"Go away!" came a voice, and the girl with antlers flew from the forest, pounced forward, transformed into a moose and stood in front of Yue Xinxin, lowering her head and pointing her sharp horns at Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin sneered, even if he didn't have Ji Tianyun's powerful three souls, and he was only in the realm of the Seven Realms, he had no fear at all when facing such a girl with antlers.

"You're here to die, right? Then I'll send you on the road together!"

Just as he was about to pounce, someone suddenly emerged from the forest. It was Xu Xiangyang, Xiao Hei, Qian Yukun and Bai Mao Ling'er.

After they escaped from the underground cave, they did not go far, but waited anxiously for Yue Xinxin and Chen Mo.

When Xiao Lin saw so many people, he immediately felt in trouble, as if he couldn't beat them!

Xu Xiangyang and others did not dare to step forward. They only asked with a stern expression, "You're not dead yet?"

Xiao Lin quickly understood that they thought he was Ji Tianyun.

"Hmph! Even if I'm injured, squeezing you to death is still just like playing!"

Xiao Lin snarled a few words and retreated calmly.

"But you ants are not worthy of fighting me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and got into the grass.

But after running a few steps, an angry dragon with long thorns swam behind him quickly, wrapped around his body three times and tightened suddenly. Xiao Lin's center of gravity was unsteady and he fell to the ground.

Yue Xinxin had already woken up, and when she saw Xiao Lin, she shook out her long thorn. At first, she was worried that Ji Tianyun would fight back, but when she saw that Ji Tianyun had no power to fight back, she felt really puzzled.

When he opened the mandala fan and the fragrance penetrated into Xiao Lin's body, he wanted to capture Ji Tianyun, but what he saw was a scene of being imprisoned in a cage, and he suddenly realized.

"Let me go! I'm a victim too!" Xiao Lin begged.

Yue Xinxin snorted coldly. The Japanese Army Major at that time actually called himself a victim?It’s really the most ridiculous thing in the world!

"However, the people who wanted you to pay with your blood have now rested in peace! But it would be too cheap to just let you go like this!"

She picked up Xiao Lin. "Let me think about it, what do you want most? Freedom! Okay, then you won't get it from now on!"

Xiao Hei, White Cat Ling'er, Xu Xiangyang, Qian Yukun, Lujiao Girl and others happily surrounded Yue Xinxin.

"When the cave collapsed, I thought you hadn't escaped!"

"I'm fine. Have you seen Chen Mo?"

When Yue Xinxin woke up, she saw his clothes covering her body, indicating that he should be fine, but she searched everywhere and couldn't find him.

Everyone shook their heads, but with his ability, he probably wouldn't be buried underneath.

After searching for a long time to no avail, Yue Xinxin and others had to return in despair.

Xu Xiangyang and Qian Yukun still returned to the two-industry law firm, while Xiao Hei and White Cat Ling'er returned to the Yi Xue training class. The Antler Girl liked to stay in Yue Xinxin's apartment and became friends with Green Snake, Rooster and Scorpion.

Yue Xinxin hurried to Mozhu Academy, expecting to see Chen Mo, but in vain.

I asked all the teachers and students around, but they all said they hadn't seen him come back.

Yue Xinxin sat in Chen Mo's study in distress, holding her cheek in a daze.

There were many soul cultivators and ghost cultivators coming and going in the academy, so she decided to wait here.But day after day, there was no news, and a living person just disappeared?

Birds chirping, crickets chirping, and students sitting in twos and threes sitting on the lawn chatting could be heard outside the window, and hearty laughter drifted into the study from time to time.

"Have you heard that Ji Tianyun, the emperor's soul cultivator, appears again!"

"What? She is still alive? I haven't heard from her for so many years, and I thought she had died."

"I heard that the two souls of heaven and earth have been wiped out, the human soul is imprisoned, and the seven souls have disappeared without a trace."

"Where is the human soul? Who can imprison Ji Tianyun?"

"Who knows then!"

Yue Xinxin lay on the desk, resting her head in her arms, too lazy to pay attention to these gossips.

The big shot you are talking about is in my bronze storage mirror!

Needless to say, these gossips were spread by Qian Yukun's big mouth.The students' gossip news continued to ferment, Yue Xinxin turned her head and continued to take a nap.

"I heard that the seven souls have not escaped! Think about it, since the three souls can exist independently, why can't the seven souls?"

"Where is it then?"

"I don't know. But it is said that whoever can find the Seven Souls can get Ji Tianyun's magical power!"

"Really? That's the power of the Emperor's realm!"

"I don't know, but it sounds pretty tempting!"

Yue Xinxin frowned, raised her body and shouted.

"Where did you hear the news?"

When the students turned around and saw her, they quickly stood up and nodded respectfully. "Professor Yue!"

Yue Xinxin was a little confused. When did I receive a professional title?

Recalling it, I thought that after she and Chen Mo co-published the "Commentaries on the System of the Silla World", Mozhu Academy sent her a letter of appointment and hired her as a lecturer.

But she had been busy with work at the police station and wasn't very interested in giving lectures, so she didn't take it to heart.

Later, when I went to Datang Entertainment City, I had no time to do it.

When she returned to the academy a few days ago, a teacher from the Academic Affairs Office came to her, hoping that she could write a manuscript about the method of pacifying the souls of wronged souls by combining the mandala fan with the requiem spell, submit it for publication, and teach it in class at the same time.

Although she agreed at the time, she was always distracted because she could not find Chen Mo, and she never stood on the podium for a day.

Yue Xinxin waved her hands quickly.
"Don't call me that. Where did you hear those things just now?"

"Everyone is spreading the word! I don't know who mentioned it first. People from the Kou family residence also came to ask about it a few days ago."

Kou Jinyi?
Yue Xinxin remembered that she hadn't visited her since she came back, and she didn't know if she was healed.

So she set off for the Kou family mansion, and upon arrival, she discovered that there was another person she didn't expect.

There is a stone screen wall inside the gate of the mansion, with nine dragons and beads carved on it. It has an ancient charm and shows that the building is old.

As soon as Yue Xinxin entered the door, she saw Qi Bo lying on the screen wall, looking like a little dragon girl sleeping on a long rope.

A circle of security guards surrounded the screen wall, holding electric batons and yelling at him to come down, but Qibo turned a deaf ear.

Yue Xinxin was a little surprised, feeling that Qi Bo's madness seemed to have worsened.

"Seventh Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Ride a horse! Drive!"

Yue Xinxin was speechless and asked the security guard in a low voice.

"Why don't you get him down?"

The security guards at the Kou family mansion are not vegetarians, so why can't they do anything?
The security guard looked embarrassed.

"He is an invited guest, what can we do?"

Yue Xinxin was shocked. An array was set up on the cliff of the promontory to capture Qi Bo alive as bait. The encirclement and annihilation of the Guild of Creatures was still happening before his eyes. How could Kou Jinyi and Qi Bo turn their hostility into friendship so quickly?Aren’t you going to catch bait again this time?

But looking at Qi Bo's crazy look, he probably won't really hold a grudge.

Qi Bo suddenly covered his crotch and frowned.

"I want to pee!"

He said as he unzipped it.

Yue Xinxin turned around in a hurry, while the security guards watched with livid faces as Qi Bo relieved himself in public at the gate.

The housekeeper walked over calmly, as if he didn't see the liquid dripping on the screen wall, and said to Uncle Qi with a smile: "The lady has arranged a room for you, please go and rest."

He saw Yue Xinxin again and greeted him warmly. "It's Miss Yue, welcome! Come with me!"

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