Ran Ling's eyes were quite stressed, and he said lightly: "Get out."

That person: "..."

If someone dared to talk to him like this before, he would have been a skeleton long ago, but this person is too strong, he can't beat him.

The man was very helpless, and was pulled out from Xie Heng's body, turning into a palm-sized, red ball.

Ran Ling's gloomy brows and eyes were slightly relaxed, and he appeared next to Xie Heng in an instant. The speed was astonishingly fast, and he caught him with incomparable accuracy, and let him rely on himself. The first thing he did was to check the other party's situation .

The light ball on the side gave a "tsk".

This changes.

This contrasts.

Isn't it just a little boy, seeing how nervous she is, he is also very good-looking, why hasn't he encountered such a person.

"Dyeing spirit..."

Xie Heng's thick long eyelashes drooped, his straight nose brushed against Ranling's forehead, and he called out to Ranling in a low voice that could only be heard by two people.

The moment she knew she was coming, a certain string that had been tugging at my heart finally let go.

As if it was born like this, he knew that he was very cold.

Except for Ran Ling, almost no one else could move his mind.

Even for Ranling, he wasn't particularly sure how much he liked her.

Sometimes he even suspects that he just missed the warmth she gave him, he has nowhere to go, but she just gave him a place to stay.

But the moment he entered the killing secret and realized that he and Ran Ling were separated, his mood fell to the bottom.

He misses her very much.

I keep reminiscing about what happened with her in my mind, entangled with thoughts, like weeds growing wildly.

all the time.

Heart empty.

The moment his body was taken over, he was even a little scared.

Scared of never seeing her again.

Ran Ling looked up at him.

It was obviously a very plain sound, and it sounded like spinning in her ears, and her heart seemed to be scratched by a feather, which made the corners of her mouth rise uncontrollably.


Ran Ling pressed the corner of his mouth hard and responded.

If you really counted, it might have been a few days, but she felt that it had been a long time.

A cluster of unbearable, unknown small flames in my heart, unknowingly, are expanding and growing.

"how do you feel?"

Xie Heng leaned against her, rubbing his soft and cool lips against her slender and fair neck, and buried his face in the hollow of her neck, "It's okay."

Kiss and rub.

Ran Ling wondered if Xiao Fenghuang did it on purpose.

Deliberately hook her.

But now the time and place are wrong.

She was very sorry, and touched his silky hair, "Sleep if you want to sleep, I will take you back."

Xie Heng let out a muffled "hmm".

I haven't closed my eyes for a few days. Once I relax, I do feel sleepy.

The warm breath penetrated into the skin through the clothes, and Ran Ling's body trembled unconsciously.


A certain light bulb nearby couldn't help but clicked his tongue again.

In front of other people, just like this is really humiliating.

Also, wouldn't this attitude of holding it in your mouth for fear of melting and putting it in your hands for fear of breaking it really turn people into useless waste?
The little golden puppet over there flew over with Qiongminghe's will.

Jin Xiaopuppet has been tossing around outside for so long, and it's rare that he misses his indifferent and extremely boring elder brother, and in a flash, he enters Ranling's eyebrows and disappears.

Qiong Minghe's will and the ball of light on the side met eyes.

The light ball looked him up and down, a little gloating and disgusted: "You are worse than me."

At least he still has a sliver of soul existing in the world, and the one on the other side has a wisp of will, which can be blown away by the wind.

Are the current immortals so miserable?

Where did this woman come from?
He remembered that there were not many immortals in this world.

Qiongminghe Will: "..."

It's half a catty, you have the nerve to mention it.

Ranling glanced at the ball of light, "What's your name?"



Qiongminghezhi was startled when he heard this somewhat familiar name.

Is it the booby he thought of?
Ran Ling nodded and continued to ask: "You mentioned 'that person' before... who is he?"

Fuzhuo looked at Ranling's plain expression and sighed.

Sure enough, the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves were beaten to death on the beach.

He has become so unknown.

"It's just a man in black robe, he can't see clearly, he said he wants to make a deal with me, he can help me get..."

He glanced at Xie Heng, "His body, and the man in black wanted to take something from him. As for what it was, he didn't say."

Next to Qiongminghe Will, his long eyelashes drooped, covering the waves in his eyes.

Ran Ling's eyes darkened, revealing a trace of killing intent, before turning his head to look at Qiong Minghe's will, who was trying to reduce his sense of existence, "Xiao Qiong, in the killing secret realm, I haven't seen much of the national teacher in Xueyu City. , where did he go?"

Qiong Minghe's will was stabbed by the sentence "Little Qiong" first, and a bad premonition arose in his heart. Hearing the next sentence, his heart accelerated, and the thorn was on his back.

But he was a little dazed, "Who? What national teacher?"

Ran Ling looked at him motionlessly with strange eyes.

The face of Qiong Minghe's will is about to crack.

This woman is the devil.

His voice trembled slightly, "Don't go too far, I really don't know what a national teacher is!"

Ran Ling hooked his lips and smiled, "Okay, you don't know."

Suddenly came such a sentence, I don't know what it means, anyway, Qiongminghe's will is in a state of turmoil and panic when he hears it.

Ranling's eyes fell back on Fuzhuo, "Three years, you will work for me for three years, after three years, you can stay as you like."

"Three years?"

Floating pupil earthquake, he is a majestic immortal, and he has to work under other people's hands, and he will do it for three years?

Even if this person is a strong man, his arrogance will never allow him to agree to such a condition.

Xiao Qiong on the side was also stunned.

Three years!

For an immortal, three years is enough to grow a sect. This person is like a lion.

"Don't agree?" Ran Ling raised his eyebrows, "That means choosing to die now, that's fine."

Fuzhuo: "..."

There is no third option, is there?
He looked at Ranling's raised hand, and said quickly: "Then you have to help me find my body!"

He couldn't stand the existence of a soul for three years.

Ran Ling nodded, agreeing, and summoned a little leaf puppet, "You stay on top first."

Fuzhuo didn't want to be on it.

Doesn't staying there mean that he is at the same level as those puppets?It's still a low-quality puppet, he doesn't want it.

He pushed forward, "You help me make a new one that can turn into a human being."

Dying Ling: "..."

"I can't help you right now!"

Seeing the impatience in Ranling's expression, Fuzhuo reluctantly climbed onto the puppet, and said in a low voice, "Then go back and get one for me."

Ran Ling gave an indifferent "hmm".

Fuzhuo wanted to "tsk" again, but finally endured it.

Ran Ling's eyes swept across the boundary of the Meteor Domain, and asked bluntly: "Before you died, did you leave any treasure here?"

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