The lieutenant strode away and immediately mobilized the army to march towards Lianghe Town.

Shao Zuo slumped on the ground, his face ashen, knowing that he was finished.

Even if the shadow didn't kill him right away, he will be punished by military law after the commander returns!
"Are you, are you a ghost?"

Shadow chuckled. "You can understand it that way."

The three souls of heaven, earth and human beings, the seven souls of smelly lungs, decontamination, non-poison, swallowing thieves, sparrow Yin, Fu Shi, and dead dogs are the souls that everyone has.

In the eyes of ordinary people like Shao Zuo, souls are roughly equal to ghosts.

"Are you here for revenge? For whom? The Chinese who died at my hands? Let me tell you, I will not surrender! The Imperial Japanese Army will never surrender to China, even if it is a China ghost!"

Although Shao Zuo's mouth was tough, his heart was uneasy.

Thinking back to those Chinese women who died at his own hands, but I can't recall such a woman.

Could it be the woman who jumped off the cliff for her burned son yesterday?

No, the woman was possessed by a ghost before she jumped off the cliff!

And Shadow listened to him quietly, showing indifference.

Revenge for the Chinese?

Although she is also a Chinese, probably because she has lived for a long century and has seen too many family and country hatreds, these human tragedies are really a bit bearish.

The dead child and the woman who jumped off the cliff were indeed a pity, but without them, how could the people in the cave be found?

And what Ji Tianyun desperately needs right now is people!Because right now she has more important things to do.

Ordinary people or ordinary soul cultivators, once the three souls and seven souls are separated, they will be annihilated in a short time, but Ji Tianyun's three souls have left the body and seven souls for a day and a night.

She urgently needs to return to her physical body, not of course empty-handed, but with the hope of immortality.

The lieutenant led a long convoy into Lianghe Town, and ordered the head of the village to collect the residents in the area and put them on the big truck.

Some people rose up to resist, including the poorest poor and the family members of the rich.

The family members of the rich family refused to leave because the rich family did not return the treasures offered by the rich family, and because the Japanese did not keep their promises, they would confiscate their homes and send them to jail after taking money and detaining them. This made them unbearable.

But the lieutenant was unequivocal, and killed a woman in public, and the woman's son and daughter lay on the corpse and howled.

The lieutenant grabbed the woman's daughter, put a gun to her head, and said to his son, "Be good, she doesn't have to die!"

The son had no choice but to get on the truck with other family members.

The resistance of the poor is more pure, because they cannot survive.

Several of them escaped from Gulin Village and wandered to Lianghe Town, but they still couldn't escape.

When the Japanese soldiers blocked the entrance and exit of the town, they began to plot a plan to lead a group of Japanese soldiers into a wine cellar while the lieutenant was searching for people.

The Japanese soldiers chased into the wine cellar and found that the dark cellar exudes a strong aroma of wine, and there are broken wine jars and earthen jars everywhere.

When the fire lit up, the villagers held torches and walked out from behind the wine jars where they were hiding, with a look of calmness on their faces as if they were about to die!

Hearing a bang, the flames sprang up, and the wine cellar suddenly became a purgatory on earth. The villagers used this to vent their anger and comfort the child who died in the sea of ​​fire!
Although there was a small reduction in personnel, the lieutenant still successfully completed the mission and escorted the convoy along the winding mountain road into the mountain col.

The location designated by Shao Zuo is about five kilometers away from Gulin Village, in an inaccessible valley.

The lieutenant ordered everyone to get off the car and walk. Under the dim moonlight, they marched hard one step at a time, and finally saw the figure of the major.

In the night, he stood alone on the top of the mountain, looking up at the constellation of the emperor, motionless.

A soldier handed over the topographic map to the lieutenant, which was covered with various marks, and asked the lieutenant to take the person to those marks.

"What about taking people behind?" asked the lieutenant.

"Major didn't say anything, he just asked for blood, the more the better," the soldier replied.

In the eyes of the lieutenant, this order meant killing people, and using cold weapons to cause large-area wounds, because the blood shed by shooting was too little.

However, he had a bit of a problem. Generally, the guns of the junior soldiers are equipped with bayonets, which are suitable for stabbing, but not for chopping.

In desperation, he had no choice but to go back to the truck and draw a few machetes, which were used by the large group of people to open the way when they were walking in the mountains.

Lead a small group of captives to the designated marked point and order them to kneel and bow their heads.

"Execute!" the lieutenant ordered.

laugh!The head fell to the ground, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the blood vessels in the neck, all of which splashed on the ground and quickly seeped into the soil.

Another marker, where the same execution squad is executing.

One after another, the heads fell to the ground, and the thick smell of blood billowed in the air, attracting a black cloud of flies and a large number of vultures.

At a glance, there are piles of headless corpses piled together, scattered all over the grass.

However, there were too many prisoners, nearly [-]!
What is the concept of beheading one by one?Even if all the soldiers went into battle, each of them would have to have more than a dozen heads chopped off.

When the executioner arrived, his arm was so sore and numb that he couldn't even lift it!

The lieutenant used a gun to force the strongest among the prisoners to come out, and instead of executing the soldiers, he killed his compatriots, fellow villagers and even his own clan!

The strong man cried loudly and slashed with a trembling knife. The man could not die on the spot, but was still breathing intermittently and fell into extreme pain.

The lieutenant kicked the strong man down, drew his pistol, pulled the trigger, picked a second man out of the remaining captives, untied the rope, and threatened to fight.

The second person grabbed the machete, turned around and slashed at the lieutenant, but was stabbed down by the soldier next to him.

A brutal massacre was carried out before dawn. Unknown to them, the Eighth Route Army had quietly surrounded the military camp and occupied the fortress without much effort.

When the colonel returned with his troops, he was shocked to find that the king's flag had been changed at the top of the city.

Not only did he lose all his guns, bullets and other weapons and equipment, but he also lost the defense line of the land, and was even fiercely counterattacked by the Eighth Route Army, so he had to throw away his helmet and armor and flee for his life.

When it was about to leave the east, the bloody massacre in the mountain depression finally ended, and there were only more than [-] prisoners left, all of whom were young and middle-aged women.

Exhausted with blood all over his face, the lieutenant came to the foot of the mountain to ask the major for instructions on what to do next.

He didn't understand, why didn't they kill them when they entered the village?Why don't women kill?Why do you have to bring it here to kill?

Why these linger in my heart, gather into huge doubts, and give birth to more and more thick fears.

Japan also has the art of witchcraft, he is not unheard of.

The shadow of the woman he saw on Shao Zuo that day, as well as the strange behavior today, filled his mind with thick clouds.

Taro Kobayashi waved his white gloves and ordered the soldiers to escort the women into the cave.

The interior of the cave is extremely deep, with many forks and intersections, like a giant ant nest.

The women were in front, the soldiers were behind, and they all filed into the ant nest.

The lieutenant was walking in the back, watching the people in front holding torches, disappearing one by one into the dark corner of the cave, his heart suddenly trembled, and a trembling voice came out.

I'm afraid they won't be able to get out!
He couldn't help but slow down, quietly exited the cave and hid in the bushes without anyone noticing.

Taro Kobayashi stood on the top of the mountain, watching the last soldier enter the cave entrance. The fire gradually dimmed. He stamped his feet heavily, and suddenly there was a throbbing inside the mountain. Then the rocks on the surface of the mountain began to slide down, along with the surface vegetation, like a cover. A layer of green carpet on the hillside slides down from slow to fast.

After a loud rumbling sound, a large piece of rock vegetation slid from the hillside to the entrance of the cave, blocking the entrance tightly!

The lieutenant who was hiding in the bushes sank, sure enough!

He turned around and ran away, he couldn't stay here any longer, the major has gone crazy!Kill everyone!

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