Not a puppet.


The old ancestor said so, which means that this person really has something.

...Although I don't know why he appeared in this form.

They laughed just now, wouldn't they offend people?
Everyone suddenly became a little guilty, and when they heard Fu Zhuo snorted again, they became more and more unnatural.

And the name Fuzhuo, why does it feel like I have heard it somewhere?

Ran Ling pointed to the weird beards and wigs on their faces, with a strange look, "Where did you find all these?"

A few people smiled awkwardly, and quickly picked up everything.

Bai Feng couldn't help but said: "Old Ancestor, you don't know, those people ask us every day, it's annoying to death."

Ran Ling nodded knowingly, "It's because of these people that your faces look like elongated shoe soles?"


Several people nodded helplessly.

The ancestor's insight is really amazing, it's just this metaphor...

Ran Ling sighed leisurely, looked at Xie Heng, his eyes sparkled, "Little Phoenix, is there anything you can do to make them happy?"

Xie Heng deliberated for a moment, and he seemed to understand, and spit out what was in Ranling's heart, "Increase the amount of training."

Everyone: "???"

Ranling laughed strangely, as if he had been poked at something, and was very happy, "Yes! I still have the mood to pay attention to the messy things outside, which means that the amount of training is still not large enough, so I need to increase it!"

Everyone who thought they could be comforted: "..."

What kind of horrible, inhuman dialogue is this? ?
Floating on the side aroused a little interest, "What was the original training volume?"

Elder Yun waved his hand silently, conjured up a piece of paper, and Fuzhuo quickly scanned it with his hand.


The more you look at it, the weirder your expression becomes, and the more complicated your mood becomes.

I just want to ask Ranling a question.

There is no room for any increase in training volume, how to increase it?

He is really panicking now.

Will he be tortured to death in three years?

The Qiongming River has endless waves.

Dying Ling's cherry red lips parted slightly, and was about to say something, when suddenly, a few lines of large golden characters appeared in the blue sky!

Everyone noticed it in an instant, and their hearts were moved, and they looked up excitedly.

"Danluo Tower is about to open, everyone who holds the Danluo Crystal, please get ready!"

A sentence was added later, Ran Ling seriously suspected that it was aimed at her.

"The crystal of Danluo is not transferable, not for sale, and the right to hold it belongs only to personal power, and only one is needed per person."


Only due to personal power.

Only one is needed per person.

Doesn't this mean that the extra Pillfall Crystal is completely useless?
After he came back for a while, he repaired the Danluo Pagoda. How afraid of her looking for someone?

A certain will hides in a certain corner, with a small face smiling wickedly, in a very happy mood, fingers leisurely fiddle with a certain poor little blue bird in the cage.

What do you do this time?
Will the feeling of being useless with 49 pill drop crystals explode the other party's anger?

He is looking forward to it.

Immediately, he thought of his old friend again, and his expression gradually cooled down.

He went a step too late in the Meteor Realm and didn't see him. When he returned here, there was still no sign of him. Most likely he had already left.


For so many years, he has repeatedly planned and planned for a person who no longer exists, and he has been persistent to the point of outrage.

Now that the plan has repeatedly failed, perhaps it is really God's will.

But he knew that he would never give up no matter what.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh again.

Everyone's eyes were unconsciously looking at the Star Chasing Sect, their eyes were full of gloating.

In this way, wouldn't the Star Chasing Sect be a waste of nothing?

Elder Mu looked a little melancholy, looked at Ranling, "Old Ancestor, where can we find so many people?"

If I knew it earlier, I should have called a few more people over.

It can only be wasted now.

Elder Yun sighed from the side, "In the past, everyone's soul power was tested, but the sudden change of the rules was something no one thought of."

The implication is to accept fate.

Ran Ling looked at the few lines of golden characters, listened to the discussion in his ears, and said nothing, but a hint of understatement flashed in those obsidian-like jet-black eyes.

Xie Heng's complexion is too fair, thick eyelashes cast a light shadow on the thin eyelids, the end of the eyes naturally curled up, taking a full view of Ranling's micro-expression, and gently raised his slender eyebrows.

What is she holding back?


The moment the big golden characters disappeared, a stream of colorful light, like a shooting star, crashed down towards the center of the vast island and landed on the waterfall fountain in the center!

Such speed and strength made countless people feel like they were facing the might of God, and they wanted to kneel down and prostrate in panic.

Immediately afterwards, the streamer exploded into a ball of extremely dazzling light, and everyone's eyes hurt, and they immediately looked away.

Only those who have reached the realm of Ranling can barely see a vague tower shadow from the light.

That shadow is like a giant sword piercing into the sky, standing in the sky and earth, full of old aura.

When the light finally receded, everyone dared to turn their heads to look. They couldn't help but widen their eyes at the scene in front of them, and kept making exclamation sounds.

Beauty, a place of absolute beauty.

The tower is ten heavy and colorful, blooming in the center of the splash of the waterfall. The water flow at the bottom of the tower is extremely turbulent, and it is compressed into the shape of a giant lotus!

Under the reflection of the colorful light, the water flow also refracts the colorful light. At first glance, it forms a giant lotus full of radiance.

"Is this the Tower of Danluo? It's so beautiful, it's the first time I've seen it!"

"It's so beautiful, as if it came out of a painting!"

"Hey! It's a pity that I can only live my eyesight outside! I really want to know what it looks like inside!"


At this time, the golden characters appeared again.

"After entering the Pillfall Pagoda, how many layers can you reach? Each of you depends on your ability. After determining the number of layers, insert the crystal of Pillfall in the corresponding position on the door, and the corresponding door will open!"

"Start now!"

The Danluo Pagoda shook with a bang, and the extremely heavy pagoda gate slowly opened to both sides, and an exceptionally simple and sacred aura came rushing from the gate!

The gate of pill fall is covered with a layer of enchantment, and the situation inside cannot be seen from the outside, and only those with the crystal of pill fall can pass through the barrier smoothly.

After the start was announced, six men and women with extraordinary temperament in Xueyu City walked out first, their eyes passed through the crowd, and they glanced at the position of the Star Chasing Sect, and instantly turned into six long rainbows, disappeared into the barrier trace.

Ran Ling's eyes searched around the team in Xueyu City, but did not see the shadow of the mysterious national teacher.

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