Chapter 7
Dying Ling: "..."

Looking at the other person's pale face, she resisted the urge to throw him out.

If you are not angry, you should accumulate merit.

Between the Liu family and the Black Water Sect, there is a long river connecting each other. On both sides of the river are lush and towering forests. The mountains are endless and there are various monsters living there. It is called Nanshan Ridge.

Ran Ling was wearing a human-shaped pendant, and was a little tired from flying, so he grabbed a golden-winged roc to travel.

After being beaten, the golden-winged roc seemed very obedient, and flattered him: "Master, there are ripe golden red fruits ahead, how about I pick some?"

Monster beasts generally reach the golden core stage, and they can speak human words.

"Gold Chiguo?" Ran Ling raised his eyebrows.

The fruit produces golden patterns, called Jinchi, which has a powerful effect of tempering the body, and is also a good sixth-grade alchemy material.

Ran Ling nodded: "Yes."

There was a bit of human cunning in the eyes of the golden-winged roc.

The one who guards Jin Chiguo is its sworn enemy, who always bullies others because of his high cultivation level.'s out of luck.

"God, come out, your grandpa Peng is here!" the golden-winged fox shouted pretending to be a tiger.

Dying Ling: "..."

this name.

A gust of wind blew towards the face, and a black eagle two or three meters high suddenly appeared in sight, its golden claws made of steel tightly clinging to the huge golden red tree trunk, looking down coldly.

"You are here again."

Gou Yuan seemed to be disturbed by someone, and was very displeased. Its eyes fell on Peng San's back, and its eyes suddenly became cautious, "It also brought people."

Peng San smiled wickedly, "My new master wants to eat a few golden red fruits from you, so hurry up and offer them up obediently, otherwise I will have your good fruits to eat."

A few black lines fell on Ranling's face.

Who taught this fellow to speak like that?
Gou Yuanmu looked at it with a straight face, with an expression of "Are you thinking of farting", and the cold coercion slanted out from his whole body, Peng San reflexively shivered.

"Hurry up and take someone away, and call me a dog again, be careful that I will destroy you!"

OK you boy!
Peng San exhaled a heavy breath from his nostrils, turned his head aggrieved, and said in a pretentious way: "Master~ dog, let us go."

Ran Ling couldn't take it anymore, and slapped Peng San on the forehead, expressionless: "Speak well."

Pengsan: "..."

Why can that man lie in the owner's arms as a soft bag, and if he acts like a baby, he will be beaten?It's so unfair!
Ran Ling raised his head, looked at Gou Yuan, his eyes were condensed, "Are you practicing cannibalism?"


The autistic Peng San raised his head in surprise, and looked at it with eyes as if he just met Goudan today.

Gou Yuan's eyes showed surprise, he glanced at his nest, and shook his head in a bad tone: "No."

Ran Ling said: "Then why is there human breath in your nest?"

Gou Yuan didn't want to answer.

It didn't want to talk too much to this seemingly dangerous human being who wanted to play with Jin Chiguo.

Ran Ling said: "Speak!"

The faint word, but it seems to contain the majesty of the heavens, and the dog's heart is shocked when he is photographed.

It subconsciously opened its mouth: "He floated in the river for several days, and was almost eaten by other guys, so I picked it up." After thinking for a while, he added, "I didn't intend to kill him."

Ran Ling's eyes turned into white pupils, pierced through layers of barriers, and looked at the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes in the nest, "Can you see his parents?"

"No." Gou Yuan said firmly, "He was abandoned."

It was silent, as if it had thought of something, turned to look at the baby in its nest, then lowered its head, "Take him away, I'll give you three golden red fruits."

"Let me take it away..." Ran Ling looked at it, and suddenly said with interest: "Don't you want to raise it?"

Gou Yuan raised his head suddenly, like a big dog, with clear eyes, "Can I raise it?"

Ran Ling smiled, "Of course, as long as you can protect him."

Gou Yuan remained silent for a while, then shook his head, "I can protect him, but I can't teach him, he is human after all."

How will the human side treat the child raised by monsters in the future?
Humans and monsters have always been in a relationship of killing each other.

Ran Ling's crushed arm was a little numb, so she changed her posture and hugged Xie Heng into her arms. She smiled at Gou Yuan, smiling like a fox, "Or there is another way, you come with me, or you can Did you bring him yourself?"

For a moment, Gou Yuan felt that this person was fooling him.

With its IQ, how could it be such a simple fool?
"Can you take this golden red tree away too? I have to keep it."

Pengsan: "..."

It turned out that it wasn't the one who was really careless.

Ran Ling smiled more and more kindly, "Of course."

Bring one get two, what luck did she have today?
"In this case, I will give you a fortune." Ran Ling spread out her right hand, and in an instant, the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of ten miles, the essence of plants and trees gathered in her hand like a broken gate, and all kinds of elixir rose from the ground. A few golden red fruits came spinning, floating in her palm, and she squeezed them casually.


The aftermath of the success of the sixth-grade elixir instantly scattered in all directions!
Gou Yuan was forced to take half a step back, his feathers were almost blown away, his eagle eyes were full of shock, he stared at Ranling's hand motionlessly.

There, there are ten golden red pills!

And the quality is flawless, it is the best.

Peng San's eyes turned 180 degrees, staring dumbfounded at this terrifying scene.

Didn't it mean that it is very difficult for human beings to make alchemy?
What is the realm of its master?
"The materials are limited, so we can barely make a sixth grade." Ran Ling waved his hand, and ten pills lined up and flew in front of Gou Yuan, "But it's enough for you to break through to transform into a god."

Gou Yuan looked at the ten round pills in shock, and silently swallowed his saliva.

Such a terrifying person should not even bother to plot against a little Nascent Soul.

"Master, what about me?"

Pengsan was so wronged that he was about to cry, it was the bird that followed its master first, why didn't it fart?
Ran Ling was helpless: "The main materials of Jin Chi Dan are all provided by Goudan himself. If you find the materials, I will naturally refine them for you."

Before Peng San could speak, Gou Yuan put on a wooden face, "My name is Gou Yuan."

Dying Ling: "..."

Hastily threw the pot away: "This has nothing to do with me."

Gou Yuan's murderous eyes fell on Peng San.

Pengsan coughed twice, "Then what, master, you have to remember what you promised me, I'll look for materials later."

"En." Ran Ling responded, staring at Jin Chishu, and said softly: "Get up."

The ground trembled, the river stopped flowing, countless birds were startled, and the land occupied by the huge roots of the golden red tree was completely uprooted by the dyed spirit, and a huge pit with a size of one hundred feet appeared in the place it originally occupied.

Ranling controlled the golden red tree to shrink and put it into the Qiankun map, and at the same time introduced the distant river water into the giant pit.

But after a while, the tranquility was restored here, but a lake was added out of thin air, and a towering giant tree was missing.

Gou Yuan became smaller, and the baby landed on Peng San's back with his wings, causing Peng San to scream, wishing he could pull it off.

(End of this chapter)

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