Chu Yunyi was frowning and trying hard to swallow the rock salt crab meat when he suddenly felt something strange in the outside world and made a silent gesture to everyone.

Jiang Yuesheng, whose mental power was also at Tianjia level, also noticed something was wrong, quietly stood up, and switched the Qianji Tent to the hidden state.

Through the one-way visible runes, everyone saw a behemoth six meters tall and 20 meters long, slowly walking into the stone forest.

This is a twelfth-level adult pipe kiss gecko, covered with brown scales, with thick and powerful limbs, and five long and sharp claws on each foot.The head is slender, the eyes and ears are so small that they are almost invisible, the snout is tubular, and there are no teeth. The slender red tongue is constantly swallowing to capture the pheromones of the prey.

The head structure of the Gecko determines that ants and other insects and planetary beasts are the only food it can eat, but this does not mean that it is a mild-tempered master.

On the contrary, due to the degeneration of the eyes and ears, Guan Kiss Gecko can't detect the danger from afar by sight and hearing, so it often uses feints to scare away the large star beasts ambushing nearby.

That's why we often see Guan Kishou, who was walking quietly one second, roaring, stepping and jumping the next second, throwing rafts at boulders or dead wood around him, like a psychopath weighing more than ten tons.

The Kiss Gecko is an earth-attributed star beast. Its scales are extremely hard and strong, and its level is at the pinnacle of high-level star beasts. Instead of trying to kill it, it is better to wait quietly for it to leave.

Even though the kissing gecko is half-blind, as long as they stay quiet, it will never be able to detect their thousand-sense tent.

But things did not develop as Team Tianyi expected. Guan Kiss Gecko was not passing by, but came to the stone forest specifically to look for food.

It stammered its tongue and quickly selected a ten-meter-high stone peak. It stood upright and inserted its slender snout into a hole.Soon, the long tongue of the Kissing Gecko wrapped around an ant beast and dragged it out of the Shifeng Cave.

This is a small red fierce ant, blood red all over, with sharp and strong upper jaws, like a pair of sickles, constantly opening and closing to attack the pipe kiss gecko.

Unfortunately, the upper jaw of the little red fierce ant is no bigger than a nail clipper compared to the size of the kissing gecko. In the blink of an eye, it is dragged into the long snout and swallowed.

The digestive function of the gastric juice of the tube-kissing gecko is very strong. No matter how thick the ant shell is, once it enters its stomach, it will be dissolved into liquid in a few seconds and enter the intestines.

The crunchy little red fierce ants successfully aroused the appetite of the kissing gecko, making it want more.It was seen inserting its sharp claws into the stone cave and pulling hard. The large stone was pushed down by the kissing gecko, and the entrance to the stone cave was expanded several times than before.

The kissing gecko pushed its entire head in and crazily ate the little red ants that were resting in the hole.

In Qianji's tent, Chu Yunyi's eyes fell on the towering stone peaks, his face solemn.

It turns out that this stone forest is the nest of the red fierce ant beast. No wonder there are many holes in each stone peak, which are the portals for the red fierce ants to enter and exit.

These red fierce ants forage during the day and rest at night. They arrived at a clever time, just avoiding the active period of the ant colony, and were not harmed.

But despite the effort of kissing the gecko, the ants will definitely fight back.The Qianji Tent can confuse the poor-sighted Guanqisu Gonggong, but it cannot hide it from the ants.When the ant colony sends out a large number of soldiers to fight, they will definitely be exposed.

Rather than being besieged by the ants as intruders, it is better to rush out before things get too serious.

Chu Yunyi made up his mind and made a few gestures to Jiang Yuesheng and An Qing. The two understood it instantly and protected Lin Cai'er from the tent one after another.The four of them took advantage of the cover of night to retreat in the opposite direction of the battle.

At this time, Guan Ki Shou Gong had already eaten dozens of small red ferocious ants.As it expanded the hole more and more greedily, the ant colony finally didn't have to be stuck in the nest waiting to be slaughtered, and quickly drilled out of the broken hole.

The red fierce ant ran out of the nest, raised its antennae, and shook rapidly in the air to receive the order conveyed by the superior red fierce ant.

Red fierce ants are a highly social group. Red fierce ants living in the same group will evolve different forms and play different social roles due to different division of labor.The group of red fierce ants that ran out were a bit larger than the small red fierce ants. Their upper jaws were more protruding and huge. There was also a row of zigzag-shaped protrusions on the edge of the upper jaws, which were more suitable for fighting and biting.

They are the main fighting force in the ant colony - the giant red fierce ants. When the colony is threatened, these giant red fierce ants, led by the general fierce ants, will go out in groups to kill the intruders.

The two general ants quickly observed the surrounding situation. After collecting enough information, their tentacles faced each other, shook a few times quickly, and then separated.One turned and ran towards the stone forest behind, while the other gave orders to the giant red ants.

The tentacles of the big red ants trembled. After receiving the general's order, they showed their giant jaws and surrounded the kissing gecko.

On the other side, Chu Yunyi was leading the team to quickly evacuate from the stone forest.The ant star beasts are extremely sensitive to fluctuations in elemental power. Chu Yunyi did not dare to use the wind and dust formation, so everyone could only run away.

Because of the yellow spring soil, Chu Yunyi could not feel how many red fierce ants there were under this stone forest.But he had to prepare for the worst.

If the entire stone forest was a nest of red fierce ants, then they would undoubtedly be dancing on the tip of a knife.

The Kissing Gecko has angered the ant clan. If nothing else happens, the red fierce ant clan will send out the most powerful elite troops to eliminate the outsiders who dare to run wild in their territory.

Chu Yunyi hopes that the chaos caused by Guan Kiss Gecko will be greater, so that the ant tribe's attention will be all on Guan Kiss Gecko and ignore the few conspicuous people involved in the turmoil.

Unfortunately, things often go in the opposite direction than expected.

Just when Chu Yunyi and the others were about to reach the edge of the stone forest, the general ant that was returning to its nest to send a message had already run to the foot of a stone peak, and used its hard and huge mandible to knock on the stone, making regular "click" sounds. "Beep" sound.

These stone peaks are hollow, and the sound of percussion is like a drumbeat, quickly spreading from one place to every corner of the stone forest.

The beeping sound was the battle cry, and a slight vibration came from the depths of the earth.

Chu Yunyi felt bad and did not care about hiding the elemental fluctuations. He formed seals with his fingers, golden runes emerged, and the wind formation intertwined into a net under the four people's feet, lifting them into the air.

As soon as they took off, thousands of giant red ants poured out of all the holes in the stone peaks on both sides.

The big red ants were like red magma, quickly occupying the ground, and then gathered into a torrent, and were directed by the beep beep sound to kill in the direction of the kissing gecko.

Chu Yunyi breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully the big red ant didn't pay attention to them.The wind rolled into a formation and wrapped around the four members of Tianyi team, they were about to fly away into the distance.

At this moment, a jet of water suddenly spurted out from the hole at the top of the stone peak, like a water gun, heading straight towards the four people hanging in the air.

Alarm bells rang in Chu Yunyi's heart, his handprints changed rapidly, and countless small wind blades formed an airtight net, blocking the water column.


The water column was shattered into mist by the wind blade, and a pungent sour smell filled the air.

Everyone was shocked. This was not a water column at all, but strong acid!

If Chu Yunyi hadn't raised the wind at the critical moment, they would have been corroded by the strong acid at this moment.

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