The monster who had a good meal was very happy, the taste of the brain was really delicious.

It happily expressed that it wanted to show off one more.

Feeling a very hidden probe around him, Ran Ling curled his lower lip lazily.

The will of the Qiongming River is a bit interesting.

No other dangers were encountered afterward. One day before Danluota was born, the group of Star Chasing Sect finally arrived at the base camp where all parties gathered.

Ran Ling looked at the small island from afar.

It's so lively.

There are so many monsters blocking the way, but it is still so lively.

Maybe it's because the people from the west side left earlier, now the whole island, looking from a distance, can't see many people from the east side.

Due to the different geographical location and living conditions, the Eastern and Western veins naturally formed two completely different styles.

This difference is not only reflected in their more daring costumes, but also lies in the differences inscribed in their bones between the East and the West.

The monsters in the Eastern Meridian are all scattered. The relationship between humans and monsters is non-aggression. Only when they break into each other's territory will they be enraged and killed.

However, in Ximai, there is a demon beast in the Yaodu Tribulation period who is entrenched and called the king. There are thousands of monsters under him, occupying one side. In order to resist them, the immortal cultivators of Ximai established the four cities of Yindu. Four powerful immortal cultivators Those who guard for many years.

The two sides have been at war all year round, with constant friction and incompatibility.

Therefore, compared to the Eastern Meridian, the Western Meridian advocates force more. From powerful immortal cultivators to those who are easy to kill, they will not only raise monsters on a large scale, but also enslave and kill them.

"Look, what is that?" Someone spotted Ran Ling and his party.

"It seems to be a monster!!"

The word "Monster Beast" seemed to be some kind of prohibition, and it touched the nerves of countless people in an instant, and almost everyone stared at it unkindly.

Desperately swinging its body, the monster that was swimming towards the island hesitated to slow down.

What are these humans doing?
What are you staring at it for?
It didn't eat people.

"The group of people in front, stop for me!"

A sharp female voice, full of spiritual power, quickly spread throughout the island and entered the ears of Ran Ling's gang.

Ran Ling and the others looked at each other, and Cheng Yuxiu's beautiful face was filled with doubts, and she asked in a low voice, "Are they talking about us?"

Li Zhu nodded, and the wind lifted the broken hair on his forehead: "It should be."

Bai Feng frowned, a little unhappy, "Didn't you see that those people were staring at us viciously, as if they had pried their ancestral graves, it's inexplicable."

Elder Yun thought for a moment, "Perhaps it's because the one we're riding on now is a monster that the Ximen people hate the most."

A hot and tall woman, emerald green skirt decorated with all kinds of crisp and crystal ornaments, her long legs stepped on a raised stone, holding a longbow, looking at them coldly.

She stared at the crowd, and finally fixed on Yun Ting, who looked like the boss, and said in the tone of the owner of the island: "No monsters are allowed to enter this place!"

A group of people appeared behind the woman, standing behind her with expressionless faces, looking fierce and looking like her subordinates.

The aspect of imposing manner has been tightly controlled by their side.

Elder Yun felt baffled.

They don't plan to get it in, right? Why is there such a big reaction?
"Crazy." Bai Feng couldn't stop talking, "We didn't say we were going to bring it in!"

Several people turned their heads to look at Ranling's reaction.

Seeing everyone's subconscious reaction, the woman frowned. Could it be that she miscalculated, that the one in red is their leader?

Ran Ling was watched by everyone, and she looked at Yunting with a puzzled expression: "Elder Yun, what do you think I am doing, I am only a young disciple, I don't know."

Everyone: "??"

Everyone: "..."

Where did this come from?

There was a hint of surprise in Xie Heng's eyes.

Fortunately, Elder Yun is very smart, and he quickly integrated into the brain circuit of Ranling. He coughed, "My fellow Taoist, I think you have misunderstood. We don't plan to bring this monster in."

The woman froze for a moment, her face a little embarrassed.

She stared at the monsters under those people's buttocks, and suddenly said: "The fellow of this thing killed a lot of people on the way we came. Since you don't plan to bring it in, please kill it. Let you in."

The monster was numb, and rolled its eyes with its only remaining eye.

Is it necessary to kill it?
You can kill my brothers and sisters, but I can’t kill you?
Elder Yun's face was also a little displeased. He glanced at the people on the island, and it seemed that everyone acquiesced to this suggestion.

He said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist, we still need it to take us away from the Qiongming River when we leave, and we can't kill it yet."

Anyway... With the support of the ancestor, he will not be false when he speaks.

The woman seemed to have grasped their handle, and smiled sarcastically, "So, are you willing to keep a monster that killed so many people?"

Someone on the small island laughed, "Looking at their appearance, they should be from Dongmai. Sure enough, no matter how many years, the cowardly and enemy-friendly character of Dongmai people has not changed!"

Continuous laughter rang out one after another.

There are many Dongmai people on the island. Although they were unhappy when they heard this, no one spoke up.

Everyone in the Star Chasing Sect was mad with anger.

It's fine to target them, but now scolding the entire Dongmai people, what do you mean?
Cheng Yu stood up abruptly, her fists in her sleeves clenched tightly, her eye circles turned red with excitement, and her voice was soft but firm, "I heard that although you, Ximen, are at odds with the monster clan, there are still people who raise powerful monsters for their own benefit. There are even some monsters that have killed countless people. In this way, isn't your behavior even more shameless?"

"Also." She stared at the person hiding in the crowd who made unscrupulous ridicule, "Such a trivial matter, you can rise to the entire Dongmai! Are you deliberately provoking a war between the East and West? Are you trying to provoke a war between the two veins so as to benefit the monster clan? What are your intentions?"

This series of questioning made the woman and the man hiding in the crowd turn green and pale.

The entire island was silent.

No one would have imagined that this girl who seemed to be able to make her cry at will would have such courage!
Cheng Yu was a little scared, her calves were trembling slightly, and her heart was about to jump out quickly, but she couldn't back down, and she couldn't let the people in Ximai see the jokes of people in Dongmai, "Aren't Dongmai people cowardly? I am not qualified to comment, and I think that a person like you who is timid and only dares to hide in the crowd to provoke speech is a real coward!"

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