"Look, the person who won the first level of the alchemy tide, the perfect score in the alchemy test, didn't even participate in the alchemy conference. Could it be that he is not even a first-rank alchemist?"

Many people stared at the elegant blue-haired man sitting quietly in the VIP seat, and whispered.

"Which of you, have you ever heard that Phoenix can make alchemy?" Someone said speechlessly, "If he can make alchemy, I can stand upside down and eat flying."

Everyone: "..."

You don't have to.

The blue-haired man sat casually on a big chair, listening to all the discussions in the audience, but his emotions remained calm, as if what they said had nothing to do with him.

The bottomless Danfeng eyes glanced at the movement in the alchemy field, and then lowered the fan-like eyelashes, and the slender, white jade-like fingers were placed on the table next to him, and the index middle finger did not touch at all, and tapped lightly. Hitting, no one knows what he is thinking.

Now there is no suspense, among all the forces or personnel who have obtained the places to enter the Danluo Pagoda, the Star Chasing Sect can only occupy the middle and bottom ranks, far from No.1.

However, no one knew that among the five elders Yun and Mu, Li Zhu, Bai Feng, and Cheng Yu, only Elder Yun and Mu were third-rank alchemists from the beginning, while the other three, a few months ago, even Alchemists are not even good, but they have been able to refine a first-grade elixir of excellent quality in this short period of time, which is not a small improvement.

And the two elders, Yun and Mu, under the enlightenment of the professor of Ranling and the alchemy books of the Danluo Pagoda, they are already very close to the fourth-rank alchemist.

The potential of several people has been unknowingly developed, and now they can compete with those disciples even if they are placed among the six major forces.


Those who were talking the most in the auditorium suddenly felt something hit their foreheads, and then there was a burst of burning pain, and they grinned in pain!

"Who! Who is sneak attacking!"

A few people shouted in a low voice, and looked around, but they didn't see half of them. On the ground, there were a few spinning peanuts.

——is just what is placed in front of all the audience to pass the time.

Just using peanuts, can they be beaten like this?

The piece of flesh that was beaten was terribly painful, as if it had been gouged out alive.

Who on earth has such strength?

They stared at the people around them closely, looking at anyone who felt suspicious.


Why is it so loud all of a sudden?

The people who were concentrating on watching the arena suddenly heard a lot of movement, they all turned their faces in surprise, frowned, their faces were full of doubts, and there was a warning to them to keep their voices down.

Chattering, if you don't watch it, they still want to watch alchemy seriously!
If you keep arguing, believe it or not, let the Yunzong people throw you out?
Those people were stared at by countless pairs of dissatisfied eyes, and the movement of getting up angrily stopped abruptly, and they sat back without embarrassment, but their hearts were full of anger.

If they caught someone, they would never spare him!

There was a lot of movement here, not only the people maintaining order in the Yunzong noticed, but even Xie Heng was attracted to the sight, paused for a moment on the peanuts on top of one of them, and quickly looked away.


Suddenly, a door that arrived at the alchemy square was opened without warning!

"What's going on, why did the door that only allowed the alchemy contestants to enter and exit suddenly open?" Someone asked suspiciously.

I saw two figures walking in one after the other, the one in front was Elder Hao, one of the elders of Yunzong, and behind him...

Everyone squinted their eyes, and a tall figure in red, like the maple leaves burning like flames all over the mountains and fields, broke into everyone's sight domineeringly!

The waist-length black hair was gently tangled up by the wind, and the upper half of his face was covered with a mask, revealing only a faint smile, beautiful ruddy lips, and a smoothly curved jaw.

One can't help but imagine what a magnificent face will be under that mask.

It's like a round of blood sun embedded in the sky.

Dangerous and powerful.

Almost everyone present was stunned the moment they saw each other.

Who is this?

There is such a strong aura?

Stared at by countless eyes, Ran Ling threw a peanut into his mouth indifferently, and looked straight in a certain direction!
There is no concealment in the eyes.

Xie Heng, who had half closed his eyes and kneaded an emerald green round bead with his fingers, suddenly raised his eyes as if sensing something.

The line of sight collided suddenly!

Xie Heng's pupils shrank suddenly, and his mind slammed.

The white streamers, the white and the golden puppets, who hadn't felt the master's breath for a long time, burst into induction almost at the same time.

If it wasn't for Ranling's hint to keep them calm, they might rush over immediately under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Elder Hao on the side, facing the scorching eyes of many referee elders, announced the reason why Ran Ling appeared here——

"This person ran thousands of miles just to participate in this alchemy conference, but she missed the time. She has passed the alchemist assessment and has reached the qualification to enter the square to participate in the alchemy conference. She is specially allowed to participate in this alchemy conference!"

Now that she has passed the test, Ranling has put on her seal emblem in a high-profile way, so that everyone can see it.

"Seventh, seventh-rank alchemist?! Is the Yunzong people making a mistake, or am I dazzled?"

"Damn it! It's really a seventh-rank one. I've never seen a seventh-rank alchemist!"

"Even if it's really the seventh rank, the alchemy conference is almost over, it's useless for her to come now! What's the situation?"

Everyone swallowed their saliva, and the voices of questioning increased one after another. Even the people who were immersed in alchemy couldn't help paying attention to the movement here.

Only Xie Heng, the surrounding sounds seemed to have long gone, as if a big wave was crashing on the shore, only the sound of a rapid heartbeat was left, and a blush in his eyes completely enveloped his mind.

When Xie Heng came to his senses, he seemed to be no longer at Yunzong's scene, and his appearance... looked like Danluo Tower.

He takes a breath.

But suddenly blocked.

His wrists were imprisoned, and he was pushed against the wall.

The lingering thoughts are like weeds that grow wildly.

Only the hotness like a raging fire can dispel this entanglement enthusiasm.

"Dyeing spirit..."

With the cold mask pressed against his face, Xie Heng's voice was deep and hoarse, mixed with a charming desire.

As if making sure.

"I'm here."

A familiar voice rang in my ears.

Xie Heng staggered, and with his slender fingers, he lifted off the cold mask on the opponent's face.

The distant mountains have black eyebrows, staring at Qiong's nose.

The face in my mind countless times, at this moment, coincides with reality.

Ran Ling hooked his hair with a smile, his beautiful eyes were longing, like a seductive goblin, "Is it exciting to leave under the eyes of everyone?"

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