Time seems to stand still, the library is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop, only the sound of flipping a book, page after page, book after book...

Yue Xinxin read eagerly, studied carefully, without any awareness of the outside world, immersed in the peach blossom garden in the book, not knowing about the Han Dynasty, and how to talk about the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

When she finished reading all twelve books, she stood up and felt her legs sore and numb, as if she had been sitting on the ground for more than half a year.

She stretched a lot, stretching her leg joints.

"Let me try it!"

The real qi from the fingertips came out, forming a huge three-dimensional innate gossip array in the space around the body, as many as tens of thousands of tiny charms moved and arranged in the array, changing different formations.

She crossed 820 kilometers before seeing the first phantom, and after crossing 130 kilometers, she saw the second phantom, and put the positions of the two phantoms into The three-dimensional array map, deduced the third, fourth, and fifth phantoms.

The more phantoms that can be calculated, the closer to the real body of the old man.

When the phantom of 81 was deduced, the three-dimensional array map had already narrowed the range of the real body's position to a very small size, Yue Xinxin jumped up and left, running tens of thousands of kilometers in a flash, and finally found the white-haired old man in a fir forest .

He was sitting under a white fir tree, with a kind smile on his face.

The tree's needle-like leaves were crystal white, covered with a thin layer of snow.

"You found me." The old man smiled.

Yue Xinxin looked up at the fir forest. There seemed to be smiling faces blooming on the dead bark under the countless white needles.

"Seniors!" She greeted them.

The white needles fluttered slightly in the wind, as if responding to her voice.

"They like you very much!" The old man laughed.

Yue Xinxin looked at the white fir behind the old man. It was rooted in the soil. It has been confined here since it broke through the ground until now. It has never moved a step around for many years.

"You went to Black Bamboo Academy just to learn space magic?" she asked.

The old man nodded, this is his long-cherished wish since birth.

"I'm not like you humans, I was born with legs, and I can go wherever I want, so I can only use my supernatural powers to see the outside world."

"How do you feel outside?"

"Very good! Even if it's the same city, there will be new changes after a month, and I can't get enough of it!"

"If you really like a certain place, I can transplant it for you."

The old man laughed. "My favorite place is the soil under my feet. Besides, my old friends still rely on me to tell them new things outside."

"They can't speak, how do you communicate?"

The old man smiled and stretched out his hand, and a slender tree root drilled out from the ground, gently clung to Yue Xinxin's sole, climbed up, and rested on her bare ankle skin.

An extremely subtle electrical signal was transmitted to the skin through the roots of the tree, and Yue Xinxin seemed to hear the old man say in her mind: "Look, that's it!"

Yue Xinxin smiled and waved: "I should go back, I have business to do. By the way, how long did it take me to find you?"

"One day. You're really smart."

Yue Xinxin felt a little flustered, am I really talented?Read twelve tomes in one day!
Walking on the way back, I came to the lake center island of Mozhu Academy in a short while. At this time, the sun had already set behind the mountains, and there was only a ray of afterglow between the two mountains falling on the lake, smearing a warm orange wave.

The auditorium was already empty, and almost no one came here after class. The waves reflected on the ceiling, dyeing the white ceiling into orange.

Yue Xinxin was slightly disappointed, and was about to turn around to leave when she suddenly saw a person sitting in the first row of the empty classroom.

That person was writing at his desk, and he could tell from the familiar back that it was not Chen Mo!
Surprised and delighted, Yue Xinxin ran over and sat beside him.

"I knew you would wait for me!"

After Chen Mo wrote the last word, he closed the notebook.

"I'm just preparing lessons."

Yue Xinxin snorted softly, her mouth was stiff!

"You're not waiting to see my jokes, are you? See how long it takes for me to unravel the magical power of space? Let me tell you, one day!"

Chen Mo raised his eyes and stared at her, with a kind of depression that hated iron but not steel.

Yue Xinxin was taken aback.

"Why are you looking at me like that... Oops! Let go! It hurts!"

Chen Mo grabbed Yue Xinxin's ears and stood up. "come here!"

Walking out of the auditorium and coming to the lake, there was a thick fog floating on the water surface, thick and dense, covering the warm orange waves, the auditorium on the island in the middle of the lake, and the shade of green trees.

Everything between the heaven and the earth seemed to disappear without a trace, only two people stood in the middle, and even the person in front of them was almost invisible in a blink of an eye.

Chen Mo let go of Yue Xinxin's ears, held her hand and walked forward.

In the dense fog, Yue Xinxin only knew that he was heading towards the lake, but he didn't know where he was going.

After walking about ten steps, the dense fog gradually thinned out. She saw tall bookshelves lined up around her. Is this in the library?

Isn't that the person who sits on the floor leaning on the bookshelf and concentrates on reading with his head down?

Yue Xinxin blinked her eyes, am I dreaming?What spell did Chen Mo use?
Outside the library, the sun rose in the east and set in the west, and the days passed day after day, but in this library wrapped in thick fog, time seemed to stand still.

To be precise, the time passing around Yue Xinxin was extremely slow, almost static. She sat on the ground for more than half a year, stood up and walked out of the library, entering normal time, but only one day passed.

Yue Xinxin's eyes widened. If there were traces of the spatial supernatural power, she would not be able to understand the supernatural power at this time.

Chen Mo took her by the hand and returned to the thick fog on the lake, walked about ten steps east, and his study appeared in front of him.

Looking in through the open window, Chen Mo was reading a book at his desk, completely defenseless against the two outside the window.

"We went back in time?"

Yue Xinxin looked at Chen Mo in the window, and at Chen Mo beside him, feeling full of curiosity.

"In this way, the two of you exist in the same time and space at the same time, won't there be any bugs?"

Chen Mo stretched out his hand and pressed on the window, but the open window seemed to have an invisible glass, preventing his hand from passing through.

"It's not the same time and space."

Yue Xinxin suddenly realized that there is an enchantment between different time and space, and the physical body cannot pass through it, but like the projection in the space magic, the two of them can be projected in another time and space.

Chen Mo opened his five fingers on the glass, his fingertips shone with light, and the powerful force was like a heavy hammer hitting the space-time barrier!
The barrier of time and space swayed outward like a wave of ripples. Although it trembled continuously, it showed no signs of shattering. It was just that such a huge energy bombardment made the people at the table in the window feel something and turned their heads in surprise.

He looked out of the window strangely, the leaves were rustled by the breeze, and there was nothing unusual, but for some reason, there was always a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, as if something was going to happen.

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