The old farmer in the crop field looked up to the sky for a long time, but saw nothing strange. He couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with his brain.

Just as he lowered his head to continue farming, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something falling from the sky out of the corner of his eye. He hurriedly raised his head again, just in time to see those mud-like things falling back into the original mountain col.

"Quick...come here quickly!" The old farmer dropped his hoe in panic and ran away.

Yue Xinxin and Chen Mo fell into the cave together. Eight clay sculptures of rigor mortis fell steadily around them. They were surrounded by clouds of dense purple air, constantly radiating light outwards. That was the majestic energy inside that was leaking out!

Xiao Lin was overjoyed when he saw it. He had no hope at first, but he didn't expect Yue Xinxin to succeed!
"Can we go?" Yue Xinxin returned to her physical body and stood with Xu Xiangyang and others.

"Why are you so anxious! When I practice the art of immortality, I will naturally not be your enemy. But if I fail, I will throw you into the magic circle and see if a man can become a virgin." Xiao Lin laughed. .

Qian Yukun was furious when he heard this. "I would rather die than get pregnant!"

Xu Xiangyang was also sweating profusely. Thinking of that kind of explosive childbirth, it was really worse than death.

The expression on Xiao Lin's face suddenly froze, and the shadow of a woman walked out of his body, it was Ji Tianyun.

For the first time, everyone came face to face with this legendary figure. They saw that she looked mature and still charming, but her figure was slightly blurred because she had lost seven souls and only had three souls.

With a thud, Xiao Lin fell to the ground and gasped for air, with a look of relief on his face.

This is the real Xiao Lin, Japanese Army Major Kobayashi Taro.

Ji Tianyun walked into the circle of eight clay sculptures of rigor mortis, stretched her arms, spread her palms, and took a deep breath.

The dense purple air flew out of the clay sculpture's zombie body and penetrated into her mouth and nose, continuously and continuously.

At that time, the Japanese army massacred tens of thousands of prisoners in the magic circle. It can be said that corpses were everywhere, and blood was floating in the oars. All the resentment caused by the sky was absorbed by the magic circle, and it was transformed into telekinesis and absorbed into the clay sculptures of rigor mortis.

Afterwards, he spent decades using a woman's mother's body to conceive, absorbing the deep and pure maternal love, and then transformed it into mind power again and also incorporated it into the clay sculpture rigor mortis.

Therefore, the mental energy contained in these eight clay sculptures of rigor mortis is extremely huge and has reached an unimaginable level.

Ji Tianyun thoroughly enjoyed the feast and happily picked the fruits of the harvest.

However, she gradually felt that something was wrong. Less than two minutes had passed, and the dense purple air had a tendency to decrease rapidly. It seemed that the energy inside the clay sculpture of rigor mortis had been absorbed?
This is wrong!Shouldn't that be all?
Just as she was feeling confused, she suddenly heard chaotic voices one after another in her head.

"Son! Mom hopes that you will be born healthy and safe, and grow up happily. The sins you have suffered in your life will be worth it!"

"No, don't take away my child! That's my child! No matter what he is, he is the meat that falls from my belly. I only recognize him as my child!"

"Vicious woman! Give me back the child! I will never stand against you for taking away your child!"

There were more and more voices, and they became more and more complex. There were dozens of voices surrounding Ji Tianyun, roaring hysterically at her.

It was the more than 70 women who were driven into the cave and forced to become pregnant and give birth!

Their hatred and anger were like a violent storm, drowning Ji Tianyun in one fell swoop!

How deep a mother's love is during pregnancy, how deep is the hatred of having her child taken away after delivery!

Their voices were like sharp blades that suddenly penetrated Ji Tianyun's ears and penetrated deeply into her spiritual platform!
Ji Tianyun felt that for a moment, the Lingtai seemed to be out of control, like a small boat lost in the violent storm, and then even the three souls became numb and seemed unable to move.

This is not right!It’s like I’ve been tricked!She was just a little alert when suddenly a strong gust of wind hit her from behind, and someone attacked her!

Ji Tianyun was so frightened that she ignored the dense purple energy and quickly dodged to avoid it. She barely managed to avoid a sharp sword energy, which was Chen Mo's double-edged broad-faced heavy sword.

But before she could stand firm, her vest had been hit hard!
Yue Xinxin used the full strength of Sanyuan's peak state to take advantage of the loss of her spiritual platform and the paralysis of her three souls to attack, seriously injuring Ji Tianyun in one fell swoop!
The voice that penetrated Ji Tianyun's ears and the spiritual platform just now was made by her using the song of soul, but it was indeed the voice of the women trapped in the magic circle, so Ji Tianyun could believe it to be true and achieve the purpose of disturbing her mind. .

As for those dense purple gases, Yue Xinxin and Chen Mo poured their spiritual energy into the clay sculptures of rigor mortis to act as bait.

This kind of trick is not too clever. It is impossible for ordinary people to see the flaws as long as they examine it a little. However, Ji Tianyun's inner desire was so strong that she lost her calmness and prudence, and then she stepped into the trap set by Yue Xinxin.

The double-edged broad-faced heavy sword once again shone with cold light, and one after another the sharp sword energy pressed down on Chen Mo with all his strength.

"When the country is in crisis and the nation's survival is at stake, even an ordinary person knows how to take up arms and resist. What are you doing!"

"When your home is destroyed and your compatriots are slaughtered, even a child knows how to feel sad and sad. What are you doing!"

The sword energy bombarded Ji Tianyun, knocking the three souls to the point of collapse, but she possessed the realm of two gods after all. After several attempts to dodge, she managed to get up, and with a flip of her hand, the vast mana spread out the sword energy, and rushed towards Chen Mo like a dragon. .

Chen Mo did not dodge or dodge, but also turned his palms to resist, only to hear a loud roar, and the violent air waves knocked everyone over, sweeping away the stalactites and stalagmites in their path, and rushed towards the four walls!
There were endless crackling sounds, countless stone pillars were broken in the cave hall, and flying stones were shot everywhere like machine gun bullets!
The eight clay sculptures of rigor mortis were carried by the air waves, hit the stone wall and then bounced back, cracking and cracking numerous gaps.

Ji Tianyun first suffered a sneak attack from Yue Xinxin, and then fought with Chen Mo before she could recover. At this time, she only felt that her three souls were in chaos and on the verge of collapse.

Chen Mo took a step forward after closing his palm, rushed forward and aimed at Ji Tianyun's face. His punches were like a violent storm, sending her rolling all over the ground.

"The invaders occupied our homeland, but you used their butcher knives to kill your own compatriots. As a Chinese, do you deserve it?"

"You are a soul cultivator who cultivates your body and soul, but your hands are stained with the blood of so many innocent people. As a soul cultivator, are you worthy!"

The eight clay sculptures of rigor mortis trembled violently, and the huge energy contained inside seemed to be ready to move!

They are uncontrollable. Even Ji Tianyun, who created them back then, was unable to subdue them and use them for his own use. But now that Ji Tianyun is weak, they are like a pack of wolves that smell blood, waiting for an opportunity!

Xiao Hei grabbed the white cat Ling'er and hid behind him.

"Let's get out of here quickly, they are too dangerous!"

The girl with antlers was also shivering.

"When you think about so many people dying unjustly, how terrifying this telepathy must be!"

Qian Yukun was so anxious that he jumped up and down.

"Then don't leave quickly!"

Xu Xiangyang grabbed him.

"We can't leave! Look at this situation, maybe the entire Shanglin Village will be destroyed! We can escape, but what will happen to those villagers?"

Yue Xinxin let out a breath, Xu Xiangyang was right, walking away was not an option.

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