Just after noon, there were dark clouds in the sky, and soon it started to rain, and the cold raindrops hit the eaves of the temple.

Look at the posture, it won't stop for a short time.

This temple is not very big, there are only a dozen or so monks inside, and the incense is generally prosperous. Now it is raining, and no one comes outside. The young monk who guards the gate simply closed the door and went back to his room.

Next to the temple is an ancient and luxuriant tree, which can be surrounded by three or four people. After a hundred years, someone has hung a string of clear bells on it. The rain hits the green leaves, the cool wind blows, and the melodious bells ring. Then it rang.

Fuzhuo was sitting on the trunk of that big tree.

He is hidden among the many green leaves, inconspicuous, even if someone looks for it deliberately, it is difficult to find him.

Near the big tree, there is an independent meditation room. The window of the meditation room is opened, revealing the appearance of a young monk inside, staring at him with floating eyes.

If he had a body, he would find that his current expression was very complicated, as if he was looking at another person through him.

half a month later.

Inside Danluo Tower.

It was snowing heavily, and the snow stained the endless stairs. A woman in red stood at the highest point, her black hair was flying, her posture was straight, her body was covered with scars, and there was even a hideous claw mark extending directly from her back shoulder blade to her waist, bloody and dense. His white bones were faintly exposed, almost tearing his body in half!

But she didn't seem to feel pain, her expression was cold, and her whole body exuded a murderous aura.

There are endless corpses behind him, and the blood red spreads out on the white ground, like the blooming flowers of the other shore.

Lift up the red boots and take the last step up!
In an instant, the situation changed!
"Danluota has recognized its master, and your right to control Danluota will be revoked."

A mechanically cold voice suddenly rang in Qiongminghe's will.

The will of Qiongminghe, who thought that Ranling had died long ago: "!!!"

How can this be? !
She is still alive?And also succeeded in getting Danluota to recognize the master?

He didn't have time to think too much, some kind of authority on his body was slowly being stripped away.

The moment it disappeared, a figure in red suddenly appeared in front of him.

He was so frightened that he took a few steps back unconsciously.

How did this guy find his place?

Ran Ling's dark eyes stared at him motionlessly, and his voice was dry and hoarse as he hadn't spoken for a long time: "How long has it been since the beginning of the self-recognition of the Lord?"

Qiong Minghe's mind was a little confused, and his heart suddenly jumped when he was startled by the terrible aura of Ran Ling, and he subconsciously replied: "About March."

She seems to be stronger!

Ran Ling's eyelashes stretched out, a trace of astonishment flashed across his eyes, and he froze in place on the spot.

Only March?
But she clearly stayed on the road of recognizing the Lord for no less than ten years!
There is such a big difference between the time flow rate there and the outside world!

During the few seconds of Ranling's silence, Qiongminghe's will finally returned to his soul, although he felt that the dyeing spirit in front of him was a little dangerous, but he still couldn't help but said: "You actually passed the road to recognize the Lord! "


How on earth did she do it?
He completely underestimated her strength.

When Ran Ling came out, she changed her tattered clothes to cover the wounds on her body. Now she was alive and kicking except for her complexion. No wonder Qiong Minghe was surprised.

Dealing with countless ferocious beasts every minute and every second, Ran Ling, whose spirit had been highly tense, finally relaxed when he came to the familiar outside world, and the bloodthirsty evil spirit that was inadvertently revealed by her was also restrained by her.

It's been a long time since she saw anyone outside, and she felt kind when she saw Qiongminghe Will.

There was a kind smile on the corner of her mouth, and she looked at Qiong Minghe's will, "Little Qiong, are you happy to see me?"

A sentence of Xiaoqiong instantly made the expression on Ranqiong Styx Will's face lighten a little.


He's so happy!
He's really happy to know you died inside.

Also, what kind of eyes does this guy have, it's weird.

He rolled his eyes, "Whether I'm happy or not, it doesn't matter, what matters is that your phoenix should be really happy."

Ran Ling nodded, and said as it should: "Of course."

Xiao Fenghuang is kind and likes her so much, he must be happy to see her.

The life of killing monsters was mechanical and boring, and in the blink of an eye, she would occasionally have some worries in her heart, for fear that Xiao Fenghuang would be abducted by other coquettish bastards.

But it's only been a few months, so probably not yet.

Qiongminghe Will: "..."

Ran Ling stroked his chin.

Calculating the time, it should be the time for the alchemy conference. Xiao Fenghuang and the others should have gone back long ago. I don't know if she will be back in time to join in the fun.

As if seeing what Ranling was thinking, Qiongminghe said willfully: "That phoenix left only ten days ago."

Ran Ling's pupils shrank.

ten days ago?
Seeing Ranling's mood swings, Qiongminghe rejoiced and added cheaply: "He stands in front of the Danluo Pagoda all day long, looking in your direction, motionless, with a desolate look , even I couldn't bear to look at it, but you never came out. In desperation, he had no choice but to leave."

Dying Ling fell silent.

Qiongminghezhi felt that he must have hit the opponent's pain point, and was a little complacent, when he suddenly saw Ran Ling raising his hand in the direction of Danluo Tower.


Under the call of Ran Ling, the ten thousand zhang-high tower began to peel off from the island, causing the ground to tremble endlessly.


Qiong Minghe's will has no idea what this person's brain circuit is like.

Pull out the tower if there is a disagreement, right?

The colossal object disappeared in front of his eyes, turning into a small black tower in the palm of Ran Ling, surrounded by circles of colorful halos, exuding a simple and majestic aura.

Looking at the huge empty square, Qiongminghezhi felt as if a piece of flesh had been gouged out from the bottom of his heart, bleeding profusely.

The Chinese cabbage that had been for so many years was finally taken away by the pig.

Zhu Ranling was about to step away when he suddenly glanced in one direction.

It was a hidden corner, the little blue bird spread its wings, and was sleeping soundly on its chubby belly, with a spiritual power chain on one paw.

I didn't expect Ran Ling's eyes to be so sharp, and all of this could be seen, Qiong Minghe's will suddenly felt guilty.

After all, this bird belongs to the Star Chasing Sect.

He spoke quickly, intending to take the lead, "This bird made a big mistake before, and stayed here to compensate for my loss."

He selfishly didn't want Ranling to take it away.

It's so lonely here, only with a bird to accompany me can the time pass without suffering.

Ran Ling looked at the obviously fatter figure of the little blue bird, fell into deep thought, said nothing, and left without hesitation.

Half asleep and half awake, the little blue bird opened its sleepy eyes.

Why do you think you saw that woman?
It must be a hallucination, then sleep.

A sleepy bird never imagined that it just missed the only chance to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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