Chapter 5
"The God of Plague suddenly increased in strength, snatched away the beautiful phoenix, and disappeared." In a few days, it seemed like he had grown wings, and the entire Eastern Meridian was buzzing.

Stopping at random on the street, you can hear this matter being discussed from person to person.

Moreover, the content gradually became crooked and developed in an uncontrollable direction.

"Have you heard, that Phoenix has long been the lover of the lustful God of Plague, and the God of Plague specially ran to save him."

"The God of Plague, who refines Qi, actually exploded his potential for that phoenix, and directly confronted the six top powers. Wow, I actually feel a little affectionate."

"Several major forces have been searching for a long time, but they still haven't found the God of Plague and Phoenix. Maybe the two have eloped long ago. Anyway, the Dao School has been disbanded long ago."

"However, I heard that there is an extremely powerful enchantment in the mountain gate of one sect, which cannot be opened by several major sects working together. Maybe those two are hidden inside!"

Black Water Sect, the Ze of Black Water, a famous holy place for healing.

On the black water source the size of a lake, there are all kinds of strangely shaped tall plants, colorful and layered on top of each other, covering the ice-colored phoenix that is concentrating on healing.

On a rock not far away, Ran Ling sat with his knees bent, playing with a thin stone in his hand, and said to the elder of the Black Water Sect who was facing a bitter face in front of him: "Elder, smile, what are you doing with a bitter face?"

Elder of the Black Water Sect: "..."

He rolled his eyes.

Smile?Am I just kidding? !
If you were robbed of land, money, and tied up for no reason, would you be happy?
Ranling said with a long heart: "Life is unsatisfactory nine times out of ten, you have to find happiness by yourself."

Elder of the Black Water Sect: "..."

Forget it, there is nothing to talk about with people who are out of their minds.

"Your place is pretty good." Ran Ling looked around, eyes shining, and said casually.

The elder of the Black Water Sect became vigilant and stared at her carefully: "What do you mean?"

According to the piss nature of this person who kidnapped and searched her for money, he was very suspicious of her purpose for saying this.

Ran Ling stared at him, and suddenly smiled, "Three years ago, the Black Water Sect occupied a spiritual field of more than [-] mu. Do you know about this?"

The elder of the Black Water Sect looked away a little guilty.

He really does know.

Before the Daoyi Sect fell, it was actually considered a first-class sect, but with the decline of the sect, the things under its control were also divided up by the various sects, and their Black Water Sect also took the opportunity to occupy a lot of resources .

Ran Ling said slowly: "So it's only natural for me to come to collect some compensation, right?"

Speaking of this, Ran Ling felt a little depressed. He obviously went to Wanjia to collect debts, but the debts were not collected, and he came back with trouble.

I hope this little trouble is really good at making money as he said.

"..." The elder of the Blackwater Sect was stunned for a while, but he couldn't refute.

Ran Ling stood up and wandered around. When he saw something that closed his eyes, he put it into the storage bag.

The elder of the Black Water Sect's eyes were wide open, bloodshot eyes were faintly visible, and blood was dripping from his heart.

Is this woman a devil? Her eyes are so poisonous, but what she pretends to take away is a hundred-year-old panacea. There are not even a few plants in their entire sect!
"Enough is enough! Don't pick it!"

Ran Ling glanced at him lightly, "What is enough, you took away the entire spiritual field, so where is it going?"

The elder of the Black Water Sect is going crazy.

He stared helplessly at the lush Heishuishui, revealing its bare roots.

His expression changed from grief and indignation to decadence and numbness.

Why did the suzerain want him to be in charge of Heishuize?Why didn't he send more people?Why bother with this lunatic? !
The man was also considerate and said: "These things have been grown for hundreds of years, and they are all old. I helped to solve them, and I thoughtfully left the roots, thank you."

The elder of the Blackwater Sect only felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, rolled his eyes, and passed away.

"Tsk." Ran Ling shook his head, this elder is not very good.

Passing somewhere, she suddenly let out a soft "Hey", squatted down, pressed her slender fingers on the ground, and looked strange.

There is such a strong wood element here, and there is actually a fire attribute magic circle underneath, I'm afraid it's not courting death.

"It's none of my business."

She patted her buttocks and stood up, shook the bulging storage bag, and narrowed her eyes with a smile.

He glanced at Xie Heng's situation.

Can't wake up for a while.

She thought for a moment, cast an enchantment on him, and left the Blackwater Sect.

Ranling's appearance was too eye-catching, she turned into an ordinary person and blended in the crowd.

After drinking tea and eating a few steamed buns, she looked at a barren mountain peak from afar.

The grandsons of the Wan family are joining forces with the Liu family and the Black Water Sect to arrest the members of the same sect.

She also announced with great fanfare that if she doesn't come out within three days, the disciples of the Taoist sect will collect the body and so on.

Threatening her if she can't open the enchantment, can't she afford it?
"You forced me."

Ran Ling stuffed the last steamed stuffed bun into his mouth, and walked straight to Wanjia.

Wan Fu still looked loose, and most of the disciples were sent out to arrest people.

Ran Ling slipped in like a stroll.

"It's here."

Wanfu treasure house.

Ran Ling squinted, staring at the magnificent building in front of him.

The ten-meter-high pitch-black gate is made of centuries-old black iron. It is extremely hard and has no plaque. Layers of formations are set up at the gate. Once touched, the entire Wanfu will be on alert.

"It's cautious, but it can only stop other people."

Ran Ling stretched out her hand, the red robe was wide and made her wrists slender and white.

The slender fingers pinched a few white spells quickly, the teleportation formation appeared on the soles of the feet, and with a slight hum, she disappeared.

When she reappeared, she appeared in the vault.

The poor man Ran Ling was almost blinded.

Row after row, there are cheat books, top-quality ores, hundred-year-old medicines, antiques, weapons... everything that one expects to find is vast.

There is no cap on the top, and there is no end to the eye.

Tears of envy flowed from the corners of his mouth.

This is the background of the six major forces in Yunzhou!

She immediately took out the account book, "The Wan family robbed several shops in Yunzhou, and after conversion, it is about [-] high-grade spirit stones. Yunzhou has a good boundary, so the price must be increased, including the interest owed for many years... and her mental damage fee , asking for a hundred thousand is not too much."

She giggled strangely and started to sweep.

The Wan family is indeed cautious, each treasure is equipped with a secret method, but for Ranling, it is dispensable.

An hour later, Ranling stopped and looked at the area that hadn't been swept away, with regret on his face.

Immortals are also bound by the Dao, and doing too many immoral things will damage their merit.

Forget it, I can't take it, let her go to the head office.

Another half an hour later, Ran Ling looked at the dozen or so tablets at the end of the vault, lost in thought.

No wonder the family has a strong family background, and the ancestors bless you.

She glanced over, and her eyes suddenly paused on a tablet.

——"The spiritual seat of the ancestor Wan Rongnian"

Wan Rongnian is dead?
The original body had pestered him several times several hundred years ago.

"... probably dead for more than 200 years."

Ran Ling was a little shocked, picked up the family record book on the altar, and found a page of Wan Rongnian.

"Name: Wan Rongnian

Ancestral home: Danzhou


Cause of death: Being hunted down

A dignified Void Refiner, who can kill him?
Ran Ling was puzzled and put the booklet back.

After leaving the treasure house, she raised her eyes and looked at a certain tall building in Wanjia.

A palm came down.

A moment later, a hoarse voice pierced the sky.

"Come here! A thief has entered the mansion! A thief has come in! Catch the thief!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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