As the most terrifying big boss in the Killing Realm, the object of fear of countless ghosts and monsters, Purple Tree's cultivation base is very high, and it is a serious fit!
But there are too many people who can't stand it. The forces of the east and west, plus some powerful casual cultivators, unite, and they can always get a few hairs off of it.

The branches of the purple tree are constantly decreasing, and the Danluo crystal in Ran Ling's hand is also constantly disappearing.

Everyone in Fengyu City was about to go crazy, but the Prisoner Ghost was beyond their imagination, twisting its head 180 degrees can still recover intact, and finally it was the Void Refining Realm who sacrificed a The dharma bowl, which is extremely lethal to ghosts, trapped the prisoner ghost for a short time.

Then he blasted Bai Feng and Li Zhu away with one palm, and led everyone to rush towards Ranling!

Ran Ling looked at the ferocious-faced people who were approaching him constantly, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and his red lips spit out a few words silently.

"Time is up."

The pupils of the Void Refining Realm shrank suddenly!
The endless fear in my heart surged up like a tide in an instant.

The familiar golden characters appeared in mid-air, and everyone's bodies suddenly stagnated under a terrifying pressure!

"Killing Secret Realm, the selection is over!"

"The list of obtained Danluo Crystals is now announced."

It's over when it's over, which makes people gnash their teeth.

"Dongmai Yunzong: Five"

The expression of everyone in Yunzong who knew the result earlier did not change at all.

"Dongmai Tingfeng Pavilion: Four"

One less than Yunzong.

Pavilion Master Su lowered his head, and glanced at the inexplicably sharp Ranling between his brows.

"Dongmai Liu Family: Four"

Liu Qingyan looked a little dissatisfied.

"Dongmai Wanjia: Two"

Seeing this number, Wan Hongguan's face turned blue and red on the spot.

Why only two?What do these people eat?
"Dongmai Daoyanzong: Three"

One more than Wanjia who came in at the same time, Daoyanzong suzerain had a signature smile on his face.

"Eastern Meridian Black Water Sect: Two"

Mrs. Heishui Zongzheng sighed.

Now the Blackwater Sect is not as good as before, and it is the result of everyone's hard work to have two.

"Dongmai Star Chasing Sect: 56"

Everyone: "!!!"


56? !

Everyone suspected that there was something wrong with their eyes. Their eyes were like torches, and they all shot at Ranling, either surprised, envious, jealous, or implying murderous intent... Even the parties involved in the Star Chasing Sect were all stunned, and their eyeballs almost fell out.

This... Is this what they can achieve?
Cheng Yu murmured dully: "Where can we find so many people?"

The joy on the faces of Elder Yun and Elder Mu just froze.

That's a really good question.

"Dongmai Star Chasing Sect: 56", these big golden characters are crooked and extremely bold, revealing a very unpleasant mood of a certain will.

Everyone present looked weird, and none of them were wonderful.

Especially Fengyu City.

"Dongmai Dunzhou Rinjianhou Mansion: Three"

Before he could put down the surprised expression on Rin Jianhou's handsome old face, he saw the list of his forces.


It's okay, it's okay...what a fart!

He is 56, three of them.

Too bad Nima.

Mrs. Heishuizongzheng is really happy for his father, three is already a lot.


"Ximian Snow City: Six"

If there is no such a top number as Ranling, everyone in Xueyu City should be happy, but now...

"Ximai Yuehua City: Five"

Hua Ling sat on the ground, clutching his wound and trembling with laughter, he could see the curvature of his thin body, and his face was red with laughter.

56 Ah.

so many.

"Western Vessel Yanyang City: Four"

Yanhao and Yanyue are already satisfied, anyway, what they are asking for is as long as the two of them can enter the Danluo Pagoda.

"Wind Feather City: Zero"

The bright big characters made the eyes of everyone in Fengyu City hurt.

After 56, Fengyu City once again caused a commotion, and everyone looked over in unison, full of jokes.

The faces of everyone in Fengyu City turned green and white, wishing for an ant hole to get in.

But their bodies were imprisoned by an invisible force, and they could only be forced to accept the ridicule and ridicule of others.

All of this is caused by that woman who ran the spirit!
Feng Yucheng's resentful eyes seemed to want to chop Ran Ling into pieces.

Ran Ling's expression was always indifferent, and he didn't even look at them, like a calm lake suppressing a terrifying storm.

In the silent hall, everyone's list was announced.

"Now, all surviving personnel will be sent away from the killing secret!"

Just as the transmitted power was about to take place, Ranling raised his eyelids, and as a force more terrifying than the Qiongming River scattered, it instantly froze the fluctuating space around it.

Sharp, calm eyes like ancient pools stared directly at the person opposite through the void.

This gaze that seemed to be able to penetrate the soul made Qiong Minghe's scalp, which was wearing a small snow-white robe, feel a rare numbness in his scalp, and his eyelids twitched.

What does she want to do?
Did she find out?


Ran Ling said lightly: "Give me back my people."

The hall suddenly fell into dead silence, and many people who didn't know why, seeing Ran Ling talking to himself in the air, thought she was crazy.

Everyone in the Star Chasing Sect looked at each other, and some guesses emerged in their hearts.

They haven't seen the old grandfather, could it be that...

His face suddenly sank.

The six major forces in the Eastern Meridian soon thought of this and looked at each other in blank dismay.

It turned out that she was angry at the crown and turned into Lan Yan.

But who is she talking to?

The Pavilion Master of Tingfeng Pavilion squinted his eyes, his expression was unclear, and there was some vague joy.

That phoenix, is it gone?
Qiong Minghe's will was slightly startled.

Sure enough, she knew it, but how could she know it, obviously it did it without anyone noticing it.

It decided to play dead and continue to teleport.

Ran Ling felt the strength of the surrounding people who wanted to struggle, and smiled.

"You are bold."

She took a step forward in vain.

A terrifying ripple spread from the bottom of her feet to the surroundings and even the entire secret realm. The earth shook and collapsed!
Before seizing the crystal of pill fall, she wanted everyone to destroy this secret realm, but she was not strong enough, and now she can only do it herself.

On the opposite side, Qiongminghe Will's lips trembled, his small face was snow-white.

It doesn't feel wrong, this guy is definitely a fairy, and he still hides his cultivation!
What does she want to do now?
Did it destroy the entire secret realm?
Is she crazy?

Everyone in the hall, especially those from Ximai, opened their mouths slightly and their eyes trembled, as if they couldn't believe the scene before them.

How can this be?

How could this woman be so strong?

The bald purple tree, under her power, has no power to fight back, and directly withers at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, it really can't support the shape of the purple tree, and becomes a man in a purple robe. The dying old man.

The old man showed no signs of pain, his eyes were empty, and he stared blankly at the sky outside the hall, with a look of relief on his face.

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