The police officers locked Ah Si firmly with their guns, but they did not dare to approach him. They only tilted their heads slightly and called for reinforcements to the walkie-talkie on their shoulders.

When the police inspector in the van heard the call from the scene, he punched the table angrily, killing a police officer in just a few minutes!
What's more terrible is that he has no one to send!
"I'll go!" Xu Xiangyang rushed out of the van without waiting for the superintendent's answer.

At this time, another thrilling picture appeared on the monitor, an SUV rushed out from the underground garage of the office building, and the driver was the female companion!
With injuries on her body, she was visibly agitated, brandishing a gun with one hand, and clutching the steering wheel with the other, she sprinted onto the road!
The second group of people rushed out from the underground garage, apparently following police officers. They saw that there was a catastrophe, and hurriedly drove after them, trying to force the SUV to stop!

The SUV, like a runaway wild horse, smashed through the no-go warning post at the entrance of the pedestrian street with a bang, and crashed straight into the crowd!
Immediately, the streets once again set off a bloodbath!
On the other side of the pedestrian street, before the police officer who called for reinforcements finished speaking, he suddenly saw Ah Si clenched his fist and slammed it on the ground!
Immediately afterwards, he saw that the ground seemed to have changed from asphalt to water, and when the punch hit, it was like hitting a lake, with the fist as the center, the water rippled away round and round!
The water waves were rippling extremely fast, reaching his feet in an instant, he only felt that his feet were empty, and his body was bounced high into the sky by the ripples!
He didn't know how high he was thrown, but it took a long time to fall, boom!The moment his body hit the ground, the policeman's eyes went dark, and he passed out immediately, with blood gushing from his mouth and nose.

At this time, the ground has completely lost its original appearance. The asphalt and the roadbed stones below have been pulled out of the ground, like a field that has been plowed with a plow!

All pedestrians within a diameter of 30 meters will end up like police officers!

At this time, Kou Jinyi and Chen Mo, who were sitting on the balcony of the high-end hotel, swiped and stood up.

"There are soul cultivators!"

Although the direct damage area of ​​the force fluctuation is only about 30 meters, they felt it.

Kou Jinyi was about to fly downstairs, but was stopped by Chen Mo.

"If you and your people join in and fight each other, it will only cause more civilian casualties!"

"Then what do you say?"

Chen Mo took a deep breath. "Let me try."

He opened his fingers, as if grabbing an invisible object from the air, closed his eyes, and quickly recited the mantra silently.

The invisible mass in the palm gradually shimmered, like dust in the sun, and like fireflies in the night sky.

He raised his arms, and the dust and fireflies flew out and spread to the sky above the pedestrian street, unfolding like a film as thin as a cicada's wings, covering all the shops, restaurants, pedestrians, and vehicles on the street.

The crowd who were running for their lives still had panicked expressions on their faces, but their speed suddenly slowed down, like a close-up slow motion in a movie, until they finally came to a standstill.

The blood that had been flowing had also stopped, but it was still astonishingly red.All the vehicles also stopped, but the engines were still roaring.

The pedestrian street seems to have been pressed the pause button, and everything tends to stand still.

Kou Jinyi shouted, "Follow me!"

Several people who came out of the hotel room flew downstairs with her and rushed into the still pedestrian street.

They split into two groups, and the people except Kou Jinyi ran to the SUV, picked up the baby from the overturned baby carriage under the front of the car, pulled away the mother who was on the side, held onto the street light pole that was knocked down by the front of the car, and moved under the light pole. The panicked old man then stabbed the left tire of the SUV with a horizontal knife!
Kou Jinyi came in front of Ah Si. At this time, there were still children in the air. Because they were lighter, they were bounced higher. Before they landed, they were caught by Kou Jinyi and carried hundreds of meters away.

She went back and forth a few times, and finally transferred all the children. Looking up, the thin film in the air was dimming, and the dust and fireflies seemed to be about to go out.

Ah Da shouted, and finally broke free from the magical power of time.

Kou Jinyi snorted coldly: "You have lost the face of our soul cultivators! Hurry up and kill yourself, maybe I will save a little reputation for you!"

Ah Si laughed out loud, what is fame to him?He doesn't want it anymore!What he wants is real enjoyment, a life of feasting and luxury!

Although in the dead of night, he could clearly and deeply feel that this kind of life has already eroded Da Luo Tian Huan Yu.

His Da Luo Tian Huan Yu is not like other soul cultivators, the night sky is deep and clear, and the stars are as bright as crystals, but like a piece of frosted glass, or eyeballs suffering from cataracts.

That is the evil contaminated by the soul, the devil invaded by the soul!
But even so, he still couldn't stop himself from slipping into the abyss. He understood that it was a drug in another sense, almost the same as heroin, and he couldn't quit it in this lifetime!

The dust and fireflies in the sky above the pedestrian street kept trembling and flickering, and finally they couldn't hold on, and they all went out.

Chen Mo was tired and collapsed on the ground, big drops of sweat dripping from his forehead.

too tired!Exercising the magical power of time on the thousands of people on the pedestrian street, he felt that all the power in his body was overdrawn!
The baby carriage under the front of the SUV rolled over with a clatter, but it was empty inside.

The broken street light pole crashed to the ground, but the old man on the bench directly below was a hundred meters away, turning his head around in horror, not understanding why he came here suddenly.

The SUV rushed out from the slow motion, but the tire on the left side was punctured, and the front of the car suddenly tilted to the left, heading straight for a concrete brick wall in front of it!
With a loud noise, the front body of the SUV crashed into the center of the wall, the glass shattered, and the female companion in the driver's seat was killed on the spot.

Xu Xiangyang, who jumped out of the van and rushed into the pedestrian street, felt that his kung fu was in a flash, as if the people and scenery in front of him had changed.

He clearly saw Ah Si alone in front of him, less than 50 meters away from him, but in the blink of an eye, there was another woman beside Ah Si, holding a sharp sword, fighting with Ah Si's blade!
When the swords clashed, a more powerful wave of energy spread rapidly to the surroundings, which was even stronger than the ripples on the ground just now!

Originally, there were no living people around here, and Kou Jinyi took away the children who hadn't landed yet, but Kou Jinyi insisted on rushing in without knowing his life or death, and just as he arrived, he bumped into this energy wave head-on, and flew backwards involuntarily!

Seeing that he was about to hit a car, his back was suddenly supported by someone, the castration immediately slowed down, and finally he fell gently on the ground.

Looking back, it was Yue Xinxin.

Xu Xiangyang's heart was agitated, counting, Yue Xinxin had saved him no less than three times.

"Who told you to come here!"

Yue Xinxin dumped him hard, and couldn't help complaining in her heart, it's always not worrying!
Turning his head, he saw that Ah Si had already flown into the high-altitude cloud cluster, Kou Jinyi pursued closely, and swords, lights and swords kept flashing in the dense clouds.

She was about to help, when she suddenly heard Qian Yukun calling not far away.

"I found Brother Long and Uncle! Come with me!"

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