Earring Ghost bowed deeply to his audience.

"Thank you very much, you are the cutest people in the world! This concert has come to a successful conclusion. I will bring more works next time to repay everyone's concern and support for me. I wish everyone good health and family happiness, and I wish the host Fang's career is booming, and I wish the world will always be peaceful!"

As soon as the words fell, Yue Xinxin dragged the earring ghost off, and walked towards the direction guided by the soul, towards the land of destruction!
Qian Yukun followed closely behind her, quite suspicious in his heart.

"Are we really going to walk for a year or so? The day lily is cold! Maybe Officer Xu's body has rotted into a pile of bones!"

Yue Xinxin smiled and said, "Of course not, isn't it just ahead?"

She grabbed Qian Yukun, raised her foot and took a step forward, and when she fell again, she was in a completely different place in an instant.

The surrounding landforms are difficult to deduce with common sense, because you can see that it should be high mountains and deep valleys, but it is dilapidated.

There are hardly any water sources, animals, or vegetation, not even a blade of grass.

It seems that every mountain has been split into many pieces by people with an axe, and every river valley has been smashed with a hammer to make many holes. The traces of cutting with knives and axes are so messy and large-scale, it does not seem to be a human struggle or intentional. trace.

The souls wandering here are very dense, it can almost be said to be bustling, shoulder to shoulder, but without exception, they are so dilapidated that they cannot even be called souls.

Because they often have only one eyeball, one toe, or a certain internal organ or a certain piece of nail.

Many fragments from different souls gathered together to form a big ball, rolling slowly on the ground.

Qian Yukun shouted as he walked, "Officer Xu! Where are you? Can you hear me?"

Whenever he walked past a big ball, he would stop and look inside carefully to see if he could find one or two fragments of Xu Xiangyang.

Yue Xinxin sighed, Xu Xiangyang might be scattered within a radius of hundreds of miles, even if he could hear him, why would he speak?

She stopped to perform Soul Calling, real energy gushed out from her palm, condensed around her body, and then spread out in all directions with Xu Xiangyang's aura.

Before they spread out to ten meters away, suddenly there was a violent tremor under the feet, which made people almost unable to stand.

"There's an earthquake!" Qian Yukun exclaimed.

Rumble!There was a low thunder from under the ground, as if the earth's rock formations were cracking!

In the violent ground tremor, the mountain top was pushed down like building blocks, turned into a stone pier, and turned into a river valley.

The original river valley was torn apart, and a huge abyss appeared out of thin air, but rocks rose up in the abyss, and finally filled the abyss.

Some of the uplifted rocks continued to rise, forming hills one after another, but they were extremely unstable, and several gaps might be opened after a while.

Those souls broken into eyeballs, toes, internal organs and nails have suffered, constantly being crushed by collapsing rocks, swallowed into the abyss, squeezed by the rock formations in the abyss, as if in a huge mixer, up and down, left and right It was all pressure coming from the face, so it was crushed even more.

Yue Xinxin grabbed Qian Yukun and dodged left and right, and was hit by stones several times, causing his head to bleed.

Then she saw countless soul fragments pouring out of those broken hills and cracked abyss, some were the souls that were crushed before, and some were buried in the ground earlier.

The wandering souls became more and denser, and the place became overcrowded, with almost no place to set foot.

Many soul fragments are stacked together like an arhat, or hugging each other, or simply merging into a strange object that looks shapeless.

The object kept rolling amidst the earthquake, absorbing other soul fragments along the way, becoming a snowball that rolled bigger and bigger.

Some snowballs fell into the abyss, or were smashed by the hills and re-crushed, but the surviving snowballs were so huge that no crumbling hill could overwhelm it, and no chasm rift could swallow it.

The earthquake finally stopped, and the surrounding area was completely changed, completely unrecognizable as it used to be.

The largest snowball is motionless, its height exceeds any mountain range, and its diameter exceeds any river valley.

Yue Xinxin and Qian Yukun stood in front of the giant snowball and looked up, unable to see the top at a glance.

"I have a feeling that Officer Xu is inside." Qian Yukun touched his chin and said.

Yue Xinxin performed Soul Calling again, and the true energy gushed out from her palm. Before she could read the mantra, she flew outward with a whimper, and plunged into the giant snowball in front of her.

She was startled, the snowball was absorbing energy?
Turning his head to look at Qian Yukun, his eyes were a little strange.

Qian Yukun felt uncomfortable when she saw her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You didn't feel anything unusual?"

"I... other than feeling a little light, I don't seem to have anything else! I am a soul, so I am light! But when you say it like this, it seems that this feeling of lightness is more obvious than before!"

Before he finished speaking, his legs floated off the ground, like a fallen leaf in the wind, heading towards the giant snowball!
Yue Xinxin quickly reached out and grabbed his collar and pulled it back.

Qian Yukun also panicked, grabbing her arms with both hands, but his legs flew back involuntarily.

"It-it-it is going to swallow me!" Qian Yukun turned pale with shock.

Yue Xinxin carried Qian Yukun on his back and tied him up with a belt, just like a minority mother carrying a baby.

The soul fragments around him kept flying towards the giant snowball and were sucked into it, much faster than Qian Yukun, and the wind of soul fragments blew on the ground.

Yue Xinxin turned around and walked in the opposite direction. She had to stay away from the giant snowball, otherwise she couldn't use Soul Summoning.

She lifted her feet and landed, and walked tens of kilometers in an instant. The real energy in her palms gushed out and scattered in all directions, bringing back countless extremely small soul fragments.

The soul is originally composed of energy, if it is small enough, it becomes pure energy.

Yue Xinxin put these soul fragments into the bronze mirror and used Soul Summoning again, but as soon as the real energy left his palm, they all flew in the direction of the giant snowball and disappeared suddenly.

She was a little surprised, the speed at which the giant snowball absorbed energy seemed to be accelerating, and the range was also expanding.

She could only walk a few hundred kilometers in the opposite direction, and also collected some soul fragments, but not long after, the range of energy absorbed by the giant snowball expanded to her feet again.

With no other choice, she walked tens of thousands of kilometers in one breath, but the soul fragments she collected became less and less.

Going tens of thousands of kilometers further, there is not even a little bit of soul fragments left.

Yue Xinxin sat on the ground in distress, feeling helpless.

Maybe most of the soul fragments are inside that giant snowball, what to do?

At this time, there was a tinkling sound in my ear.

Red Line Bells!

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