Chapter 140 Feudal Superstition
The doctor looked at her for a while, his face was dark and gloomy, after several changes, he finally sighed.

"Yes, you are right. As a scientist, I cannot lie about my work."

Yue Xinxin encouraged him with her eyes.

"go on."

A troubled look appeared on the doctor's face.

"But I can't go on. I must abide by the agreement. Any act of disclosing information to you is suspected of breach of contract."

Yue Xinxin smiled and said: "You have gone all the way to get the Xiuge, and now it is here, you don't want to know what it is like?"

"Since the Creature Guild has the means to find the Xiu Pavilion, it will naturally have the means to get you to speak out. Miss Yue Xinxin, you have no right to negotiate terms."

"Really? What means? To destroy my body and torture my soul? Then you are not afraid that I will talk nonsense and mislead you?"

The Doctor licked his lips, seeming to be weighing it up.

"Miss Yue Xinxin, we need to talk alone."

The robot walked to the depths of the rainforest, and Yue Xinxin followed alone.

Arriving at a secluded and uninhabited place, the robot turned around, and the doctor on the screen looked at Yue Xinxin with sincere eyes.

"Although I don't agree with their methods, if you insist on not cooperating, I have to do so. I will inject you with a nerve agent to keep your brain in an extremely active state. By then, even You don’t need me to ask, you will take the initiative to tell everything about Xiuge. But that kind of potion is extremely addictive and will cause great damage to your brain, which is why I have always opposed it.”

"You mean drugs?"

"Methamphetamine, one of those drugs."

Yue Xinxin felt incredible. "How credible do you think the crazy words of people who have received neurostimulants are?"

The doctor sighed. "The Guild of Creatures is a bunch of lunatics."

Yue Xinxin looked directly into the doctor's eyes.

"But I don't believe that you will sacrifice the rigor of your scientific research results for those lunatics."

The doctor's face became very ugly, obviously these words hit his sore spot.

"Okay! I'll tell you everything about the embroidery pavilion."

"You guessed it right. This embroidery pavilion originally existed in your subconscious mind. When you built a memory palace, it was actually a sorting out and induction of your past memories, experiences, and consciousness. Then the memory palace collapsed and was After several times of rebuilding, the subconscious mind was finally discovered. There is no deep secret in it, it’s just because someone intentionally buried the embroidery pavilion in your subconscious mind, and they don’t want you to discover it.”

Yue Xinxin was a little surprised. "Who? Why did you do that?"

"I only know that person is Ji Tianyun, I really don't know anything else."

Yue Xinxin thought the name was very familiar, and she was sure she had heard it somewhere.

After walking back and forth for a few steps, she suddenly patted her thigh.

"The possessed hourglass! I heard from Chen Mo and Kou Jinyi that the possessed hourglass was made by Ji Tianyun! So, the possessed hourglass that appeared at the scene of the car accident is also related to her."

She felt that all the threads were connected together. Ji Tianyun hid the embroidery pavilion in her subconscious mind. The specific reason was unknown. In order to obtain the embroidery pavilion, the Guild of Creatures arrested many suspects, including Yue Xinxin, who did not hesitate to cause a car accident and got involved Yu Zhou, and put the blame on Lu Zhaolong of Datang.

She walked back and forth, constantly chanting Ji Tianyun's name.

I heard from Chen Mo and Kou Jinyi that she was already dead, her soul was gone, why did she do this?
She sat down cross-legged, closing her eyes and concentrating.The most urgent thing is to enter the embroidery pavilion, there may be all the answers there.

The doctor asked with some concern: "Can you go in?"

"Of course not, that's why I need to cooperate with you, not with the Guild of Creatures. Only you can help me now."

The doctor is a little wary.

"It's impossible for me to do something that violates the contract."

The corners of Yue Xinxin's mouth turned up slightly, and he said with a smile, "You've already done it! I know Ji Tianyun."

The doctor was a little embarrassed, but still insisted: "I have my principles, you can't make excessive demands."

"No problem. You just need to set up a magic circle around my body, you can use animal blood, and then find a soul cultivator, the level doesn't need to be very high, as long as there is real energy in the body, then inject the real energy into the magic circle. This The magic circle is called the 36 magic circle, it is an effective means of consciousness attack, I need to attack my own consciousness, and help me to open the door of the Embroidery Pavilion."

The doctor thought for a few seconds, the plasma was trapped in a strong magnetic field, there was no possibility of escape, and there was no chance with a magic circle.

What he needs to do is to evaluate the consequences of this behavior, especially if the Guild of Creatures knows that he acted without authorization.

But in fact, this is what annoys him the most. The interference of the Creature Guild in the research has seriously affected his normal work.

They even want to use drugs to make people confess. This is like using the results of divination to verify scientific principles. It is simply a blasphemy against the spirit of science!

"Well, I promise you. But you also promise me, share all the information with me, and ensure the authenticity."

Yue Xinxin pointed her fingers towards the sky. "I swear on my grandfather's health and longevity!"

The doctor turned his head and gave some instructions to another robot, and that robot left in a hurry.

Yue Xinxin drew a sketch of the magic circle on the ground with branches and pointed it out to him. "Here, this is it. It must be exactly the same!"

When the doctor saw this picture full of runes, imprints, and twisted line segments, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.

"I am a dignified doctor, but I want to engage in this kind of feudal superstition... It's absurd!"

Complaints belong to complaints, Yue Xinxin still meticulously completed the tasks assigned by him.

Yue Xinxin sat cross-legged in the open space in the middle of the jungle, closed her eyes and concentrated her mind, and felt a strong wind blowing over the memory palace, which meant that the magic circle was taking shape.

The strong wind is getting stronger and stronger, besides the roar of the wind, there is also the sound of the tide and the waves.

Originally there was nothing around the memory palace, and Yue Xinxin didn't build anything at all, but at this moment, sea water from all directions came towards the island-like palace and slapped the carved railings on all sides of the embroidery pavilion.

Crash!Crash!The waves are turbulent, like a pair of big hands knocking on the door!

The railings and window lattices creaked and vibrated slightly in the strong wind and waves.

Yue Xinxin waited patiently. To open the embroidery pavilion while ensuring completeness, she had to work slowly and carefully.

So the magic circle she handed over to the doctor was not large in size and its power was not overbearing. On the other hand, it was also to reassure the doctor that he would be able to find any soul cultivator at random.

However, if this magic circle continues to exert its power, it will have a certain adverse effect on her. I hope this period of time will be peaceful!
(End of this chapter)

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