Chapter 34 High Hopes

Elder Shi didn't know how to write, but he knew how good the writing was from everyone's reaction, so he hurriedly ordered: "Lin Bai, roll it up quickly and keep it safe. I'll get a plaque for the sect in a while!"

"Yes!" Lin Bai was also stunned, and this sound brought his soul back, and carefully rolled up the Zhang-wide white paper.

Ran Ling jokingly said: "Xiao Qiuzi, what did you want to say before?"

Lin Yunqiu froze for a moment, hesitantly and hesitantly said: "I, I say the writing is good."

The six elders looked at him as if watching a good show.

Ran Ling smiled gently: "Is it well written?"

Lin Yunqiu swallowed his saliva, feeling that his ancestor did not hold back a good thing, so he nodded hesitantly.

Ran Ling also nodded, "Go back and use your spiritual power to copy it a thousand times, and leave it to me tomorrow, and don't want it to be neat."

Lin Yunqiu: "..."

He was full of grievances, and was about to hug the ancestor's thigh to beg for mercy, but the other party didn't give him a chance at all, and went directly to the next item.

"The second thing. It is the current development of the sect."

Hearing this theme, everyone present was shocked again, stood up quickly and listened carefully.

Lin Yunqiu had no choice but to stand still aggrieved.

"The current strength of our sect must be clear to everyone. The head of the Nascent Soul Stage, the six elders at the Golden Core Stage, and all the disciples are almost at the Foundation Establishment Stage." Ran Ling paused, with a cold expression, "It's too bad !"

The last two words, like the top of Mount Tai, hit everyone's hearts with a bang.

Many people lowered their heads silently, their brows and eyes drooping.

is bad.

In the past month, eating and living with the disciples of the six major forces, I discovered the huge gap between people.

Their talents can surpass them by a large margin.

After all, all talented people will give priority to the six major forces when choosing to practice, and those who are not selected and have poor qualifications will go to various small sects, and Dao... Star Chasing Sect, I am afraid that everyone is the most powerful. Poor choice.

"However, it's not impossible." Ran Ling said quietly.

Everyone couldn't help raising their heads, a gleam of brilliance flashed in their eyes.

Ran Ling looked at them, "You probably also discovered that in the past month, compared with the people of Wanjia, Liujia and Heishuizong, there are too few people who have made breakthroughs. What makes me more relieved is that you I didn't feel resentful because I treated the disciples of those three sects equally, and I didn't attribute the reason for my slow improvement to other external factors. Everyone was peaceful, focused and serious."

Everyone listened carefully, and there was a warm current in their hearts.

At least they are not useless in the eyes of the ancestors.

"The reason why I made such an arrangement is to let you know that the real gap between you and your peers is the only way to face yourself and have an enterprising heart. The second is to tell you that you can only be more peaceful and not be moved by external things. Only with a mentality can we go further on the journey of cultivating immortals."

"Talent can make a person successful, but so can hard work."

Ranling said word by word, his cold and firm voice echoed repeatedly in the empty hall.

Everyone's eyes became brighter and brighter, and many people felt that their eye sockets were hot.

They have never been smart enough. In the past, they faced ridicule from other sects all the time.

No one will ever tell them that even if you have no talent, hard work can make you a better self, hard work can also succeed!

"The iron pestle grinds the needle, and the water drops penetrate the stone. This kind of immortal cultivation may be much more difficult than others, but one step at a time, it will be more practical!"

Ranling flipped his wrist, turned out a stack of papers, and handed it to Lin Yunqiu, "The top is your training form, the bottom six are for the six elders, and the rest are for all the disciples, as well as Peng San and Gou Yuan. go down."


Lin Yunqiu wiped his eye sockets, and took it, thinking that the ancestors had to work hard for them juniors at such an age, they were really ashamed.

But when everyone got the corresponding training form, their faces changed slightly, and their hands trembled a little.

Is this really to the extent that humans can do it?

From Maoshi to... Zishi?
Woke up an hour earlier than last month.

Including meal time, lunch break time is clearly stipulated for you, and now you don't have to do too much work, which means that almost the whole day can be used for cultivation.

How considerate.

Before he knew it, Peng San's hair had exploded, and his eyes were filled with panic.

Is this training watch killing it?
Gou Yuan felt that the senior was very considerate, and even spared time for him to take care of little Chiyuan.

Seeing everyone's red, orange, yellow and green expressions like a palette, Ran Ling kept smiling silently.

For her retirement life, it is impossible not to roll it up.

Ran Ling's eyes looked at them expectantly, making all those who wanted to retreat swallow their words back, and said deeply: "I have high hopes for you."

Xie Heng who was next to him had been looking at Ranling, and upon hearing this, he reached out and clenched his fist against his lips, pressing down the raised corners of his lips.

It's just a pair of red phoenix eyes with a smile on top, like a galaxy thousands of miles away, filled with faint smiles.

It's really her appearance, which is kind of cute.

Ran Ling didn't notice it, and continued to open the microphone passionately: "I hope that in another month, all our disciples can be promoted to the first or even second rank, and our six elders can break through the golden core as soon as possible. Our head and Peng San , can move towards the Nascent Soul Middle Stage, Gou Yuan can enter the Incarnation Realm!"

Everyone: "..."

Don't say it, it's a little stressful.

"Are you confident?"

Everyone bite the bullet, "Yes, yes."

Hearing the sparse voice, Ran Ling was immediately disappointed, "The so-called heaven rewards hard work, the emphasis is on a word of hard work, you can't even do what you have in your hands, and you still want to surpass your peers and become stronger?!"

"Tell me, do you have confidence?!"

Everyone's blood was aroused by Ranling, and even the six elders and Peng San shouted, "Yes!"

The passionate voice echoed throughout the hall, like deafening thunder!

Only then was Ran Ling satisfied, and stretched out his hand to quiet down the place.

"In order to make you more aggressive, the third thing is the sect's promotion system."


Everyone pricked up their ears.

Lin Yunqiu and the six elders had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"From now on, for a period of one month, disciples ranked in the top [-] can be promoted to inner sect disciples, and inner sect disciples will get doubled resources. Those who have outstanding progress and those who have made special contributions to the sect will also have corresponding rewards. Award."

"These rewards include pills of various grades, golden red fruits, white milk mineral crystals, and even holy fruits."

The field suddenly gasped.

"Holy fruit?!"

"Oh my God!"

Inner disciple, holy fruit, elixir! !
Going crazy! !

Everyone's heart trembled, and their eyes became extremely hot.

(End of this chapter)

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