Although she used her spatial powers to cover a long distance in a short period of time, several days had passed since she first saw this giant snowball take shape, and she saw a profound change in the snowball in front of her.

It continuously absorbs the soul fragments of Land of Annihilation, the scope is wider and faster, but the shape does not increase, but shrinks several times, only as high as a house.

The snowball was originally formed by the overlapping and gathering of soul fragments. At this time, the group became more compact, changing from the previous loose structure, and the gaps and cracks were compacted until they almost disappeared, becoming a dense sphere.

The soul fragments are still compacting and collapsing inward, losing their individuality and characteristics as a part of the soul, leaving only their commonality and essence as energy.

In front of the snowball, any energy including soul fragments and true energy cannot survive, and will eventually be sucked into it and become a part of the dense sphere.

Even when Yue Xinxin stood in front of it, she felt that her body was on the verge of falling, as if she would fall towards the giant snowball if she was not careful, and that was the center of gravity, not under her feet.

She looked down at her uncle's head in her palm, and waited patiently.

Snowball absorbs soul fragments very quickly, it shouldn't take long!
Sure enough, within an hour, the head began to vibrate uneasily, and there were many soul fragments one after another. At first, they were attracted by the snowball and gathered from all directions, but the head also seemed to be attractive, attracting some fragments to him.

The more Xinxin discerned carefully, it was as expected that the fragments that were attached to the skull were uncle's fragments.

After all, they come from the same soul, even if they are broken into dross and separated from each other, they still retain a certain cohesion and can gather together within a certain distance.

A relaxed look appeared on Yue Xinxin's face, and the fragments flying from all directions confirmed her guess. The final destination of all the souls that have been scattered is this snowball that is getting smaller and smaller!
Maybe it's not just the soul fragments, even those souls wandering in the underworld, getting more dilapidated and weaker day by day, are finally torn apart by the attraction, and then swallowed into the snowball!

She looked at Xueqiu suspiciously, what is this, the end of the world?The end of energy?
There were no answers to these questions for a while, but the person she was looking for was indeed in this snowball!
Xu Xiangyang was beaten to death by her uncle, and her soul was scattered. She tried her best and only found a small part, so the rest should be inside!
Yue Xinxin took a deep breath, since you are willing to die for me, so what if I take a risk for you?At worst, I will pay you back with my life!

She swung her arms and threw her head into the snowball, and then followed closely behind and plunged into it!
The uncle's head was spinning rapidly, as if it was in a vortex of water, going deep into the center as it circled, and at the same time, it was spinning continuously, like a spinning top being crazily whipped.

Yue Xinxin maintained her balance and followed her uncle's head deeper and deeper. She felt that the energy around her was terribly dense. The soul fragments gathered here were probably an astronomical number!
Entering Snowball in a spirit state makes her feel like she's squeezed into a rush hour train!
The rotation speed of the uncle's head gradually slowed down, as if it was stuck in the middle of the high-density energy, unable to advance or retreat, Yue Xinxin had to stop.

And once it stops, you can feel the huge pressure from up, down, left, and right, as if those energies are about to squeeze every inch of her skin and squeeze into her body.

Hurry up!I don't know how long I can last!
She took out the storage bronze mirror, where there was a small part of Xu Xiangyang's soul fragments, and then silently recited the mantra in her heart.

Yoko!If you can hear it, hurry back!

The storage bronze mirror trembled slightly, and the soul fragments inside shimmered under the influence of the spell.

Come back soon!
Yue Xinxin gritted her teeth and recited the mantra faster and faster.

She could feel that the snowball was collapsing further, maybe it wouldn't be long before she would be squeezed into a point.

Come back!

More and more soul fragments flew from all over the snowball and plunged into the bronze mirror.

Suddenly, all the surrounding fragments vibrated violently, and the center of the vortex where uncle's head was supposed to go had the strongest vibration!
not good!Is the snowball about to collapse?
Yue Xinxin quickly put the bronze mirror into her arms, struggling desperately to squeeze it out.

But those highly dense energies wrapped around her like mud, preventing her from taking a step forward.

Rumble!In the deepest hole in the center of the vortex, a majestic energy suddenly erupted, and it erupted towards both ends in a direction perpendicular to the vortex disk!
All the soul fragments absorbed by the snowball can no longer tell who the soul used to be, but pure and refined raw energy with no difference, gushing out from the hole!

Yue Xinxin shuddered inwardly, is this the eye of Huan Mie?
She tried her best to protect the bronze mirror in her arms and flew outwards, but before she could escape a few steps, she felt that her body was involuntarily flying backwards, being sucked into the Eye of Destruction!
At this time, the snowball had collapsed to the height of only one person, and apart from the vortex, there were basically not many other soul fragments left.

From the center of the vortex, two huge energy fluctuations are ejected in two directions, like iron rods inserted in the vortex disk.

One of them goes straight into the sky, into the unreachable sky, and the other goes into the ground, into the unfathomable bottom!
These two waves of energy fluctuations are so majestic and majestic that the entire Land of Destruction trembles!

Accompanied by the violent rumbling sound, Yue Xinxin was thrown a snowball by a huge force and flew into the sky.

She didn't know how long she had been flying, it seemed like a century before she started to slow down, and then it seemed like a century before she started to fall.

Although the falling time was longer, it gave her enough room to buffer, but because she was thrown too high and the downforce was too strong, she still smashed the ground into a huge deep pit when she landed!

When she crawled out of the pit, she looked around in a daze, and this place was already in the Yang Realm, and there was a village not far away, and the villagers seemed to be running towards here.

The meteorite that fell from the sky must be a rare treasure!
Even if it is not a treasure, selling it to those astronomy enthusiasts, collectors or museums can make a fortune.

Yue Xinxin quickly escaped from the deep pit with her limping legs, and hid in a nearby fruit forest.

When the villagers entered the deep pit and found it was empty, they were disappointed, but they also found that there were green grass sprouts emerging from the ground inside the deep pit, and they suddenly became happy again.

This place has experienced a whole spring of drought. As the saying goes, spring rain is as expensive as oil, and many people worry about it. The drought in this season means that there may be no harvest in summer and autumn, and people will be anxious to death!
Someone felt a trace of moisture on his forehead, reached out to wipe it, and looked up at the sky.

The slender raindrops like silver needles fell from the sky, dripped on the cracked and dry soil, and soaked it.

"It's raining!"

The villagers were elated and rushed to tell each other.

This thorough and smooth heavy rain lasted for a whole day and night. As soon as the rain stopped, the ground appeared fluffy green, the leaves on the branches stretched out one after another, and the rhizomes were full of vitality.

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