In the upper left corner of the task training form that Ran Ling handed over to the members of the Star Chasing Sect, there was a sentence like this:

"If the opponent is very strong, so powerful that it may even cost you your life, please suppress your fear and stay calm. The calmer you are, the more hope you will find in life. Panicking will only make you die faster."

Everyone in the Star Chasing Sect will habitually take out their training watch and take a look at it when performing the task of the day, and then they will see this sentence.

Over time, this sentence was quietly etched into everyone's mind.

Now, no one knows what is terrible under this unknown river, but no one screams or cries, including Cheng Yu, who has red eyes but secretly grits her teeth, and everyone runs their spiritual power calmly.

They suppressed their fear in their hearts.

The little blue bird squeezed in the corner, seeing this ready-to-be-ready posture, didn't dare to scream, and covered its mouth desperately.


The blood-stained bamboo raft in front of him was easily overturned, and something was moving quickly underneath. Suddenly, a strange force rushed out from the side where Xie Heng was, and the bamboo raft where the people who dyed spirits were on instantly fell apart!


The thing that rushed out of the water was unexpectedly big. It was ten meters long and looked very much like a shark. Its eyes were sinister and its mouth was covered with tiny sawtooths. There were even a lot of fresh blood hanging on it. Scalp tingling.

Fortunately, everyone was prepared. The moment the bamboo raft shattered, their tense muscles reflexively jumped up, even higher than the monster.

Ran Ling quickly grabbed Xie Heng who was in the center of the attack, wrapped his arms around his waist, tapped his boots, and landed on the bamboo raft that was overturned and floated on the water again. With a calm voice, he ordered through voice transmission: "Yun Elder Mu will attack its eyes, and the rest will restrict its movements!"

Everyone who was still flustered, heard this voice, immediately calmed down, their eyes became firm, and they immediately started to act!
What are you afraid of, the ancestors are behind you!

Although the monster is very powerful and is in the Nascent Soul Realm, Elder Yun has not slacked in the recent training, and dodges very quickly!
Elder Yunmu moved left and right, suddenly charged up, and stabbed the shark's eyes fiercely with the long sword!

The three of Bai Feng formed a triangle shape, Bai Feng chanted a mantra to freeze, countless sharp icicles pierced up from the ice in an instant, Cheng Yu was in charge of binding, Li Zhu jumped up in the air, drew a bow and arrow, aimed at the monster's flank, Three arrows!
The monster was in pain, and couldn't take care of both head and tail, so it only had time to wag its tail fiercely in an instant!

With a force as strong as a mountain, they suddenly smashed the three of Bai Feng to the sides. Elder Yun's attack was almost in vain during such a struggle. Only Elder Mu's sword pierced the monster's eyes fiercely!
With a strange neigh, it rushed away from the two of them and was about to dive into the water!

But he didn't notice a certain little leaf puppet that landed on its tail!

It grabbed the tail of the monster that was about to dive into the water, and then pulled it out of the water completely!

The monster only felt that he was suddenly grabbed by an extremely terrifying force, and he couldn't resist at all!
The few people who were pulled back one by one by the white streamer of the dyed spirit stared dumbfounded at the little leaf puppet at the tip of the monster's tail, feeling a strange feeling in their hearts seeing ants lifting an elephant up.

The little puppet grabbed the monster's tail, then spun and swung it 720 degrees, and finally smashed the monster into the water, creating a ten-foot-high splash!
The monster is dizzy, but still remembers to dive into the water, but this time it is not lurking, but running away!

If you don't run away, your life will be explained here.

The Little Puppet Leaf looked at its movements, covered its mouth and grinned strangely, its dark eyes showed a bit of coldness, and immediately chased after it, caught it, and shook it again!
Everyone turned their heads to look at Ran Ling with strange eyes.

Ranling raised his eyebrows, and said innocently: "Look at what I am doing, it is it, and it has nothing to do with me."

Everyone: "..."

We believe you ghost.



A weak and unpleasant cry came from somewhere, and Elder Yun took a photo of the Ye Mingzhu, only to see a certain bird not far away that was constantly fluttering.

Seeing that it was about to drown, Ran Ling kindly rescued it.

It's just that its stomach was already distended, Elder Mu hit it with the hilt of his sword, and the bird spit out several mouthfuls of water.

It stretched out a dying wing and complained: "Gah——"

Are you people paying attention to it?

Its throat was screaming fork split, but no one noticed it.


The unilateral bullying on that side has come to an end. The monster rolled its eyes with a paralyzed stomach, and was in a daze. It didn't know what the world was, and it looked like it was about to die.

Dying Ling felt that it was almost done.

The white streamer flew out of her sleeve and flew in that direction. The little leaf puppet jumped onto the streamer and flew over bouncingly. Xie Heng, who was at the side, tilted his head and landed on Ran Ling's shoulder.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand, and gently played with the little puppet with his fingertips.

The little puppet embraced his fingertips and pressed them against his face.

Dying Ling: "..."

The white streamer swished a few times, tying up the star-eyed monster, and dragging such a huge creature over.

The rest of the people's curiosity about the white streamer and the little puppet on the ancestor's body has almost reached its peak.

Strong combat power, but also easy to use.

Where did it come from?
Cheng Yu looked at this posture and asked in a low voice, "Old Ancestor, now that our bamboo raft is destroyed, how do we get on?"

Sitting on the bloody bamboo raft, it's okay, but I feel a little uncomfortable.

"The bamboo raft is too dangerous." Ran Ling circled her chest, had a slender waist, and was dressed in red like a maple. She raised her chin, "Let's sit on it."

Everyone: "???"

Who sits?

Everyone followed the ancestor's line of sight, their scalps became numb and their lips began to tremble.

This is so exciting.

Xie Heng took a look, then retracted his eyes lightly, and continued to tease the little puppet.

He doesn't speak much and expresses his opinion because of the presence of the spirit.

He listens to her.

Bai Feng swallowed, and asked again as if he was not sure, "Sit on that monster?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

Dying Ling glanced at everyone.

Everyone who got the answer could only smile wryly, and quickly shook their heads: "No, no problem."

Wouldn't that thing really not throw them into the river as it walked?

The white streamer turned over the one-eyed monster who had woken up a bit, and with a flash of white light, it rushed back into the sleeve of Ranling.

The monster let them toss, his eyes were unlovable.

Now even if it is given a hundred guts, it will not dare to escape.

Among this group of people, there must be someone with unfathomable strength, which is not something it can fight against.

It decides to screw up.

So even if it saw those people jumping onto it one by one, it would still turn a blind eye...

Oh, and the other eye is broken.

Ran Ling patted the monster's head, his voice was cold, with a hint of temptation, "If you are obedient, then I will let you go."

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