Not long after this incident, the big camel was promoted to the manager of the development department, but the bald hair still disappeared.

But some people also said that because one of his brothers betrayed him, he was found by a big camel and died a miserable death in the end.

It was also since then that Qian Yukun's status in Datang was suddenly elevated, and the big camel took him with him wherever he went, and appointed someone to be Zhaozhao's driver.

Qian Yukun suddenly became a celebrity, and his roommates moved out voluntarily to make room for him, and someone came to clean it every day, and bought him cigarettes and tea to run errands.

The strong man who had broken his ribs once worked up the courage to approach him.

"Brother Kun, I'm sorry that day, my hands are a little stronger, are you really okay?"


"But... I really seem to hear the sound of bones breaking."

Qian Yukun thought for a while and lied casually.

"When I was young, I fell down from a tree and broke my neck. My grandma hired a half fairy to force me to swallow a lot of yellow talismans. After that, every time I broke a bone, I healed very quickly!"

The strong man stared, nodded suddenly, and looked at Qian Yukun with almost adoring eyes. He almost regarded Qian Yukun as a half-immortal himself.

Yue Xinxin leaned on her forehead in the Lingtai and sighed. What science can't explain, can be explained with superstition.

But even though Qian Yukun approached the core management step by step, she still couldn't find out anything about drug trafficking. The big camel knew nothing about it, and she couldn't usually get in touch with Ah Si.

Instead, Xu Xiangyang comforted her not to worry, and waiting patiently might turn things around.

Not long after Da Luotuo took office, Lu Zhaolong appeared in Datang and called all the public relations department and development department to hold a brief regular meeting. It was regarded as a grand launch of Da Luotuo, and then dismissed everyone, leaving Sister Fen, Da Luotuo and Qian Yukun in Drink tea in the box.

Lu Zhaolong was accompanied by two brothers, and Sister Fen called Zhao Zhao and Yan Er to accompany them.

Lu Zhaolong is a middle-aged man with a slightly affluent appearance, and he puts on airs in front of everyone. At this time, he is familiar with a few people. He is very relaxed with the big camel.

Qian Yukun had been drinking tea in silence, not interrupting much, unexpectedly Lu Zhaolong pointed at him and said with a smile, "Akun hasn't touched white noodles recently?"

Qian Yukun froze for a moment.

Does Lu Zhaolong know about his drug use?But this is not a confidential matter, he just needs to ask a little bit.

But recently, after Yue Xinxin came, he was forced to quit drugs, and Lu Zhaolong even paid attention to this?
"Yes, Brother Long."

The big camel squinted and smiled, looking unsurprised.

"Brother Long knows everything, don't be shy, just tell the truth."

Qian Yukun scratched his head, pretending to be embarrassed.

"I'm afraid of making mistakes, and I'm short of money."

Lu Zhaolong laughed loudly and patted him on the shoulder.

"If you don't have a serious addiction, it's a good thing to quit. It doesn't matter if you can't, Brother Long will protect you. As long as you work hard, money is not a problem."

Qian Yukun was obsequious, Lu Zhaolong turned around and joked with Sister Fen and the big camel.

The door was pushed open, and a man poked his head in. Lu Zhaolong greeted him when he saw it. "Thirteen, come in!"

Sister Fen immediately stood up and gave up the position next to Lu Zhaolong, with a warm smile on her face.

"It's Thirteen, come on, sit down, I'll ask the girl to accompany you."

Shisan quickly waved his hand: "I'll be leaving in a while, I still have something to do, please don't trouble Sister Fen."

Qian Yukun couldn't help but look at that person a few more times. It turned out that this was Shisan, Ah Si's subordinate.

The big camel also stood up tactfully, called Qian Yukun, and left the box with Sister Fen.

Qian Yukun wandered around outside, and finally returned to the box, just in time to see Shisan coming out of it, so he quickly dodged to hide.

Shisan got out of the box and did not go out, but lit a cigarette, leaned against the window and smoked it slowly, stamped it out, and turned into the podium of the T building.

There is a KTV area, because it is not open for business hours, so it is pitch black.

Qian Yukun was worried, and quietly asked Yue Xinxin.

"Why are you following him? Is it possible to extract a confession by torture? Officer Xu only asked me to find clues, not to do anything!"

Yue Xinxin rolled his eyes at him.

"It's not up to me to do such a big thing. Of course I won't mess around! I also want to find clues."

"How to find it?"

"Turn over his brain and you will know."

Qian Yukun was dumbfounded. What kind of magic is this?
Following Shisan from a distance to a private room at the end of the corridor, seeing him push the door to enter, he also quickly dodges over. After opening the door, before Shisan turns around, he strikes a knife on the back of the neck!

Shisan didn't even hum, and fell limply on the ground, and was dragged to the sofa by Qian Yukun.

Just as Shisan's body was laid flat, he suddenly saw a person sitting on the sofa!

Qian Yukun broke out in a cold sweat, and through the faint light from the crack of the door, he could see clearly that it was Zhao Zhao!

"Why are you here?"

Zhao Zhao was also quite surprised, and looked at Thirteen who was lying down.

"I'll wait for him."

Shisan is Zhaozhao's hometown. Every time Shisan comes to Datang, he always takes time to see Zhaozhao, but he never expects to be put down by Qian Yukun.

Zhaozhao suddenly couldn't see Qian Yukun clearly. The person who was as flexible as a cat and as ruthless as a leopard just now was Qian Yukun who kept driving for him?
But when he thought of the day he broke the glass, he was able to knock down an entire door, and he shuddered.

Looking at the unconscious Thirteen on the sofa, Zhao Zhao suddenly panicked.

"Brother Akun, you... what are you doing?"

This time it was Qian Yukun's turn to be embarrassed, he looked more and more happily, look at what you have done!

Yue Xinxin gritted her teeth, she could only erase their memories later!
"Brother Akun, do you have a relationship with Shisan, or a relationship with Ah Si?"

Zhao Zhao stands up tremblingly, as if wanting to speak for Shisan.


There was a relieved expression on Zhao Zhao's face, it wasn't thirteen.

"Brother Akun, Shisan is actually quite pitiful. Can you let him go? At least don't hurt him. If he offends you somewhere, I'll apologize for him!"

Because she was facing Qian Yukun, Zhaozhao felt a sense of intimacy in her heart, so she unconsciously said these heartfelt words. If it was someone else, she might have called someone now.

Yue Xinxin stared at Zhaozhao for a long time without speaking, then suddenly asked: "Where is Thirteen's hometown? What house number do you live in? Who else is there? What do parents do?"

Zhao Zhao heard that her tone was not kind, and she didn't want to reveal Shisan's secrets, but Shisan was still unconscious on the sofa. She was afraid that if she said a wrong word, she would cause trouble for him, so she could only answer in full.

Yue Xinxin wrote down all the information in her heart.Looking back, Xu Xiangyang was a little busy. On the one hand, he had to verify whether the information was true, and on the other hand, he could also take this opportunity to take advantage of Shisan's weakness.

She took another look at Zhaozhao: "What is Shisan looking for you for? What is your relationship with him?"

Zhao Zhao was a little embarrassed: "We are fellow villagers."

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