Chapter 134 Games
Grandpa, father, mother and younger brother sighed at the same time.

"You are too sober. This is the first time I have encountered a subject like you, so the only way is to increase the dose. In fact, this is a certain risk for you. After all, all the current clinical data of Y-hydroxybutyric acid are It's just for ordinary people, not for soul cultivators like you."

Yue Xinxin took his arm out of the stove, it was still intact, and all five fingers were still there.

"Where am I? Who are you? What are you going to do to me?"

Grandpa, father, mother and younger brother shook their heads.

"These questions can't answer you."

Yue Xinxin lowered his head and pondered for a while, then asked: "Then tell me, what I can perceive now is only consciousness?"

Grandpa, father, mother and brother laughed.

"You are very smart. For a powerful soul cultivator like you, if the body and soul are not in my hands, how could it be possible to inject Y-hydroxybutyric acid into you?"

Yue Xinxin understood that now her body and soul are still in the pagoda, or imprisoned somewhere, and her consciousness is being used as an experimental object.

"What is the purpose of your experiment?"

"No comment on this one."

"Then what experimental results have you obtained?"

"At present, there is only a very small part of the data, and no results can be demonstrated yet, but at least it proves that my assumption is likely to be correct."

"What idea?"

"What exactly is the soul? From a scientific point of view, the soul is a kind of plasma, which is filled with this substance in the universe. In the simplest terms, the nuclear fusion reaction inside the star is the root cause of the star's luminescence and heat. When the temperature reaches a certain level, the gas inside the star will ionize and form a plasma. A small number of nuclear fusion power plants on the earth can also do this."

"So I put your physical soul in a strong magnetic field, and the plasma can be restrained. This also proves that the soul is plasma."

"The so-called state of your soul cultivators, from my point of view, is actually the density of the plasma. When the soul is just formed, that is, shortly after the brain dies, the plasma density is the lowest. Passing between protons and neutrons, as seen by ordinary people, the soul can’t hold anything, and can be passed by anything. But when the density increases further, the energy concentration of the plasma will further increase, that is, your The so-called boundary breakthrough."

"I have conducted research on your soul and found that the plasma density seems to be higher than that of soul cultivators of the same realm. I am very curious about this, can you tell me what happened?"

Yue Xinxin thought about it, probably because he had experienced the eye of disillusionment.

But because Xu Xiangyang was involved, she decided not to talk about it.

She didn't want the Guild of Creatures to know that Xu Xiangyang had the possibility of becoming a soul cultivator. His soul was missing, and if the Guild of Creatures found it first, it might be completely wiped out.

Grandpa, father, mother and younger brother saw that she was unwilling to speak, so they didn't force it and smiled easily.

"Well, this is your privacy and rights! Keeping curiosity is the premise of scientific research, please don't mind."

Yue Xinxin looked around, the earthen stove and the kitchen had disappeared, leaving her in a void.

"How long have I been in the dream you created?"

"All the dreams were created by you yourself. I just provided a bottle of chemical medicine. It took about 76 hours from you to my laboratory."

"How long am I going to stay?"

"Obviously you don't have the experience of studying and working in the laboratory. The director of the laboratory has the ownership and use rights of all experimental subjects."

Yue Xinxin was stunned, all the test subjects?
"Besides me, is there anyone else?"

"Of course there is."

Yue Xinxin was a little surprised by the answer.

So Qu Xiaoyou captured me not just for personal revenge?

She remembered being harassed and hunted down by the Guild of Creatures, but she couldn't figure out why, and no one knew.

Looking at it now, isn't he not a designated target, but one of a large number of targets?
"Your experiment has an ultimate purpose. For this purpose, the Society of Creatures will capture a group of people like me and send them to your laboratory, right? What kind of experimental subjects meet your conditions?"

"This involves the purpose of the experiment, so there is no comment."

"But, you shouldn't be arresting people indiscriminately, right? Haven't we, the experimental subjects, been scouted a long time ago?"

"You're really smart. I'm getting more and more curious about you. No wonder it took so long to catch you! I heard that the Guild of Life even caused a car accident because of you!"

car accident...

Yue Xinxin was startled suddenly, the car accident that killed Sergeant Yu Zhou!
That car accident was indeed full of doubts. She once suspected Yu Zhou's wife, and also suspected that the driver who caused the accident had been tricked, and even took money from Yu Kun for it, and lurked in Datang Entertainment City.

Going around, the car accident was not aimed at Yu Zhou at all, but at Yue Xinxin!Yu Zhou died of harming the fish in the pond!
"Why? Why exactly?"

Yue Xinxin couldn't help trembling in her heart, the death of Sergeant Yu Zhou became the sharpest needle, making her restless.

"Now that you've achieved your goal and I'm in your hands, tell me why!"

She couldn't help roaring, but the other party was indifferent.

"Calm down. As long as you cooperate, you will eventually know the reason."

Yue Xinxin sneered.

"How else can I cooperate? My body and soul can't control myself, I'm a fish on the chopping board!"

"I need you to join a game."

game?Yue Xinxin frowned, instinctively remaining skeptical.

The other party smiled gently: "All the test subjects will participate in the game, and if you can win, you will be rewarded—everything you want to know."

Yue Xinxin hesitated: "Win, what do you mean?"

"Kill everyone else."

Yue Xinxin sneered again and again.

"I'm just conscious! How to kill?"

"You don't have to worry about this, everyone's consciousness will be connected together. If that person is killed by you, then he is useless to me, and I will deal with him. In the same way, if you are killed, I will also will deal with you."

Yue Xinxin let out a "ha" sneer.

"You know, if I wake up, killing you is like killing an ant!"

"As a scientist, I think that behind every bold hypothesis, there must be a detailed argument, and you can't have nothing like you, it's just a waste of saliva."

Yue Xinxin sat down cross-legged, finding a comfortable position for herself.

"What if I say I won't participate?"

The other party was silent for a few seconds, and said with a smile: "Indeed, the minimum requirement for participants in this game is to cooperate voluntarily. I can't force you to participate. But I have already mastered your weaknesses by studying a few of your dreams."

(End of this chapter)

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