

Everyone in the Wan family breathed a sigh of relief, quickly withdrew their strength, and quickly dodged away.

The Ice Phoenix soared into the sky, obviously trying to escape.

"Don't go! Everyone in the Liu family obeys the order and stop it!" Liu Qingyan, the head of the Liu family, shouted outside.

Not to be outdone, the Blackwater Sect said, "All the disciples of the Blackwater Sect, take down that phoenix!"

"It seems that I, Dao Yanzong, will also get involved." The chubby face of Dao Yanzong's lord showed a faint tangled face, but he immediately gritted his teeth and ordered: "Take it."

"This kind of lively event, how can I miss Tingfeng Pavilion." A man wearing a silver mask in Tingfeng Pavilion asked his men to go down to capture the phoenix, while smiling and looking in the direction of Yunzong, "Elder Su Jiu, don't you?" Do you want to make a move?"

Su Jiu shook his head with a smile, and glanced at Ran Ling calmly, "I, Yunzong, will not participate."

Dying Ling was very excited.

The six major forces, except for the wounded Wanjia and the calm Yunzong, have all taken action, plus some casual cultivators... This trip is lively!
I just feel sorry for that little phoenix.

Sensing Su Jiu's gaze, the silver-faced man also looked at Ran Ling, covered the disgust in his eyes, changed his usual attitude of avoiding it, and said with a smile: "Miss Ran...isn't you interested too?"

No matter how shameless this woman is, after what happened just now, he will no longer take her lightly.

Everyone in Yunzong: "..."

Everyone in the Wan family: "..."

Dye, girl? ?
Ran Ling was also disgusted, and raised his eyelids to look at him.

The person who was seduced by the original body.

Her whole body was almost torn apart, she walked aside with her sleeves in her hands, and said coldly, "My name is Laoshen, Patriarch Ranling."

The silver-masked man: "..."

This woman changed as she said. The last time we met, she kept calling her a baby, and she wanted to stick to him. This time, she turned into an old nun who became a monk. She turned her face and refused to recognize anyone?
His fingertips trembled angrily.

Ran Ling decided to stay away from this flamboyant man, and flew into the air, looking for an excellent place to watch the battle.

After saying a few words here, the Ice Phoenix over there was like a turtle in a urn, surrounded by several major forces, and it was impossible to escape.

The ice phoenix was already seriously injured and forced to operate its origin. Its body was already riddled with holes. It looked at the greedy people around it with noble and cold eyes full of unwillingness.

It would rather die than hand over its own flesh and blood to such a group of people!

Just as it was about to wish for death, somehow, it suddenly saw a person.

The woman was dressed in red, with her back against the sky, standing in the air, flamboyant and reckless, her eyes were smiling and clear, as if everything was out of sight.

A very strong immortal.

If she is willing to help it, the crisis can be solved.

It's just... It would be even better if she didn't look like she was watching a good show.

It pursed its lips, remembering what the group of people said before.

Lascivious plague god.


That's it.

It closed its eyes, struggled to get out of the encirclement, and fluttered out!
Ran Ling was watching the play well, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

She turned her head and looked behind her, there was no one, what was this little phoenix doing flying towards her?
Before he could react, he was embraced by a certain bloody and fragrant embrace.

She cracked again.

(End of this chapter)

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