Chapter 32

The rain was so heavy that it became a rain curtain all over the sky. Occasionally, purple lightning splitting the void could be seen in the sky.

After taking a bath, Ran Ling didn't feel much sleepiness. She sat by the window and looked at the distant scenery. Her dark eyes were like a boundless night. No one knew what she was thinking.

She retracted her gaze, and her eyes fell on the roast chicken and wine that Xie Heng bought.

Looking at the red tassels on the jug, she was a little moved, her slender fingers gripped the narrow neck of the jug, and took a sip.

Then came surprise.

The alcohol content is too low.

Quickly glanced at the name of the store on the flagon.

Lightning must be avoided.

The door next to it suddenly opened, and footsteps came from behind, Ran Ling looked back and complained: "What kind of wine did you buy?"

Xie Heng had just finished taking a shower, wearing a loose nightgown, the beads on his left wrist were smooth and round, shining brightly, and the lining on his wrist was as white as jade.

He replied with his usual expression: "Good drink."

He sat on the floor next to Ran Ling, and a burst of clear fragrance came faintly.

He sat a little close, but Ran Ling liked the smell of him and didn't care.

"It's appropriate to replace this good with a fake one, it's not intense at all." She was lazy and sharp, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Xie Heng didn't deny it at all, "It was on purpose."

Ran Ling squinted his eyes, with dangerous arcs at the end of his eyes.

Xie Heng sighed, "Drinking is not good."

Ran Ling snorted, a little dissatisfied.

"Give me your hand."

Xie Heng stretched out his hand obediently.

Ranling felt the pulse, but there was no major damage to his body.

"Do you know that black mist man tonight? Why did he come at you?"

Xie Heng looked at her, shook his head, "I haven't seen it before."

Ran Ling hummed, didn't ask too much, wiped the oil on the smooth wrist, peeled off the paper wrapping the roast chicken, "Go out and tell me later."

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and glanced lightly at his wrist, his expression was unclear, "Do you want to accompany me?"

Ran Ling tore off a chicken leg and put it in his mouth. Looking at him, he suddenly chuckled, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Xie Heng stared at her motionlessly, "Think."

Ran Ling quickly ate a chicken leg, pulled off a chicken wing, took a sip of wine that was not considered wine, and said foolishly: "I can't accompany you for free."

Xie Heng laughed, "How much?"

"No money this time."

Outside the window, there were bursts of rain, beating on the roof regularly, making it extremely quiet at night.

Ran Ling wiped his hands, looked at Xie Heng with deep eyes that moved slightly, opened and closed his vermilion-like lips lightly, his eyes moved, "I want robbery."

The atmosphere in the eyes that looked at each other suddenly became glued, extremely ambiguous.

Xie Heng's Adam's apple rolled, his eyes swept over her delicate face inch by inch, " did you rob?"

Ran Ling nodded his cheek, and said frankly, "Kiss me."

The light in Xie Heng's eyes flickered, "Are you sure?"

Ran Ling raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise?"

Xie Heng leaned over suddenly, a large shadow covered the light in the room, his sense of smell became more acute, and the pleasant smell enveloped his head. Before the dyeing spirit was in time, the other party's slender hand held the back of her neck, slightly staggered , her soft and cool lips covered the side of her face.

Ran Ling's pupils dilated slightly, and his calm as water heart suddenly beat.

Xie Heng stood up, the covered light came into his eyes again, he gave a low laugh, his voice was sexy, and his long and narrow eyes shone brightly.

Ran Ling touched the ear bone that was suddenly bitten, looked at him, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the next half a month, the Dao Yizong Palace was finally completed. The palace is magnificent. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are layers of stairs winding up, and white clouds float on the mountainside.

People from the Wan family, the Liu family, and the Black Water Sect showed up at the gate of Daoyi Sect early in the morning, ready to pick them up.

Looking at the magnificent building in front of them, it is even more magnificent than their Zongmen mansion, which made many people feel bitter.

Wan Hongguan, who just came out of retreat in January, sneered coldly: "What's the use of building a big sect, it needs to be strong, it's a waste."

Liu Qingyan and the head of the Blackwater Sect looked at each other while remaining silent.

They have also heard a lot of rumors about Dao Yizong's crazy practice recently. Although they haven't seen any results yet, but... it's better not to comment casually.

Moreover, they also secretly talked with the disciples, and the dyed spirit treated them equally, not only guiding their cultivation, but also ate some treasures from heaven and earth. Since this month, their strength has probably improved.

Everyone waited for a long time, but no one came out, and doubts arose in their hearts.

Wan Hongguan was even more unceremonious, with a sneer on his face, "I'm afraid that the ancestor of Ranling turned back on his promise and detained everyone?"

The head of the Blackwater Sect: "...This should not be true."

Liu Qingyan nodded silently, "I think so too."

Wan Hongguan: "???"

Which side are you on?

Why do you trust that old thing so much all of a sudden?
While everyone was waiting anxiously, a distraught voice from inside resounded through the sky, "Get out of here!!!"

Before the words were finished, the gates of the gates opened suddenly, and figures were pushed out of the gates unexpectedly, and they staggered forward a few steps before they could barely stop, and turned their heads to look at the people at the gates with a small bag of resentment .

Lin Yunqiu hid the excitement in his eyes, and coughed, "The one-month period has come, everyone, please go back. From now on, you will have nothing to do with me. The ancestor has something to do today, so he won't come out to see you off." you guys."

Finally sent these little bastards away! ! !
From then on, this place has completely become their world!

Some disciples of the three major sects were silently biting their handkerchiefs, looking at the bricks and tiles under their feet, and the familiar plants and trees, they suddenly felt sad.

These ruthless guys actually kicked them out just like that. They have worked hard for no credit, okay? Not even letting them eat lunch is simply too much!
Moreover, didn't Senior Ran Ling come out to give them a gift?
Wan Hongguan looked at the disciples under him from a distance who looked back three times a step at a time, and didn't seem to take him seriously at all. Suddenly, his lungs were about to explode, and he shouted angrily: "Wan family, why don't you let me get out of here?!"

What's the matter, you've lived here for a month, and you're still reluctant to leave? !

Wan Bai's spirit was shaken, and he noticed him, quickly retracted his gaze, turned his head and walked towards the glaring Wan Hongguan, the rest of the people were a little guilty, and followed, "Patriarch."

Wan Hongguan snorted coldly, and said mockingly: "Why, looking at it this way, you still don't want to leave?"

Everyone's expressions tightened, and Wan Bai hurriedly said, "Don't dare."

Wan Hongguan swept across the crowd indifferently, and was about to ask if there was any shortage, when he suddenly said in shock: "Your cultivation base..."

what happened?

He clearly remembered that before January, only half of the strength of these disciples was in the foundation establishment stage, and only a few five or six were Jindan.

But now at a glance, there are more than a dozen golden elixirs, and all the disciples have entered the foundation building stage!

(End of this chapter)

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