
Elder Mu nodded his head like pounding garlic.

Ran Ling nodded in satisfaction and benevolently, "Then you take him down, take good care of him, and take this ring with you, use the contents as you like, and come to me if you have any problems."


Elder Mu happily took the ring over, glanced at Hong Nan in disgust, ordered others to carry it to her hall, and then stepped back and left.

Ran Ling, who had fooled himself properly again, patted his butt and went back to the villa.

It's just that Xie Heng, who can be seen at a glance, is nowhere to be seen at this moment.

She was slightly puzzled, and stepped upstairs, only to find that Xie Heng's room door was closed tightly.

As soon as he came back from the Blackwater Sect today, he hurried back to the villa, and now it's like this...

She went over and knocked on the door, "Xie Heng, are you asleep?"

It took a long time for Xie Heng's unclear voice to come out from inside, but his tone was quite normal, "I'm asleep...you go to bed early."

Ran Ling's eyes darkened, but his voice rose, and he said briskly: "I want to see you, you open the door."

"...be obedient." Xie Heng was about to pause for a moment, "Go to sleep."

The last word finally leaked an undetectable trill.

Ran Ling's expression turned cold, and she went straight to the balcony, opened the window of Xie Heng's room from the outside, and went in.


The extremely cold breath rushed towards the face, and the wall was covered with a layer of ice crystals, which immediately made Ranling shiver. She waved her hand and formed a barrier before approaching the shivering person curled up on the bed.

The room was very dark, with only faint moonlight coming in from the window. The person on the bed had his eyes tightly closed, his eyelashes were covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and his lips were turning white, like a snowman.

The other party seemed to have noticed her, his eyelashes trembled, and he struggled to open his eyes, "Ran, Ling."

Ranling was burning with anger, the temperature of his expression and voice was comparable to the air-conditioning in the room, "Is this what you said to be asleep?"

Xie Heng's mind was a little confused, and his tone was weak, "It's nothing, it's just the blood... Awakening, it will be fine tomorrow, you go to bed early."

It should be the effect of the bracelet, this time it is better than last time, at least he won't be overwhelmed at the beginning, he should be able to hold on to the past.

Dying Ling: "..."

Shouldn't she say thank you for being so considerate?

She stood coldly for a while, the moonlight sprinkled on her body, making that beautiful face even colder.

Walking over, pinching his chin with his fingers, making him look at her, the touch was extremely cold, Ran Ling's smile became brighter, and her voice was very soft, "Little Phoenix, are you sure you want me to go?"

If he really doesn't need her that much, then there is no need to get involved.

A little heat came from his chin, which woke up Xie Heng who was almost frozen. His eyes were blue, like an endless sea.

He looked at Ran Ling's expression, and his long black eyelashes blinked slowly, as if hesitating.

Ran Ling sneered.

Either way.

She pulls away.

Just then, her hands were suddenly firmly grasped by a pair of big cold hands.

Xie Heng used almost all his strength to speak in a low voice, as if coaxing people: "I didn't want to let you go."

Ran Ling lowered her eyes and looked at him with cold eyes.

Xie Heng's cold fingers gently wrapped around Ran Ling's fingers, and stuck to his face, "I don't want you to go, but... you will be cold."

Ran Ling's eyes moved.

Xie Heng frowned, and rubbed Ranling's fingertips with his face, "Reluctance."

Ran Ling's expression remained indifferent.

This person's ability to coax people is getting better and better.

Xie Heng saw that she was indifferent, the end of his eyes naturally curled up, his eyelashes covered with thin frost blinked slowly, and he hooked her cuff with his fingers: "Then you come up and hug me, okay?"

Dying Ling: "..."

She muttered, "Where did I learn this?"

Immediately, she took off her shoes and went to bed, hugged him, and pulled the quilt aside to wrap the two of them together.

Not to mention, this person's whole body is as cold as ice bumps.

Xie Heng felt the continuous source of heat, subconsciously leaned over, hugged Ranling's waist tightly, hugged her in his arms, the corners of his mouth curled up, a little jokingly asked, "Is it cold?"

Ran Ling was imprisoned and felt a little uncomfortable. He twisted left and right to find a comfortable position, raised his head to meet his small expression, and patted his head expressionlessly, "Sleep."

Xie Heng was in a happy mood, hugged him a little tighter, and hummed lightly.

Ran Ling clasped his wrist and felt his pulse.

The power of blood rushed left and right in his body, and his body was abnormally weak.

It was the first time she had seen a divine beast that couldn't even bear the power of the awakened blood.

After a whole night, Xie Heng's blood was finally successfully awakened, and his body temperature gradually warmed up.

She even broke through the energy generated by the high-level refinement in one fell swoop, making Ranling feel like she was holding a stove.

She had sent Xie Heng's celestial power all night, and she was a little tired. At this moment, she was dizzy from the heat, and she couldn't stand it anymore, and she was going to go back to her room to catch up on sleep.

The other party hugged her very tightly, and when she struggled a little, she felt a gaze fall on her face.

Ran Ling's long eyelashes opened, and she met a pair of deep blue and extremely seductive red phoenix eyes.

Xie Heng's snow-white face was steamed a few touches of bright red, a few drops of sweat faintly appeared on the bridge of his straight nose, his blue hair lingered on his sweaty neck, his lips were pink, and he stared straight at her.

Ran Ling had to admit that at this moment, some unsuitable images flashed through her mind.

She closed her eyes, expelled the bad thoughts in her head, rolled up from the bed and got out of bed, her voice was laziness and hoarse when she just woke up, "When I wake up, I will sleep by myself, it is so hot."

A bit of coolness poured into his arms in an instant, Xie Heng laughed lowly, his voice was low and sexy, and he turned around, "Okay."

Ran Ling gave him the back of his head, walked out into his room, and closed the door.

Paralyzed on his own bed.

There was a faint sound of running water, Xie Heng probably went to take a bath.

Ran Ling thought about his work tasks today, and turned over with a headache.

One hour of sleep, one hour of sleep.

Open your eyes, afternoon.

Ran Ling stared at the ceiling in a daze with his eyes open.

Sure enough, sleeping is the most convenient way to travel through time and space.

Xiao Qiuzi is so sensible today, why didn't he call her?
Suddenly a head popped up outside the window, then quickly disappeared, and popped up again after a while.

Dying Ling: "..."

She looked expressionlessly at Lin Bai who bared his teeth and held his sword out of the window.

"What's the matter, Xiao Qiuzi, why did you come in?" Ran Ling opened the window and looked at him.

It is said that she is not allowed to enter casually here, and you kid directly took up the sword.

Lin Bai froze immediately, turned around and fell to the ground, respectfully and cautiously said: "Old Ancestor, Master has gone to class, I happen to be fine, so he let me come."

"Class?" Ran Ling was puzzled.

What class is she still here?

"The old grandfather went instead of you." Lin Bai was still a little shy when he said this, "He said that you worked hard last night, so he asked you to have a good rest."

Dying Ling: "..."

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