Chapter 9 I Give You Face

"This Nascent Soul Dapeng is actually the God of Plague! Fuck, I actually have a feeling that we can't beat each other."

"Don't talk about you, I feel the same way, what a ghost."


The two sides are confronting each other here, and there are many people watching the fire not far away.

The master of Daoyan Sect put his sleeves on his sleeves, and glanced at the silver-faced man with a smile, "Master Su Pavilion, who do you think will win?"

The silver-masked man rolled his eyes at him: "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

The head of Daoyan Sect was mysterious: "When I came here, I seemed to hear that the ancestor of the Liu family... had left the customs."

"What?!" The silver-faced man was surprised, and turned his head to ask Su Jiu for confirmation, "Elder Su Jiu, is this true?"

The old god Su Jiu nodded.

The reason why the six major forces can become the top strength of the Eastern Meridian is that, in addition to their rich background, behind each force, there are some heavyweight things sitting in charge.

The ancestor of the Liu family has been rumored to have reached the Mahayana realm, and given time, he can survive the thunder calamity and ascend to immortality.

"Then what's going to be interesting next." Su Yin looked at Daoyan Sect Master, "Why are you laughing so cheaply, did you divination?"

Daoyan Sect Master's finger that was rubbing the copper coin in his long sleeve froze, turned his head and stared at him speechlessly, and moved away a little.

Elder Su Jiu smiled slightly.

On the other side, Wan Hongguan asked Ran Ling with a gloomy face, "What exactly do you want?"

"It's really strange for you to ask this question." Ran Ling jumped off the golden-winged roc and landed in front of everyone's eyes, causing them to take half a step back, "Didn't you start it first?"

Wan Hong was so angry that he stared at Xie Heng, "Who started it first? Why did you come to my Wan family for no reason? You also robbed the phoenix of the owner of the family!"

Xie Heng pursed his beautifully curved lips in displeasure, and squinted his eyes as he looked at Wan Hongguan.

Who is his phoenix?

Does he fit too?
"Debt collection." Ran Ling was very innocent, "A few years ago, you robbed Daoyi's resources, and now I robbed them back, and added some interest by the way."

Wan Hongguan, Liu Qingyan and others are about to vomit blood. Whose interest rate is so high?

Oh, and interest was added! !
Everyone in Dao Yizong looked at each other tacitly, with excitement overflowing in their eyes.

How cool!

The ancestor is awesome!
"As for the little phoenix, whoever grabs it will own it." Ran Ling bent his eyes, "If you don't accept it, come up and grab it."

Xie Heng tilted his head slightly, looking at the figure in red, with silver-blue hair flowing down his shoulders, and a little joy at the end of his eyes.

"Don't tell me you sound so grand." The head of the Blackwater Sect was very irritable, "I see that you and that phoenix are clearly having an affair!"

Dying Ling: "..."

Xie Heng: "..."

Everyone in the Dao School: "..."

Do they have No.30 three old grandfathers?

Ran Ling was speechless for a while, then changed the subject, "What are you guys going to do now, fight or let people go? It's stupid."

Wan Hongguan's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he said reluctantly: "Let's exchange hostages."

This lifeline can be regarded as being grasped by her.

"Yes." Ran Ling nodded, waved his hand and grabbed a handful of people.

Everyone looked at their suzerain with tears in their eyes and a self-blaming expression of embarrassment to the sect.

The three of Wan Hongguan twitched the corners of their mouths.

Liu Qingyan was ashamed to look at it. He stared at the obviously small number of people and asked, "Where are the others?"

Ran Ling was surprised and said: "No way? You don't want to use so few people to exchange thousands of me, right? Two for one is already very cheap, okay?"

Everyone: "???"

Everyone: "!!!"

Is the exchange like this?
What's wrong with her "don't push yourself too hard" look?
"You!" The head of the Blackwater Sect felt his blood pressure rising, took a deep breath, suppressed his raging anger, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill them all?"

Ran Ling blew on his fingernails, and said casually: "Kill it. Anyway, they have thousands of outstanding disciples to be buried with them."

Everyone in the Dao School: "..."

Are we still your ancestors' treasures?
"What about the others, what do you think?!" Wan Hongguan squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

"It's easy to say." Ran Ling curled his lips, "Lend me for a month, and I promise to return it when it expires."

Silence, an eerie silence.

Just when Wanhongguan and the others looked at each other and were about to agree, an old but coercive voice spread in all directions in an instant. The terrifying momentum made everyone's legs tremble and their expressions panicked.

"Old Patriarch Ranling is so majestic!"

There was interest in Ranling's eyes.

Another old bastard jumped out.

Liu Qingyan was extremely familiar with this voice, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


The patriarch actually came out of customs, that's great!
Now I don't have to be so frustrated!We must let the ancestor torture this damned woman!

Shocked by Wan Hongguan, he exchanged a glance with the head of the Blackwater Sect, the rising anger slowly subsided, and the corners of his mouth curled up in joy.

Who is the patriarch of the Liu family? That woman may have beaten them, but she is definitely no match for the patriarch of the Liu family!
It seems that they can watch a good show!
"Great, the ancestor of the Liu family has left the customs!"

"It's finally possible to win the round. I just wanted to cry because I was so aggrieved."


The disciples of the three sects were very excited, and they seemed to have expected the tragic end of Ran Ling.

The people of Daoyi Sect turned pale and broke out in cold sweat, "This is what happened."

Ran Ling was about to say hello to the old guy from the Liu family when he suddenly paused, sporadic chills burst out of his dark eyes.


There is no cloud in the sky, a pair of rough and ugly giant hands like eagle claws, but like a mountain pressing down on the top, between the lightning and flint, they reached out out of thin air, and grabbed Xie Heng fiercely!

Sound East and West!

On the surface, he wants to deal with Ran Ling, but in fact, he is coveting the rare Phoenix beast!

The excruciating cold was approaching, Xie Heng's face was tense, and the real Phoenix body appeared instantly, the bitter frost swept all directions, and the spiritual energy in his body was fully mobilized by him!

As a divine beast, Xie Heng's body is so weak that even the spirits can feel terrified. One can imagine how bad it is. The wounds that have been gradually healed in the past few days have all burst into pieces under this crisis!
At that moment, no one knew that they hadn't seen the movement of Ranling clearly.

I saw her flashing in front of Xie Heng in the blink of an eye, her face was stained with frost, her lips were bloodthirsty, and she easily grabbed the terrifying giant hand, and her voice was ice-cold, "I gave you face, dare to face me in front of me!" arrest people in the face?"


The ancestor of the Liu family who was hiding in the space showed shock under his drooping eyelids, and his lips trembled uncontrollably.

How can it be? !
Ran Ling grabbed the wrist of the ancestor of the Liu family with his backhand, dragged it out of the space, turned around, and threw it out fiercely.


Like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, the huge impact smashed several mountain peaks one after another, and then continued to sweep forward!

The place it passed was in a mess, and it flew straight for a hundred miles before it could barely stop!
Then there was no movement at all.

Liu Qingyan screamed, and chased in the direction of the ancestor of the Liu family: "Old ancestor!"

(End of this chapter)

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